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Application of a prospective assisted reproductive technologies register for calculating the probability of pregnancy
01.01.2018 |
Lebedev G.
Shakhova M.
Kholin A.
Malyarenko O.
Bondarenko V.
Zykov S.
Procedia Computer Science |
1 |
© 2018 The Author(s). In this article, the requirements for a prospective register of assisted reproductive technologies are considered. The basis of such a register is a specialized data store - the electronic passport of the woman's reproductive health. This register will Serve as a basis to analyse the effectiveness of the use of assisted reproductive technologies and for Supporting the making of medical decisions about the likelihood of pregnancy.
Scope for the Application of Blockchain in the Public Healthcare of the Russian Federation
01.01.2018 |
Koshechkin K.
Klimenko G.
Ryabkov I.
Kozhin P.
Procedia Computer Science |
3 |
© 2018 The Author(s). Blockchain as technology described to be used in closed Systems to conduct registers of official data in public healthcare. Also this technology had found its use in different other ways, for example it is education of medical staff, control of the contracts for healthcare ServiceS. And the role of Blockchain in CALS / PLM-technologies suggested.
Digital technologies to improve effectiveness of pharmacotherapy
01.01.2018 |
Koshechkin K.
Polikarpov A.
Radzievsky G.
Procedia Computer Science |
1 |
© 2018 The Author(s). Medical drugs interactions and adverse drug reactions are one of the major problems in pharmacotherapy. At the Sechenov University (Russia, Moscow), digital System for drug prescription management is being developed. Artificial intelligence methods to the control of drug therapy will greatly enhance the ability of the automated control System to identify potential problems in drug therapy and provide recommendations for their elimination. Introduction of this System into commercial operation will make it possible to translate the civil circulation of medicines into a single information space and increase the effectiveness of the ongoing pharmacotherapy.