Acute IL-1RA treatment suppresses the peripheral and central inflammatory response to spinal cord injury
01.12.2021 |
Yates A.G.
Jogia T.
Gillespie E.R.
Couch Y.
Ruitenberg M.J.
Anthony D.C.
Journal of Neuroinflammation |
10.1186/s12974-020-02050-6 |
0 |
© 2021, The Author(s). Background: The acute phase response (APR) to CNS insults contributes to the overall magnitude and nature of the systemic inflammatory response. Aspects of this response are thought to drive secondary inflammatory pathology at the lesion site, and suppression of the APR can therefore afford some neuroprotection. In this study, we examined the APR in a mouse model of traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI), along with its relationship to neutrophil recruitment during the immediate aftermath of the insult. We specifically investigated the effect of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) administration on the APR and leukocyte recruitment to the injured spinal cord. Methods: Adult female C57BL/6 mice underwent either a 70kD contusive SCI, or sham surgery, and tissue was collected at 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours post-operation. For IL-1RA experiments, SCI mice received two intraperitoneal injections of human IL-1RA (100mg/kg), or saline as control, immediately following, and 5 hours after impact, and animals were sacrificed 6 hours later. Blood, spleen, liver and spinal cord were collected to study markers of central and peripheral inflammation by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and qPCR. Results were analysed by two-way ANOVA or student’s t-test, as appropriate. Results: SCI induced a robust APR, hallmarked by elevated hepatic expression of pro-inflammatory marker genes and a significantly increased neutrophil presence in the blood, liver and spleen of these animals, as early as 2 hours after injury. This peripheral response preceded significant neutrophil infiltration of the spinal cord, which peaked 24 hours post-SCI. Although expression of IL-1RA was also induced in the liver following SCI, its response was delayed compared to IL-1β. Exogenous administration of IL-1RA during this putative therapeutic window was able to suppress the hepatic APR, as evidenced by a reduction in CXCL1 and SAA-2 expression as well as a significant decrease in neutrophil infiltration in both the liver and the injured spinal cord itself. Conclusions: Our data indicate that peripheral administration of IL-1RA can attenuate the APR which in turn reduces immune cell infiltration at the spinal cord lesion site. We propose IL-1RA treatment as a viable therapeutic strategy to minimise the harmful effects of SCI-induced inflammation.
Combined Lycium babarum polysaccharides and C-phycocyanin increase gastric Bifidobacterium relative abundance and protect against gastric ulcer caused by aspirin in rats
01.12.2021 |
Hsieh S.Y.
Lian Y.Z.
Lin I.H.
Yang Y.C.
Tinkov A.A.
Skalny A.V.
Chao J.C.J.
Nutrition and Metabolism |
10.1186/s12986-020-00538-9 |
0 |
© 2021, The Author(s). Background: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin are used for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Chronic use of low-dose aspirin is associated with the occurrence of gastric ulcer. The aim of this study was to investigate the healing potential of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) from Chinese Goji berry and C-phycocyanin (CPC) from Spirulina platensis on gastric ulcer in rats. Methods: Male Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into five groups: normal, aspirin (700 mg/kg bw), LBP (aspirin + 100 mg/kg bw/d LBP), CPC (aspirin + 50 mg/kg bw/d CPC), and MIX (aspirin + 50 mg/kg bw/d LBP + 25 mg/kg bw/d CPC) groups. Gastric ulcer was developed by daily oral feeding of aspirin for 8 weeks. Treatments were given orally a week before ulcer induction for 9 weeks. Results: The MIX group elevated gastric cyclooxygenase-1, prostaglandin E2, and total nitrite and nitrate levels by 139%, 86%, and 66%, respectively, compared with the aspirin group (p < 0.05). Moreover, the MIX group reduced lipid peroxides malondialdehyde levels by 78% (p < 0.05). The treatment of LBP and/or CPC increased gastric Bifidobacterium relative abundance by 2.5–4.0 times compared with the aspirin group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: We conclude that combined LBP and CPC enhance gastroprotective factors, inhibit lipid peroxidation, and increase gastric Bifidobacterium relative abundance. Combined LBP and CPC have protective potential against gastric ulcer caused by aspirin in rats.
Combined Lycium babarum polysaccharides and C-phycocyanin increase gastric Bifidobacterium relative abundance and protect against gastric ulcer caused by aspirin in rats
01.12.2021 |
Hsieh S.Y.
Lian Y.Z.
Lin I.H.
Yang Y.C.
Tinkov A.A.
Skalny A.V.
Chao J.C.J.
Nutrition and Metabolism |
10.1186/s12986-020-00538-9 |
0 |
© 2021, The Author(s). Background: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin are used for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Chronic use of low-dose aspirin is associated with the occurrence of gastric ulcer. The aim of this study was to investigate the healing potential of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) from Chinese Goji berry and C-phycocyanin (CPC) from Spirulina platensis on gastric ulcer in rats. Methods: Male Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into five groups: normal, aspirin (700 mg/kg bw), LBP (aspirin + 100 mg/kg bw/d LBP), CPC (aspirin + 50 mg/kg bw/d CPC), and MIX (aspirin + 50 mg/kg bw/d LBP + 25 mg/kg bw/d CPC) groups. Gastric ulcer was developed by daily oral feeding of aspirin for 8 weeks. Treatments were given orally a week before ulcer induction for 9 weeks. Results: The MIX group elevated gastric cyclooxygenase-1, prostaglandin E2, and total nitrite and nitrate levels by 139%, 86%, and 66%, respectively, compared with the aspirin group (p < 0.05). Moreover, the MIX group reduced lipid peroxides malondialdehyde levels by 78% (p < 0.05). The treatment of LBP and/or CPC increased gastric Bifidobacterium relative abundance by 2.5–4.0 times compared with the aspirin group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: We conclude that combined LBP and CPC enhance gastroprotective factors, inhibit lipid peroxidation, and increase gastric Bifidobacterium relative abundance. Combined LBP and CPC have protective potential against gastric ulcer caused by aspirin in rats.
Life-conditions and anthropometric variables as risk factors for oral health in children in Ladakh, a cross-sectional survey
01.12.2021 |
Cagetti M.G.
Cocco F.
Calzavara E.
Augello D.
Zangpoo P.
Campus G.
BMC Oral Health |
10.1186/s12903-021-01407-4 |
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© 2021, The Author(s). Background: The aim of this survey was to evaluate the severity of dental caries among children living in Zanskar Valley (Ladakh, India) and its association with anthropometric and background variables. Methods: This cross‐sectional survey was conducted on schoolchildren divided into four age groups (< 6, ≥ 6 < 11, ≥ 11 < 14 and > 14 years of age). A total of 1474 schoolchildren (607 males, 41.2%) were examined. Actual caries prevalence (dt/DT) and gingival bleeding were recorded by four calibrated dentists. An ad hoc questionnaire evaluated general health, eating habits, oral hygiene and the self-perception of oral conditions. Height, weight, waist circumference, heart-rate and oxygen-saturation were also collected directly by examiners. Responses to questionnaire items were treated as categorical or ordinal variables. The relationship between children’s caries data, gingival bleeding, gender, Body Mass Index (BMI) following the International Obesity Task Force, waist circumference and questionnaire items was assessed using the Kruskal–Wallis test and Pearson correlation. Conditional ordinal logistic regression was used to analyse associations among caries severity, gender, BMI, waist circumference, oxygen saturation and questionnaire items. A forward stepwise logistic regression procedure was also carried-out to estimate the ORs of gingival bleeding prevalence and the covariates derived from examination or questionnaire. Results: Caries was almost ubiquitarian with only 10.0% of caries-free children (dt/DT = 0). Caries severity, in both primary and permanent dentitions, was statistically significantly related to gender, waist circumference, BMI, oral hygiene frequency and self-reported chewing problems (p < 0.01 in both dentitions). An increasing relative risk for caries in permanent dentition compared to caries-free subjects was observed in children with a low BMI (RRR = 1.67, 95%CI = 1.54/2.83 for subjects with 1–3 caries lesions and RRR = 1.52, 95%CI = 1.36/1.74 for subjects with > 3 caries lesions); also, children with reduced waist circumference had a higher relative risk to have 1–3 caries lesions (RRR = 2.16, 95%CI = 1.84/2.53) and an even higher risk to have more than 3 caries lesions (RRR = 4.22, 95%CI = 3.33/5.34). Conclusions: A significant impact of untreated caries lesions was observed in Ladakh schoolchildren; low BMI values and reduced waist circumference showed to be the main caries risk predictors. Preventive and intervention programmes should be implemented to improve children's oral health.
Life-conditions and anthropometric variables as risk factors for oral health in children in Ladakh, a cross-sectional survey
01.12.2021 |
Cagetti M.G.
Cocco F.
Calzavara E.
Augello D.
Zangpoo P.
Campus G.
BMC Oral Health |
10.1186/s12903-021-01407-4 |
0 |
© 2021, The Author(s). Background: The aim of this survey was to evaluate the severity of dental caries among children living in Zanskar Valley (Ladakh, India) and its association with anthropometric and background variables. Methods: This cross‐sectional survey was conducted on schoolchildren divided into four age groups (< 6, ≥ 6 < 11, ≥ 11 < 14 and > 14 years of age). A total of 1474 schoolchildren (607 males, 41.2%) were examined. Actual caries prevalence (dt/DT) and gingival bleeding were recorded by four calibrated dentists. An ad hoc questionnaire evaluated general health, eating habits, oral hygiene and the self-perception of oral conditions. Height, weight, waist circumference, heart-rate and oxygen-saturation were also collected directly by examiners. Responses to questionnaire items were treated as categorical or ordinal variables. The relationship between children’s caries data, gingival bleeding, gender, Body Mass Index (BMI) following the International Obesity Task Force, waist circumference and questionnaire items was assessed using the Kruskal–Wallis test and Pearson correlation. Conditional ordinal logistic regression was used to analyse associations among caries severity, gender, BMI, waist circumference, oxygen saturation and questionnaire items. A forward stepwise logistic regression procedure was also carried-out to estimate the ORs of gingival bleeding prevalence and the covariates derived from examination or questionnaire. Results: Caries was almost ubiquitarian with only 10.0% of caries-free children (dt/DT = 0). Caries severity, in both primary and permanent dentitions, was statistically significantly related to gender, waist circumference, BMI, oral hygiene frequency and self-reported chewing problems (p < 0.01 in both dentitions). An increasing relative risk for caries in permanent dentition compared to caries-free subjects was observed in children with a low BMI (RRR = 1.67, 95%CI = 1.54/2.83 for subjects with 1–3 caries lesions and RRR = 1.52, 95%CI = 1.36/1.74 for subjects with > 3 caries lesions); also, children with reduced waist circumference had a higher relative risk to have 1–3 caries lesions (RRR = 2.16, 95%CI = 1.84/2.53) and an even higher risk to have more than 3 caries lesions (RRR = 4.22, 95%CI = 3.33/5.34). Conclusions: A significant impact of untreated caries lesions was observed in Ladakh schoolchildren; low BMI values and reduced waist circumference showed to be the main caries risk predictors. Preventive and intervention programmes should be implemented to improve children's oral health.
Comparison between conventional and compressed sensing cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance for feature tracking global circumferential strain assessment
01.12.2021 |
Kido T.
Hirai K.
Ogawa R.
Tanabe Y.
Nakamura M.
Kawaguchi N.
Kurata A.
Watanabe K.
Schmidt M.
Forman C.
Mochizuki T.
Kido T.
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance |
10.1186/s12968-021-00708-5 |
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© 2021, The Author(s). Background: Feature tracking (FT) has become an established tool for cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR)-based strain analysis. Recently, the compressed sensing (CS) technique has been applied to cine CMR, which has drastically reduced its acquisition time. However, the effects of CS imaging on FT strain analysis need to be carefully studied. This study aimed to investigate the use of CS cine CMR for FT strain analysis compared to conventional cine CMR. Methods: Sixty-five patients with different left ventricular (LV) pathologies underwent both retrospective conventional cine CMR and prospective CS cine CMR using a prototype sequence with the comparable temporal and spatial resolution at 3 T. Eight short-axis cine images covering the entire LV were obtained and used for LV volume assessment and FT strain analysis. Prospective CS cine CMR data over 1.5 heartbeats were acquired to capture the complete end-diastolic data between the first and second heartbeats. LV volume assessment and FT strain analysis were performed using a dedicated software (ci42; Circle Cardiovasacular Imaging, Calgary, Canada), and the global circumferential strain (GCS) and GCS rate were calculated from both cine CMR sequences. Results: There were no significant differences in the GCS (− 17.1% [− 11.7, − 19.5] vs. − 16.1% [− 11.9, − 19.3; p = 0.508) and GCS rate (− 0.8 [− 0.6, − 1.0] vs. − 0.8 [− 0.7, − 1.0]; p = 0.587) obtained using conventional and CS cine CMR. The GCS obtained using both methods showed excellent agreement (y = 0.99x − 0.24; r = 0.95; p < 0.001). The Bland–Altman analysis revealed that the mean difference in the GCS between the conventional and CS cine CMR was 0.1% with limits of agreement between -2.8% and 3.0%. No significant differences were found in all LV volume assessment between both types of cine CMR. Conclusion: CS cine CMR could be used for GCS assessment by CMR-FT as well as conventional cine CMR. This finding further enhances the clinical utility of high-speed CS cine CMR imaging.
A new indolocarbazole derivative in melanoma and carcinoma lung in vivo treatment
01.12.2021 |
Lantsova A.
Golubeva I.
Borisova L.
Nikolaeva L.
Ektova L.
Dmitrieva M.
Orlova O.
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies |
10.1186/s12906-021-03294-2 |
0 |
Objective: The current scientific research direction is development of drugs with a targeted effect on malignant tumors. One of the promising groups is indolocarbazoles and their derivatives, which can initiate various tumor cell death pathways. Russian scientists from N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation has developed a new experimental drug form of the original compound LCS 1269 with cytotoxic and antiangiogenic properties, blocking vasculogenic mimicry in tumor. The study aim is the experimental drug form LCS 1269 antitumor activity on models of transplantable mouse tumors B-16 melanoma and Lewis epidermoid lung carcinoma (LLC) with different routes and modes of administration. Material and methods: Female F1 hybrid mice (C Bl/ x DBA/2) and male and female linear mice C BL/ were used for management of tumor strains. Mice were obtained from N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation vivarium. The antitumor effect was assessed by tumor growth inhibition (TGI) and increase of treated animal’s life span (ILS) compared to the control. Results: The experimental drug form showed high antitumor activity when administered intravenously once at doses of 100 and 120 mg/kg (TGI = 98–82% and TGI = 95–77%, respectively, ILS = 24%, p < 0.05) on melanoma B-16 mice. On LLC mice, the experimental drug form showed that the intravenous administration route was effective in the range of doses from 60 to 80 mg/kg with a 5 day administration regimen with an interval of 24 h. A dose of 70 mg/kg had maximum effect at the level of TGI = 96–77% (p < 0.05) with its retention for 20 days after the end of treatment. Conclusion: The studies have shown that the new compound LCS 1269 in the original drug form, has a pronounced antitumor activity and significantly reduces the volume of tumor mass both on melanoma B-16 and on LLC. It allows us to recommend continue the search for sensitivity of animal transplantable tumors to LCS 1269. 57 6 57 6
A new indolocarbazole derivative in melanoma and carcinoma lung in vivo treatment
01.12.2021 |
Lantsova A.
Golubeva I.
Borisova L.
Nikolaeva L.
Ektova L.
Dmitrieva M.
Orlova O.
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies |
10.1186/s12906-021-03294-2 |
0 |
Objective: The current scientific research direction is development of drugs with a targeted effect on malignant tumors. One of the promising groups is indolocarbazoles and their derivatives, which can initiate various tumor cell death pathways. Russian scientists from N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation has developed a new experimental drug form of the original compound LCS 1269 with cytotoxic and antiangiogenic properties, blocking vasculogenic mimicry in tumor. The study aim is the experimental drug form LCS 1269 antitumor activity on models of transplantable mouse tumors B-16 melanoma and Lewis epidermoid lung carcinoma (LLC) with different routes and modes of administration. Material and methods: Female F1 hybrid mice (C Bl/ x DBA/2) and male and female linear mice C BL/ were used for management of tumor strains. Mice were obtained from N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation vivarium. The antitumor effect was assessed by tumor growth inhibition (TGI) and increase of treated animal’s life span (ILS) compared to the control. Results: The experimental drug form showed high antitumor activity when administered intravenously once at doses of 100 and 120 mg/kg (TGI = 98–82% and TGI = 95–77%, respectively, ILS = 24%, p < 0.05) on melanoma B-16 mice. On LLC mice, the experimental drug form showed that the intravenous administration route was effective in the range of doses from 60 to 80 mg/kg with a 5 day administration regimen with an interval of 24 h. A dose of 70 mg/kg had maximum effect at the level of TGI = 96–77% (p < 0.05) with its retention for 20 days after the end of treatment. Conclusion: The studies have shown that the new compound LCS 1269 in the original drug form, has a pronounced antitumor activity and significantly reduces the volume of tumor mass both on melanoma B-16 and on LLC. It allows us to recommend continue the search for sensitivity of animal transplantable tumors to LCS 1269. 57 6 57 6
Inhaled iloprost improves gas exchange in patients with COVID-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome
01.12.2021 |
Tsareva N.A.
Avdeev S.N.
Kosanovic D.
Schermuly R.T.
Trushenko N.V.
Nekludova G.V.
Critical Care |
10.1186/s13054-021-03690-7 |
0 |
Novel CAR T therapy is a ray of hope in the treatment of seriously ill AML patients
01.12.2021 |
Marofi F.
Rahman H.S.
Al-Obaidi Z.M.J.
Jalil A.T.
Abdelbasset W.K.
Suksatan W.
Dorofeev A.E.
Shomali N.
Chartrand M.S.
Pathak Y.
Hassanzadeh A.
Baradaran B.
Ahmadi M.
Saeedi H.
Tahmasebi S.
Jarahian M.
Stem Cell Research and Therapy |
10.1186/s13287-021-02420-8 |
0 |
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a serious, life-threatening, and hardly curable hematological malignancy that affects the myeloid cell progenies and challenges patients of all ages but mostly occurs in adults. Although several therapies are available including chemotherapy, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT), and receptor-antagonist drugs, the 5-year survival of patients is quietly disappointing, less than 30%. alloHSCT is the major curative approach for AML with promising results but the treatment has severe adverse effects such as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Therefore, as an alternative, more efficient and less harmful immunotherapy-based approaches such as the adoptive transferring T cell therapy are in development for the treatment of AML. As such, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are engineered T cells which have been developed in recent years as a breakthrough in cancer therapy. Interestingly, CAR T cells are effective against both solid tumors and hematological cancers such as AML. Gradually, CAR T cell therapy found its way into cancer therapy and was widely used for the treatment of hematologic malignancies with successful results particularly with somewhat better results in hematological cancer in comparison to solid tumors. The AML is generally fatal, therapy-resistant, and sometimes refractory disease with a disappointing low survival rate and weak prognosis. The 5-year survival rate for AML is only about 30%. However, the survival rate seems to be age-dependent. Novel CAR T cell therapy is a light at the end of the tunnel. The CD19 is an important target antigen in AML and lymphoma and the CAR T cells are engineered to target the CD19. In addition, a lot of research goes on the discovery of novel target antigens with therapeutic efficacy and utilizable for generating CAR T cells against various types of cancers. In recent years, many pieces of research on screening and identification of novel AML antigen targets with the goal of generation of effective anti-cancer CAR T cells have led to new therapies with strong cytotoxicity against cancerous cells and impressive clinical outcomes. Also, more recently, an improved version of CAR T cells which were called modified or smartly reprogrammed CAR T cells has been designed with less unwelcome effects, less toxicity against normal cells, more safety, more specificity, longer persistence, and proliferation capability. The purpose of this review is to discuss and explain the most recent advances in CAR T cell-based therapies targeting AML antigens and review the results of preclinical and clinical trials. Moreover, we will criticize the clinical challenges, side effects, and the different strategies for CAR T cell therapy.
Identification of synergistic and antagonistic actions of environmental pollutants: Bisphenols A, S and F in the presence of DEP, DBP, BADGE and BADGE·2HCl in three component mixtures
01.05.2021 |
Jatkowska N.
Kudłak B.
Lewandowska P.
Liu W.
Williams M.J.
Schiöth H.B.
Science of the Total Environment |
10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144286 |
0 |
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Ecosystems are facing increased pressure due to the emission of many classes of emerging contaminants. However, very little is known about the interactions of these pollutants, such as bisphenols (BPs), plasticizers or pharmaceuticals. By employing bioluminescent bacteria (Microtox assay), we were able to define interactions between selected emerging pollutants (namely BPA, BPS, BPF, BADGE, BADGE·2HCl, DEP, DBP) in ternary mixtures, at environmentally relevant concentration levels (down to as low as 1.89, 1.42, 3.08, and 0.326 μM for, respectively, BPA, BPF, BPS and BADGE·2HCl). We provide the first systematic analysis of bisphenols and phthalates in three component mixtures. Using this system, we performed toxicity modelling with concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) approaches, followed by data interpretation using Model Deviation Ratio (MDR) evaluation. Interestingly, we mathematically and experimentally confirmed a novel synergy between BPA, BADGE and BADGE·2HCl. The synergy of BPA, BADGE and BADGE·2HCl is distinct, with both models suggesting these analytes have a similar mode of action (MOA). Moreover, we unexpectedly found a strong antagonistic impact with DEP, in mixtures containing BPA and BADGE analogues, which is confirmed with both mathematical models. Our study also shows that the impact of BPS and BPF in many mixtures is highly concentration dependent, justifying the necessity to perform mixture studies using wide concentration ranges. Overall, this study demonstrates that bioluminescent bacteria are a relevant model for detecting the synergistic and antagonist actions of environmental pollutants in mixtures, and highlights the importance of analyzing combinations of pollutants in higher order mixtures.
Latent alterations in swimming behavior by developmental methylmercury exposure are modulated by the homolog of tyrosine hydroxylase in Caenorhabditis elegans
01.05.2021 |
Ke T.
Prince L.M.
Bowman A.B.
Aschner M.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology |
10.1016/ |
0 |
© 2021 Elsevier Inc. Methylmercury (MeHg) is a persistent environmental neurotoxicant that may cause adverse neurodevelopmental effects. Previous studies showed that developmental MeHg exposure caused damage to brain functions that were unmasked after a silent period of years or decades. However, the underlying mechanisms of the latent neurotoxicity associated with MeHg exposure from earlier developmental stages have yet to be fully understood. Herein, we established a Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) model of developmental MeHg latent toxicity. Synchronized L1 stage worms were exposed to MeHg (0, 0.05, 0.5 and 5 μM) for 48 h. Swimming moving speeds at adulthood were analyzed in worms exposed to MeHg exposure at early larvae stages. Worms developmentally exposed to MeHg had a significant decline in swimming moving speed on day 10 adult stage, but not on day 1 or 5 adult stage, even though the mercury level in the worms exposed to 0.05 or 0.5 μM MeHg were below the quantification limit on day 10 adult. Day 10 adult worms treated with MeHg showed a significant decrease in bending angle and bending frequency during swimming. Furthermore, their reduced moving speeds tended to increase during the 300-s swimming experiment. Dopamine signaling is known to be involved in the regulation of worms' moving speed. Accordingly, the moving speed of worms with cat-2 (mammalian tyrosine hydroxylase homolog) mutation or dat-1 deletion were assayed on day 10 adult. The cat-2 mutant worms did not show a decline in moving speeds, body bends or bending angles during swimming on day 10 adult stage. Analyses of moving speeds of worms with dat-1 deletion showed that the moving speeds were further reduced after MeHg exposure. However, the effects of MeHg and dat-1 deletion were not synergistic, as the interaction between these parameters did not attain statistical significance. Altogether, our results suggest that developmental MeHg exposure reduced moving speed, and this latent toxicity was less pronounced in the context of deficient production of dopamine synthesis. Tyrosine hydroxylase plays an important role in regulating dopamine-mediated modulation of neurobehavioral functions. These findings uncovered a pivotal role of dopamine and its metabolism in the latent neurotoxic effects of MeHg.
Adsorption and photocatalytic performance of Au nanoparticles decorated porous Cu<inf>2</inf>O nanospheres under simulated solar light irradiation
15.04.2021 |
Zhao C.
Fu H.
Yang X.
Xiong S.
Han D.
An X.
Applied Surface Science |
10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.149014 |
0 |
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. In this work, pristine Cu2O and Au nanoparticle modified Cu2O (Au/Cu2O) spherical nanocomposites were prepared by a simple redox method at room temperature. The as-prepared Cu2O nanospheres with diameters of 150–200 nm show relatively large surface area. The dye removal abilities of the pure Cu2O and the Au/Cu2O nanocomposites were tested by evaluating their adsorption and photocatalytic activities towards different aromatic molecules (e.g., Congo red (CR), Methyl orange (MO), Methyl blue (MB), Rhodamine B (RhB)). The experimental results indicate that the Au/Cu2O nanocomposites exhibit much superior adsorption and photocatalytic properties to the pristine Cu2O nanospheres. Among the catalysts, 1 wt% Au/Cu2O nanocomposite shows the best removal abilities to various dyes. Besides, the removal abilities towards these dyes are quite different from each other. For deep understanding of the adsorption mechanism, molecular dynamics (MD) caculations were conducted to investigate the adsorption energy of the Cu2O spheres by simulating the porous structure and Au modification. The calculation results indicate that CR and MO are chemically adsorbed on the Cu2O materials while the adsorption of MB and RhB are physical adsorption, which are well consistent with the experimental results. This study demonstrates the porous Cu2O based nanocomposites are promising materials with high adsorption and solar light-photocatalytic performance. In the meanwhile, the underlying mechanism on the superior dye removal abilities of Au modified Cu2O nanospheres were systematically discussed.
Ultrathin Langmuir–Schaefer films of slipped-cofacial J-type phthalocyanine dimer: Supramolecular organization, UV/Vis/NIR study and nonlinear absorbance of femtosecond laser radiation
15.04.2021 |
Kazak A.V.
Marchenkova M.A.
Khorkov K.S.
Kochuev D.A.
Rogachev A.V.
Kholodkov I.V.
Usol'tseva N.V.
Savelyev M.S.
Tolbin A.Y.
Applied Surface Science |
10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.148993 |
0 |
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. Based on a comprehensive theoretical and experimental approach, a low-defect thin film of stable dimeric phthalocyanine zinc complex (bis-[2-hydroxy-9(10),16(17), 23(24)-tri-tert-butylphthalocyanine]zinc – J-[OHPctZn]2) was prepared. It is shown that the dye forms stable amorphous edge-on monolayers at the air/water interface with an insignificant content of cylindrical 3D aggregates. These floating layers keep their structure when transferred by the Langmuir-Schaefer method onto a solid substrate, demonstrating a tendency towards ordered H-aggregation with preserving their linear molecular properties. Mixed two- and three-photon absorption of femtosecond laser pulses (280 fs) was firstly detected on this sample, as well as the ability of a material to the nonlinear attenuation of the intense irradiation, which is important for optical limiting.
Laser fabrication of composite layers from biopolymers with branched 3D networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes for cardiovascular implants
15.03.2021 |
Gerasimenko A.Y.
Kurilova U.E.
Savelyev M.S.
Murashko D.T.
Glukhova O.E.
Composite Structures |
10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113517 |
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© 2020 Elsevier Ltd A laser technology has been developed for fabricating structures from composite layers based on biopolymers: albumin, collagen, and chitosan with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT). The structures are intended for cardiovascular devices and tissue-engineered implants. This is evidenced by the results of studies. The composite layers were fabricated due to the phase transition of biopolymers and SWCNT aqueous dispersion under the influence of laser pulses. At the same time branched 3D networks of SWCNT were formed in the biopolymer matrix. The threshold energy fluence of laser pulses was determined (0.032–0.083 J/cm2) at which a bimodal distribution of pores was observed. The calculation of contact resistances between nanotubes at percolation units of 3D networks (20–100 kOhm) was carried out. Composite layers fabricated by laser demonstrated conductivity values that were higher (12.4 S/m) than those for layers by thermostat (4.7 S/m). The maximum hardness of the composite layers with SWCNT (0.01 wt%) by laser was 482 ± 10, 425 ± 10, and 407 ± 15 MPa for albumin, collagen and chitosan, respectively. The hardness of the thermostat layers was less than 100 MPa. The viability of endothelial cells in composite layers was improved. The composite layers ensured a normal level of hemolysis during interaction with erythrocytes.
Associations between metabolic syndrome and four heavy metals: A systematic review and meta-analysis
15.03.2021 |
Xu P.
Liu A.
Li F.
Tinkov A.A.
Liu L.
Zhou J.C.
Environmental Pollution |
10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116480 |
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© 2021 Elsevier Ltd Four most concerned heavy metal pollutants, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury may share common mechanisms to induce metabolic syndrome (MetS). However, recent studies exploring the relationships between MetS and metal exposure presented inconsistent findings. We aimed to clarify the relationship between heavy metal exposure biomarkers and MetS using a meta-analysis and systematic review approach. Literature search was conducted in international and the Chinese national databases up to June 2020. Of selected studies, we extracted the relevant data and evaluated the quality of each study's methodology. We then calculated the pooled effect sizes (ESs), standardized mean differences (SMDs), and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using a random-effect meta-analysis approach followed by stratification analyses for control of potential confounders. Involving 55,536 participants, the included 22 articles covered 52 observational studies reporting ESs and/or metal concentrations on specific metal and gender. Our results show that participants with MetS had significantly higher levels of heavy metal exposure [pooled ES = 1.16, 95% CI: 1.09, 1.23; n = 42, heterogeneity I2 = 75.6%; and SMD = 0.22, 95% CI: 0.15, 0.29; n = 32, I2 = 94.2%] than those without MetS. Pooled ESs in the subgroups stratified by arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury were 1.04 (95% CI: 0.97, 1.10; n = 8, I2 = 61.0%), 1.10 (0.95, 1.27; 11, 45.0%), 1.21 (1.00, 1.48; 12, 82.9%), and 1.26 (1.06, 1.48; 11, 67.7%), respectively. Pooled ESs in the subgroups stratified by blood, urine, and the other specimen were 1.22 (95% CI: 1.08, 1.38; n = 26, I2 = 75.8%), 1.06 (1.00, 1.13; 14, 58.1%), and 2.41 (1.30, 4.43; 2, 0.0%), respectively. In conclusion, heavy metal exposure was positively associated with MetS. Further studies are warranted to examine the effects of individual metals and their interaction on the relationship between MetS and heavy metals. The exposure to heavy metals was positively associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Exposures to lead and mercury had a stronger association with the risk of metabolic syndrome.
CNS genomic profiling in the mouse chronic social stress model implicates a novel category of candidate genes integrating affective pathogenesis
08.03.2021 |
Demin K.A.
Smagin D.A.
Kovalenko I.L.
Strekalova T.
Galstyan D.S.
Kolesnikova T.O.
De Abreu M.S.
Galyamina A.G.
Bashirzade A.
Kalueff A.V.
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry |
10.1016/j.pnpbp.2020.110086 |
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© 2020 Elsevier Inc. Despite high prevalence, medical impact and societal burden, anxiety, depression and other affective disorders remain poorly understood and treated. Clinical complexity and polygenic nature complicate their analyses, often revealing genetic overlap and cross-disorder heritability. However, the interplay or overlaps between disordered phenotypes can also be based on shared molecular pathways and ‘crosstalk’ mechanisms, which themselves may be genetically determined. We have earlier predicted (Kalueff et al., 2014) a new class of ‘interlinking’ brain genes that do not affect the disordered phenotypes per se, but can instead specifically determine their interrelatedness. To test this hypothesis experimentally, here we applied a well-established rodent chronic social defeat stress model, known to progress in C57BL/6J mice from the Anxiety-like stage on Day 10 to Depression-like stage on Day 20. The present study analyzed mouse whole-genome expression in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus during the Day 10, the Transitional (Day 15) and Day 20 stages in this model. Our main question here was whether a putative the Transitional stage (Day 15) would reveal distinct characteristic genomic responses from Days 10 and 20 of the model, thus reflecting unique molecular events underlining the transformation or switch from anxiety to depression pathogenesis. Overall, while in the Day 10 (Anxiety) group both brain regions showed major genomic alterations in various neurotransmitter signaling pathways, the Day 15 (Transitional) group revealed uniquely downregulated astrocyte-related genes, and the Day 20 (Depression) group demonstrated multiple downregulated genes of cell adhesion, inflammation and ion transport pathways. Together, these results reveal a complex temporal dynamics of mouse affective phenotypes as they develop. Our genomic profiling findings provide first experimental support to the idea that novel brain genes (activated here only during the Transitional stage) may uniquely integrate anxiety and depression pathogenesis and, hence, determine the progression from one pathological state to another. This concept can potentially be extended to other brain conditions as well. This preclinical study also further implicates cilial and astrocytal mechanisms in the pathogenesis of affective disorders.
Speciation of essential nutrient trace elements in coconut water
01.03.2021 |
Alchoubassi G.
Kińska K.
Bierla K.
Lobinski R.
Szpunar J.
Food Chemistry |
10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127680 |
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© 2020 Elsevier Ltd Coconut water (Cocos Nucifera) is shown to be a source of essential elements present in the form of low-molecular weight stable complexes known for their bio-availability. The total element concentrations were in the range of 0.2–2.7, 0.3–1, 3–14 and 0.5–2 ppm for Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn, respectively, and varied as a function of the origin of the nut and its maturity. Speciation was investigated by size-exclusion chromatography - inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS), and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) - electrospray-Orbitrap MS. The metal species identified included: iron complexes with citrate and malate: FeIII(Cit)3(Mal), FeIII(Cit)2(Mal)2, FeIII(Mal)2, glutamine: FeIII(Glu)2 and nicotianamine: FeII(NA); copper complexes with phenylanine: CuII(Phe)2 and CuII(Phe)3 and nicotianamine: CuII(NA); zinc complexes with citrate: ZnII(Cit)2 and nicotianamine ZnII(NA) and manganese complex with asparagine MnII(Asp)2. The contributions of the individual species to the total elements concentrations could be estimated by HILIC – ICP MS.
The distribution of conjunctival goblet cells in mice
01.03.2021 |
Welss J.
Punchago N.
Feldt J.
Paulsen F.
Annals of Anatomy |
10.1016/j.aanat.2020.151664 |
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© 2020 Purpose: To evaluate the density and distribution of conjunctival goblet cells in mice without clinical evidence of ocular surface diseases. Methods: Immediately after euthanasia of C57BL/6 wild-type mice, the eyes including eyelids were removed and fixed in paraformaldehyde. Entire eyeballs and eyelids were cut in series along the sagittal axis from nasal to temporal on a microtome and then stained with Periodic Acid-Schiff acid to visualize the goblet cells. At each section stained in this way, the conjunctival goblet cells of the entire upper and lower lid conjunctiva were counted by light microscopy. Additional (transmission electron microscopy) (TEM)-Analysis on ultrathin sections was performed to evaluate morphological differences. Results: The total number of conjunctival goblet cells differs markedly between individual animals. Categorisation into upper eyelid (UL) and lower eyelid (LL) and into regions (nasal, middle, temporal) revealed a significant increase of goblet cells from nasal to temporal in the UL and a significant decrease in the LL. Conclusion: The distribution of conjunctival goblet cells in mice differs considerably from humans and between individual animals. Therefore, precise selection of sampling and methods are needed to obtain comparable data. We recommend to use the middle region of the conjunctiva of UL/LL for goblet cell studies in mice. These findings are of particular interest for dry eye mouse models as well as pharmacological studies on mice with influence on their goblet cells.
Arboviruses in the Astrakhan region of Russia for 2018 season: The development of multiplex PCR assays and analysis of mosquitoes, ticks, and human blood sera
01.03.2021 |
Nikiforova M.A.
Kuznetsova N.A.
Shchetinin A.M.
Butenko A.M.
Kozlova A.A.
Larichev V.P.
Vakalova E.V.
Azarian A.R.
Rubalsky O.V.
Bashkina O.A.
Tkachuk A.P.
Gushchin V.A.
Gintsburg A.L.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution |
10.1016/j.meegid.2021.104711 |
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© 2021 Elsevier B.V. The Astrakhan region of Russia is endemic for the number of arboviruses. In this paper, we describe the results of the detection of the list of neglected arboviruses in the Astrakhan region for the 2018 season. For the purpose of the study in-house PCR assays for detection of 18 arboviruses have been developed and validated using arboviruses obtained from Russian State Collection of Viruses. Pools of ticks (n = 463) and mosquitoes (n = 312) as well as 420 samples of human patients sera have been collected and analyzed. Using developed multiplex real-time PCR assays we were able to detect RNA of eight arboviruses (Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Dhori (Batken strain) virus, Batai virus, Tahyna virus, Uukuniemi virus, Inkoo virus, Sindbis virus and West Nile fever virus). All discovered viruses are capable of infecting humans causing fever and in some cases severe forms with hemorrhagic or neurologic symptoms. From PCR-positive samples, we were able to recover one isolate each of Dhori (Batken strain) virus and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus which were further characterized by next-generation sequencing. The genomic sequences of identified Dhori (Batken strain) virus strain represent the most complete genome of Batken virus strain among previously reported.