The role of pathogens and innate immune factors in the pathogenesis of urogenital infection in pregnant women
01.01.2018 |
Karaulov A.
Afanas'ev S.
Aleshkin V.
Bondarenko N.
Voropaeva E.
Afanas'ev M.
Nesvizhskiy Y.
Borisova O.
Aleshkin A.
Urban Y.
Bochkareva S.
Borisova A.
Voropaev A.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
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© 2018 Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. A systematic review substantiates the significance of mutual influence and interaction between infection pathogens, humoral and cell-mediated innate immunity that condition triggering or termination of infectious process, its prodromal period, severity of clinical manifestations and outcomes of urogenital infections in pregnant women. The determining factor is the result of TLRs response to microbial patterns taking into account the preparedness and state of innate immune receptors. The latter might ensure a higher anti-infection resistance to the pathogen up to termination of disease, or to promote the development of infectious process with marked inflammatory reaction, or to make the infectious process chronic up to damaging the tissue cells of the macroorganism. The understanding of the mechanisms of natural anti-infectious resistance and enhanced sensitivity and susceptibility to infectious agents has been objectified. TLRs act as molecular genetic markers of anti-infection resistance of the body and its state of health.
100th Anniversary of the Soviet maternal and child healthcare system: Successes, problems, and lessons
01.01.2018 |
Baranov A.
Albitsky V.
Voprosy Sovremennoi Pediatrii - Current Pediatrics |
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© 2018 Publishing House of the Union of Pediatricians. All rights reserved. The article presents the text of the authors' report at the plenary session of the XX Congress of Pediatricians of Russia (dated February 16, 2018) dedicated to the centenary of the Soviet state mother and child welfare system. The features of its formation and development were described. The most important achievements in the field of child health care were outlined. Attention is focused on the personalities of the first facilitators of pediatric healthcare in Soviet Russia. Authors summarise the findings resulting from the history of the Soviet pediatric service.
Relationship between professional burnout in teachers and their attitude towards their health and healthy lifestyle
01.01.2018 |
Kotova M.
Rozanov V.
Ivanova E.
Profilakticheskaya Meditsina |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Over the past few decades, there has been growing concern among researchers about the health status of teachers due to their professional activities. Objective - to investigate the relationship of professional burnout (PB) in teachers towards their attitude to their own health and healthy lifestyle. Subject and methods. A total of 317 teachers (26 men and 291 women) were examined. The program encompassed a medical examination, rapid diagnosis of the stress level (L. Reeder), diagnosis of the level of emotional exhaustion (burnout) according to the questionnaire designed by V.V. Boiko, and a survey using the questionnaire that included a sociodemographic unit and questions about health attitudes. Results. Analysis of the teachers’ health self-assessment showed that 23% of women and 35% of men rated their health as good and very good; 70% of women and 62% of men regarded as satisfactory; and the remaining considered as bad. Health self-assessment decreased with higher levels of burnout. The results showed a low level of physical activity in the teachers, non-compliance with the work and rest regime, inability to manage their emotions and cope with stress, low competence in a balanced diet, and the presence of bad habits (smoking and alcohol). The number of alcohol abusers is growing in the group of women with higher PB. The women were statistically significantly ascertained to have a lower regular physical activity with a higher level of PB. Conclusion. The results show that PB has an adverse impact on health self-assessment, health attitudes, and healthy lifestyle behavior. In order to prevent PB, it is recommended that a package of preventive measures should be developed.
Scope for the Application of Blockchain in the Public Healthcare of the Russian Federation
01.01.2018 |
Koshechkin K.
Klimenko G.
Ryabkov I.
Kozhin P.
Procedia Computer Science |
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© 2018 The Author(s). Blockchain as technology described to be used in closed Systems to conduct registers of official data in public healthcare. Also this technology had found its use in different other ways, for example it is education of medical staff, control of the contracts for healthcare ServiceS. And the role of Blockchain in CALS / PLM-technologies suggested.
Digital technologies to improve effectiveness of pharmacotherapy
01.01.2018 |
Koshechkin K.
Polikarpov A.
Radzievsky G.
Procedia Computer Science |
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© 2018 The Author(s). Medical drugs interactions and adverse drug reactions are one of the major problems in pharmacotherapy. At the Sechenov University (Russia, Moscow), digital System for drug prescription management is being developed. Artificial intelligence methods to the control of drug therapy will greatly enhance the ability of the automated control System to identify potential problems in drug therapy and provide recommendations for their elimination. Introduction of this System into commercial operation will make it possible to translate the civil circulation of medicines into a single information space and increase the effectiveness of the ongoing pharmacotherapy.
Analysis of self-rated health by residents of the Untsukul District, Republic of Dagestan (on results of the questionnaire survey)
01.01.2018 |
Bekshokova P.
Abdurakhmanov G.
Bekshokov K.
Gabibova P.
Mukhtarova G.
South of Russia: Ecology, Development |
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© 2011-2018 Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University. All rights reserved. Aim. To carry out a comparative analysis of self-rated health, medical activity, and satisfaction with the quality of medical care in public health institutions by residents of rural settlements of the Untsukul district, Republic of Dagestan. Methods. The study was conducted by the method of questioning 2643 respondents, among them 1453 women and 1181 men. Results. According to the results of the survey, the majority of the interviewed residents of Untsukul district (68.2%) are satisfied with their health. Medical activity of the population at the time of the study was 60.6%. As to respondents who applied to the medical institutions of the Untsukul district during this period, 13.5% are not satisfied with the quality of medical care in public health institutions, 23.5% are fully satisfied, 30% are not fully satisfied. Conclusion. A social survey in the form of a questionnaire is one of the most effective methods of obtaining information about the self-rated health of the population. Timely analysis of medical activity of the population, its satisfaction with the quality of medical care will improve the efficiency of the health system.
The joint scientific research projects carried out by the department of forensic medicine of the sechenovsky university and the bureau of forensic medical expertise of the Moscow health department
01.01.2018 |
Nagornov M.
Shigeev S.
Lomakin Y.
Leonova E.
Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertiza |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. This article was designed to report the results of scientific research and practical forensic medical work carried out jointly by the personnel of Department of Forensic Medicine of the Sechenovsky University and the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of the Moscow Health Department during the last 5 years.
N.P. Kamenev and psychiatric care in the Tula province in the late 19th and the early 20th century
01.01.2018 |
Tereshkina O.
Bobkova E.
History of Medicine |
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© Olga V. Tereshkina, Elena N. Bobkova. The late 19th and the early 20th century showed the development of new scientific views and approaches to the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses. The need arose to create and introduce new medical institutions for the provision of assistance to the mental health patients. On the one hand, it was necessary to isolate the mental health patients who could pose a danger to themselves and others, and on the other hand, the institutions needed for this not only had to provide conditions generally approaching a regular life for the most of the patients, be effective for treatment and economically justified, but also had to follow a human mental health patients principle in their attitude towards the mental health patients. The therapeutic-labor (agricultural) psychiatric colony took up this role. One of the largest of them – the Spas-Petelinsky Psychiatric Colony – was opened in 1911 at the Tula provincial zemstvo district. Through the efforts of Kamenev, and under his leadership, a three-tier system for helping the mental health patients was created and successfully functioned in Tula and the Tula province. Several projects were developed by him. These projects – not big but still important – unfortunately were not carried out. The article focuses on Tula psychiatric establishments for medical and out-of-hospital care. In all Kamenev’s projects, in order to accelerate the implementation process and ensure maximum efficiency, there was a tendency to use various local resources, including sociocultural ones. Also, little-known information is provided on Kamenev’s Moscow activities after his departure from Tula. This article is a continuation of the authors’ research work devoted to the study of regional factors in Tula health care in the context of the reforms of the turn of the 19th and the 20th century.
Investigation of characteristics of nutrition patterns in a sample of 41-44-year-old Moscow residents with overweight and obesity
01.01.2018 |
Eganyan R.
Rozanov V.
Zvolinskaya E.
Profilakticheskaya Meditsina |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved. The characteristics of mortality in the Russian Federation are that the greatest years of potential life lost are due to deaths among 50-60-year-old men. Objective - to investigate the characteristics of nutrition patterns in a sample of 41-44-year-old Moscow residents with overweight and obesity, by taking into account the role and significance of overweight in the development of cardiovascular diseases and events. Material and methods. Actual nutrition was evaluated according to the special computer program 1C. Value of Nutrition through a 24-hour dietary recall, by applying a special food atlas. A constructed mathematical model and tables of the chemical composition of nutrients were used to obtain information about the energy value of a diet and the pattern of nutrition. Results. A total of 301 men aged 41-44 years were examined. 38.3% of them were overweight. 29% of the men were found to be obese; 83 (28.6%) men had abdominal overweight. Comparative analysis showed that overweight and obese persons consumed statistically significantly more protein and total fat than normal weight ones and people with abdominal obesity ate more saturated fats and cholesterol. There was a paradoxical decrease in the intake of simple and complex carbohydrates with increases in both weight and waist circumference. Conclusion. The findings can be used to improve methods for nutrition assessment and differentiated technology for overweight correction in primary health care facilities.
From the history of public service of medical-social expertise in Russia
01.01.2018 |
Puzin S.
Dmitrieva N.
Shurgaya M.
Solovyova N.
Filatkina N.
History of Medicine |
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© SN Puzin et al. In this article, we are looking at the stages of reorganisation of medical expert commissions into workplace health expert committees (WHEC). Classification of disability, according to which a disabled person could be assigned to one of three groups, is proposed. This classification regulated the criteria for the establishment of each group in accordance with the indications for employment. The Regulation on the WHEC, approved in 1942, practically became fundamental for all subsequent regulatory documents on the activities of the WHEC. According to this Regulation, the WHEC was able to grant certificates stating that the disability is related to being at the front. A new category of people with disabilities was created – the veterans of the Eastern Front of World War II. The Regulation on the WHEC, introduced in 1948, expanded the functions and powers of these services. The categories of people who had to be assessed by the WHEC were determined. Since 1955, the inpatient examination and the work of specialised (tubercular and psychiatric) WHEC have been organised. During 1956–1984 WHEC received the authority to set the time of the onset of disability to address the issue of pension benefits for people previously recognised as being disabled. The dates for the re-examination of people with disabilities were established. In 1956, a new Regulation on the WHEC was introduced. According to this document, as recommended by the WHEC, it was possible, in the absence of medical contraindications, for people with disabilities of all three groups to continue working, but under different conditions. During 1940–1960s, a new directive appeared – medical rehabilitation, the basic principle of which was specialised assistance to people with amputations, severe injuries of the skull, brain, spinal cord, and vertebral column. A foundation for the specialisation and improvement of expert doctors was created. The development of the state service of medical and social expertise was carried out in accordance with the new approaches of the World Health Organisation to the definition of disability, based upon the clinical and expert diagnosis of functional disorders and activity limitations.
Method of personalized forecasting, preservation, development and health management
01.01.2018 |
Marasanov A.
Valtseva E.
Minenko I.
Zvonikov V.
Gigiena i Sanitariya |
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© Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved. In the article, an overview of the information on the method and application technology of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities, Threats) analysis is presented. The specific characters of the method, the object domain of its application, the task, the methodology are disclosed. An interesting idea is the scheme of the options used to achieve more complete benefit from the method. The strengths and the shortcomings of the SWOT analysis noted by experts in the field of its application are given. Further on, the authors propose an innovative technology for using the SWOT model to develop personalized forecasting, preservation, development, and management of health, based on the provisions of the functional direction of genetics - phenomics. The advantages of technology, the urgency of its application are revealed. The new technology is based on provisions of the development of the theory of the essential adaptation. To ensure the state of health the functioning level of the body's systems must be consistent with the optimality, namely with their response norms, which determine the individual phenotype. In the process of the organism adaptation to the conditions of the external environment, the central nervous system (it's a known fact) and the significant body system (the system with the maximum response norm), determining, respectively, the specific and nonspecific responses of the organism will be released by their activity. In the interaction of body systems, it is important to take the ordering into consideration. Dominant systems can actively involve other systems of the body to the process of adaptation according to the principle of the interaction with them, by strengthening or decreasing their activity. Taking into account the direction of interaction (inhibition, toning), this fact becomes important for understanding the pathogenesis of diseases, their targeted prevention, and treatment. A comprehensive record of the mechanisms of the formation of a specific and nonspecific reaction is used in the interest of identifying and effectively preventing functional disorders in the body. The SWOT analysis technology of personalized forecasting, preservation, development and health management eliminates the main drawbacks of SWOT analysis. On the other hand, the SWOT analysis technology helps to expand the range of application of phenomics, depending on the opportunities and threats of the environment.
Medical support of the All-Russian physical culture-sports set «ready for Labor and Defense»
01.01.2018 |
Sultanova O.
Magomedova A.
Ivanova T.
Mashkovsky E.
Lazareva I.
Krasavina T.
Profilakticheskaya Meditsina |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The All-Russian physical culture-sports set «Ready for Labour and Defense» (RLD) is a system that is aimed at health improvement and patriotic education of the nation. This system consists of strength, speed, endurance, agility, and flexibility tests. Statutory requirements for each discipline have been developed taking into account the age and gender characteristics of an organism. The main aim of the RLD set is to improve the population's health; therefore much attention is focussed on the issues of medical support. The medical support of the RLD set can be arbitrarily divided into several stages: to make preliminary medical examination and to gain access to RLD tests; to check whether medical access is available and complies with the health status of their participant at the time of the tests; to render medical care when the RLD standards are fulfilled. This paper proposes to consider the stepwise medical support of the RLD set in accordance with actual normative legal acts.
Intelligent internet technology for personalized health-saving support
01.01.2018 |
Krutko V.
Bolshakov A.
Dontsov V.
Mamikonova O.
Markova A.
Molodchenkov A.
Potemkina N.
Smirnov I.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing |
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© 2018, Springer International Publishing AG. Multifactorial nature of human health and need in personifying the approach to each person leads to the fact that full implementation of healthy life style (HLS) technologies is possible only on the basis of artificial intelligence technologies, widely implemented in the preventive medicine via modern Internet technologies. Modern computer systems allow considering simultaneously big data of separate factors in health assessing and selecting of individualized recommendations for personal HLS. This article presents a concept and a structure of intelligent Internet technology for personalized health-saving support, which allow assessing health and preparing individual optimal recommendations for HLS.
Psychophysiologic features and personal-adaptive potential of students with limited abilities
01.01.2018 |
Kalenik E.
Salakhova V.
Mikhaylovsky M.
Zhelezniakova M.
Bulgakov A.
Oshchepkov A.
Electronic Journal of General Medicine |
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© 2018 by the authors; licensee Modestum Ltd., UK. Objective: The article contains the results of studying homeostasis of the cardiovascular system by the method of cardiointervalography in students with limited abilities of various programs of study at university. A psychological assessment of the attitude of students with limited abilities to their health was made. The problem of the components of the personal-adaptive potential has been studied. A study of the level of human potential of students on a separate component of “health” and in the aggregate has been conducted, as well as conclusions based on this research work have been drawn. Method: To solve the objectives set in the study, the following methods were used: the review of scientific and methodological literature, instrumental and calculated physiological research methods: variational pulsometry; mathematical analysis of the heart rate variability; calculation method for assessing adaptive capacity-adaptive capacity offered by Bayevsky; the questionnaire “Psychological features of a person’s attitude to his health”, in the framework of a study of the human potential index (health component), a questionnaire was developed based on a questionnaire for assessing the quality of life, developed at the Institute of Stress Medicine (USA) in 1993, methods-descriptive mathematical statistics and testing the hypothesis by Student’s t-test. Results: The analysis of the activity index of the sympathic regulation link-mode amplitude (AMo%) according to the standards of homeostasis, in view of variation pulsograms, is characterized in the studied groups, as moderate sympathicotonia. The AMo index in the groups is not statistically different, reflects the stabilizing effect of centralization of the heart rate control, and indicates the activation of the sympathic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). AMo 1 year = 40.8 ± 8.1%; AMo 2 year = 44.9 ± 4.8%; AMo 3 year = 43.9 ± 8.8% the index is in the upper limits of the norm, the index is normal only in the group of first year students. It can be stated that the body of students with limited abilities reacts with a nonspecific adaptive response to the study load, and this depends on the specifics of the diseases and functional reserves that are low in this category of students. The indicator of urgent adaptation-vagosympathetic balance (LF / HF) shows the greatest stress in the group of first-year students. The index is statistically reliably different from the LF / HF1 year = 2.074 ± 0.39 * (according to the paired Student’s t-criterion of dependent indices p ≤ 0.5) from that of students in the second LF / HF2 year = 1.174 ± 0.25 and the third LF / HF3 year = 1.308 ± 0.26 years of study, indicating an increase in sympathic influences. A decrease in the ratio of the LF / HF index in the groups of second and third year students can be interpreted as a positive effect. There was general adaptation to the educational process at the university, and the correct construction of training and health-related workloads, in accordance with the medical diagnosis, led to a balanced regulation of the sympathic and parasympathic nervous system. Conclusion: The stress level of regulatory systems is assessed by the value of the adaptation potential. The higher is the adaptive capacity of the circulatory system, the lower the values of the adaptive potential. The adaptive potential is an indicator that determines the interrelation of two opposite concepts: “health” and “disease”, morpho-functional changes. In case of illness, a shift towards disadaptation takes place.
A Russian adaptation of the multidimensional inventory for religious/spiritual well-being
01.01.2018 |
Agarkov V.
Alexandrov Y.
Bronfman S.
Chernenko A.
Kapfhammer H.
Unterrainer H.
Archive for the Psychology of Religion |
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© 2018 Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. It is intended in this study to present initial reliability and validity data for the Russian adaptation of the Multidimensional Inventory of Religious/Spiritual Well-being (MI-RSWB-R), as being related to personality factors and psychopathology. Therefore, the first version of the MI-RSWB-R was applied to a sample of 192 (147 females) non-clinical subjects, together with the NEO Five Factor Inventory and the Symptom-Check-List (SCL-90-R). The original six-factor structure of the scale could be replicated for the MI-RSWB-R, which also provides satisfying psychometric properties. In accordance with previous research the RSWB total score was linked to more favorable personality traits such as Extraversion (r =.45), Openness to Experience (r =.39), and Agreeableness (r =.38), which was paralleled by substantial negative correlations with increased psychopathology. Our findings support the reliability and structural validity of the MI-RSWB-R as a standardized instrument for addressing the spiritual dimension in Russian populations. Further research in clinical surroundings is now recommended.
Hepatitis B vaccination coverage of healthcare professionals in Greece
01.01.2018 |
Psarrou A.
Moisoglou I.
Meimeti E.
Dounias G.
Kikemeni A.
Siakavellas S.
Leon G.
Katsarou M.
Lagiou M.
Izotov B.
Drakoulis N.
Farmacia |
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© 2018, Romanian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences. All rights reserved. It has been reported that hepatitis B virus (HBV) is 10 times more infectious than hepatitis C virus (HCV) and 100 times more infectious than human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Although there are two approved and very effective antivirals that quickly reduce the viral load (HBV DNA) and the risk of liver damage, vaccination prevention still represents the ideal intervention to reduce the spread of the disease and to protect public health. A literature review of the studies published in English on hepatitis B vaccination coverage of healthcare professionals in Greece during the 2006-2016 period was conducted. The literature review highlighted 12 studies. Healthcare professionals’ vaccine rate ranged between 55% and 88%. Doctors had the higher vaccination rate among healthcare professionals and registered nurses compared to nurses’ aides (p < 0.05). Higher educational level, knowledge of hepatitis B and a positive attitude toward vaccines (p < 0.05) revealed as the variables that affect positively healthcare professionals to be vaccinated. Mandatory vaccination of professionals within a health policy with regard to vaccination, as well as the implementation of information programs for them, are two important interventions that may increase vaccination coverage rates.