The Botanic Garden of Sechenov University was established in 1964. First implantations were conducted in 1947 by efforts of students and academic staff. Many species of plant were brought from various parts of Russia and foreign countries, from almost every continent. A wide range of exotics, e.g. sorts of barberry (Berberis), birch (Betula), hawthorn (Crataegus), maple (Acer), moonseed (Menispermum), alder (Alnus), lilac (Syringa), rowan (Sorbus), apple (Malus), etc. have successfully naturalized and significantly broadened the varieties of medical, food, industrial, and ornamental plants cultivated in the West European midland.
At the present time the Botanic Garden is located on the left bank of the Moscow-river, just opposite to the Borodinskaya panorama on the south bench sidehill and occupies the area of about 5 ha at the height of 167 meters above sea level that forms a higher thermal regime.
Main goal of the Garden’s staff is to organize practical training in botany and pharmacognosy for students of the pharmaceutical faculty. Unique herbariums needed for teaching process, drug raw materials, real plants and fixed materials for anatomism are prepared at the Garden.
The other responsibilities of the Botanic Garden include:
The Garden conducts a voluminous correspondence and exchange of seed material with the other botanic gardens in Russia, the near-abroad and far-abroad countries.
The Botanic Garden of Sechenov University is well-known among Russian and abroad specialists. It is registered in the International Directory of Botanical Gardens published under the aegis of UNESCO.
Nowadays the Garden supervises 15 plant species of the IUCN Red List and 24 plant species of the Russian Red List. The Garden is a showcase for over 8000 plant species from around the world, including nine national collections, all immaculately displayed amongst the finest arboretum in the region.