Comparative analysis of methods for assessing the physical development of children and adolescents: Endless discussion in science and practice
01.09.2019 |
Kuchma V.
Skoblina N.
Nadeshdin D.
Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo |
10.24110/0031-403X-2019-98-5-196-201 |
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© 2019, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved. The question of the methodology for assessing the physical development (PD) of the child population remains debatable. An analytical, prospective, cohort study (8300 children) was performed. A comparative evaluation of 4 methods of PD assessment based on informativity criterion is presented. The ratio of methods and content of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is shown. Advantages of the complex technique were revealed, which is important for pediatricians, since the stated deviation in child's PD allows to determine the amount of diagnostic, preventive, and health-improving measures and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. Within the confines of Decade of Childhood, it is necessary to eliminate the existing contradictions in normative base of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, medical statistics, and medical personnel training.
School and university medicine in Europe: State, issues and solutions (some results of xix european congress on school and university medicine)
01.09.2018 |
Kuchma V.
Naryshkina E.
Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo |
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© 2018; Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved. An expert analysis of lectures and reports at the XIX Congress of the European Union of School and University Medicine and Health (Belgium, Leuven, 2017) presents issues of school and university medicine: modern approaches to assessment of children’s health; ensuring equal access of all children, adolescents and youth to medical care during the period of education in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, regardless of socioeconomic status, ethnicity and cultural level; the effectiveness of health services, friendly to students, assessment of medical care for students quality; the role of parents in organizing medical care for students; the role of the media in shaping the identity of children in the process of growth and development. The concept of «positive health» focuses on positive and healthy aspects, and not only on medical treatment. The main elements of «positive health» include: physical functioning, daily routine, mental health, social activity, intentions, quality of life. In Europe prevails a program approach to prevention based on targeted work with relevant groups of children and adolescents. There is a need for assessing the impact of environmental factors, access to care and education for children with special needs, providing preventive care for vulnerable children, infants and their families, promoting healthy behavior among students, special approaches to providing mental health to students through available health services and various programs, incl. based on the welfare of children and interventions in the early stages of emotional problems considering risk factors that can be identified in educational institutions. Modern main directions of research in the field of health protection and promotion of students in educational organizations are due to large-scale changes in the environment (pronounced urbanization), the new way of life and quality of life for children and adolescents, their life conditions in a rapidly changing world combined with unfavorable trends in health and development indicators of the growing up generation of Russians.
Comparison of interdental oral hygiene aids efficiency in patients with healthy periodontium: a split-mouth study
01.01.2018 |
Makeeva I.
Budaychieva Z.
Turkina A.
Makeeva M.
Budina T.
Stomatologiia |
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AIM: Comparison of different interdental aids efficiency in patients with healthy periodontium. METHODS: A non-randomized controlled split-mouth study was carried out in 25 young adults with healthy periodontium. The mouth was divided into 4 quadrants. All the participants used manual toothbrush. Additional hygienic aids included SPS prime (Curaprox) interdental in quadrant 1 brushes, dental floss (Curaprox) in quadrant 2, unituft toothbrush (Curaprox) in quadrant 3, no interdental aids were used in quadrant 4. The oral hygiene efficiency was assessed after 4 weeks with Silness-Loe Plaque Index (PI) and Rustogi et al. Modified Navy Plaque Index (RMNPI). RESULTS: After 4 weeks the mean value of PI decreased from 1.2±0.27 to 0.7±0.28, the mean value of RMNPI decreased from 0.7±0.11 to 0.5±0.16. At the primary examination, there was no statistically significant difference of PI and RMNPI values between the quadrants. After 4 weeks, ANOVA test demonstrated significant difference between the quadrants. The minimal PI and RMNPI values were determined in quadrant 1 (0.4±0.16 and 0.3±0.11, respectively). The maximal PI and RMNPI values were determined in quadrant 4 (1.0±0.21 and 0.6±0.14, respectively). There was no significant difference between quadrants 2 and 3. CONCLUSION: In limitations of this study, the maximal oral hygiene efficiency was achieved with use of manual toothbrush combined with interdental brush.
Standardization of training of professionals of hygienic profile: Problems and ways of solution
01.01.2018 |
Kuchma V.
Gigiena i Sanitariya |
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© Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved. The professional standard is the basis of education and training. It should meet modern requirements to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the country's population, the labor market. The current professional standard does not fully take into account the various types of economic activity in which young professionals of the medical and preventive profile will work. The main task of a specialist in the medical and prophylactic profile is to carry out activities aimed ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population (informing the control subject concerning mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements, implementation, assessing the effectiveness and effectiveness of their implementation, implementing production control, expert control, sanitary-epidemiological audit). The main employers for these young professionals are organizations of the sanitary and epidemiological services; hospitals, sanatorium, spa and resort organizations; organization of disinfection and deratization, organizations of industrial equipment, testing and analysis of the composition and purity of materials and substances; testing and analysis in the field of food hygiene; testing and analysis of physical and mechanical properties of materials and substances; examination of design documentation and engineering survey results; monitoring of environmental pollution. The professional standard of the young professionals in the hygiene profile has a particular set of qualities, skills, and behaviors that ensure the success of the career. There is a set of standards for education and training of professionals in the hygiene profile. There are sanitary and epidemiological diagnostic - activities to establish compliance (inconsistency) with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of public health. Also, there is the support of the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population, technical regulation, labor protection, various activities concerning and preventive measures; organization of monitoring and sanitary-epidemiological assessment of the risk of environmental factors affecting health. The education and training of students of medical-prophylactic faculties should be carried out taking into account modern approaches to the professional standard for the specialist of the hygienic profile and the educational standard developed on the basis of it.