Intelligent System for Health Saving
01.01.2020 |
Krut’ko V.
Dontsov V.
Markova A.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing |
10.1007/978-3-030-12082-5_19 |
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© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Multifactorial nature of human health and need in personifying the approach to each person in the health saving programs should use modern information and cognitive technologies for the tasks of health assessment and control. The article presents a concept, basic methods, and a structure of intelligent system of health saving (InSyHS), created by the authors to solve these tasks. This system implements the intelligent Internet technology based on modern cognitive methods and information about health, considering all possible health-determining essential factors (nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle, social and nature environment), and doing people to form an active relation to health with the possibility of self-diagnostics (physical and mental reserves, stress, psycho-emotional characteristics), optimization and personalization of personal health saving programs.
Standardization of training of professionals of hygienic profile: Problems and ways of solution
01.01.2018 |
Kuchma V.
Gigiena i Sanitariya |
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© Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved. The professional standard is the basis of education and training. It should meet modern requirements to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the country's population, the labor market. The current professional standard does not fully take into account the various types of economic activity in which young professionals of the medical and preventive profile will work. The main task of a specialist in the medical and prophylactic profile is to carry out activities aimed ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population (informing the control subject concerning mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements, implementation, assessing the effectiveness and effectiveness of their implementation, implementing production control, expert control, sanitary-epidemiological audit). The main employers for these young professionals are organizations of the sanitary and epidemiological services; hospitals, sanatorium, spa and resort organizations; organization of disinfection and deratization, organizations of industrial equipment, testing and analysis of the composition and purity of materials and substances; testing and analysis in the field of food hygiene; testing and analysis of physical and mechanical properties of materials and substances; examination of design documentation and engineering survey results; monitoring of environmental pollution. The professional standard of the young professionals in the hygiene profile has a particular set of qualities, skills, and behaviors that ensure the success of the career. There is a set of standards for education and training of professionals in the hygiene profile. There are sanitary and epidemiological diagnostic - activities to establish compliance (inconsistency) with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of public health. Also, there is the support of the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population, technical regulation, labor protection, various activities concerning and preventive measures; organization of monitoring and sanitary-epidemiological assessment of the risk of environmental factors affecting health. The education and training of students of medical-prophylactic faculties should be carried out taking into account modern approaches to the professional standard for the specialist of the hygienic profile and the educational standard developed on the basis of it.
Intelligent internet technology for personalized health-saving support
01.01.2018 |
Krutko V.
Bolshakov A.
Dontsov V.
Mamikonova O.
Markova A.
Molodchenkov A.
Potemkina N.
Smirnov I.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing |
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© 2018, Springer International Publishing AG. Multifactorial nature of human health and need in personifying the approach to each person leads to the fact that full implementation of healthy life style (HLS) technologies is possible only on the basis of artificial intelligence technologies, widely implemented in the preventive medicine via modern Internet technologies. Modern computer systems allow considering simultaneously big data of separate factors in health assessing and selecting of individualized recommendations for personal HLS. This article presents a concept and a structure of intelligent Internet technology for personalized health-saving support, which allow assessing health and preparing individual optimal recommendations for HLS.