Faculty of Pediatrics


The Faculty of Pediatrics was founded on 2005. Today it is composed of 7 chairs.

The Faculty of Pediatrics provides undergraduate education in Pediatrics. Graduates of the Faculty receive the degree of a Pediatrician.

It is granted to medical students after the completion of their 6 year full-time degree program. The Faculty of Pediatrics also provides postgraduate training residency in Pediatrics, Neonatology, Pediatric and Adolescent Hygiene, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Pediatric Cardiology. PhD and continuing educational programs are also available.

The Faculty is headed by professor Ekaterina I. Alexeeva, M.D., PhD, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Pediatric rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health.

Chairs are headed by professors. Most of the Faculty members have Phd and MD research degrees. The Faculty of Pediatrics provides training in patient care at the National Medical Research Center of Child’s Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology and perinatology and other main Moscow Pediatric Hospitals.

The main research interests of the department are prevention, recognition and treatment of childhood diseases. Members of the Paediatrics and Infectious Diseases are involved in a variety of national and international research projects, collaborating with the leading academic teams across the globe.
Departmental staff is heavily engaged in clinical work, providing daily expert advice to the physicians working on the wards and outpatient department of the Children’s Hospital №9.
We are constantly working on child’s health improvement through state of the art medical care, research, training and advocacy.

Chair of Introduction to Pediatrics

The Chair of Introduction to Pediatrics of The Faculty of Pediatrics was organized in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council First MSMU I. M. Sechenov from 10.11.2011 and the order of the Rector of 29.11.2011.

The Chair of Introduction to Pediatrics is the first student chair of the Faculty of Pediatrics. The Department conducts classes on subjects: "First aid and patient care" with the 1st year students of pediatric faculty, “Nursing” - students 1 and 2 courses of pediatric faculty "Propaedeutics of children's diseases" with 3rd year students of pediatric faculty, "Pediatrics" - with students of 4-5 courses of Faculty of Preventive Medicine.

At the Department trains specialists in Pediatrics.

The Chair of Introduction to Pediatrics has the opportunity to obtain postgraduate education, which consists in passing a one-year clinical internship and two-year clinical residency and postgraduate study in Pediatrics.

Since 2012 the Chair is headed by Professor, M.D., Erdes Svetlana Ilinichna.

Chear of Hygiene of Children and Teenagers

Chear of Hygiene of Children and Teenagers of the First Moscow State Medical University I.M. Sechenov, the oldest in Russia, was founded in 1926 at the Medical Faculty of Moscow State University. Has a rich historical experience in the organization of educational and professional activities, both students and graduates in the field of hygiene and health of children and adolescents.

The chear trains students of the pediatric faculty in two disciplines "Hygiene" and "Fundamentals of the formation of children's health."

The chear works on the basis of the Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Federal Medical Academy of Children's Health of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to use the Institute's potential in the academic and scientific work of the department (library of scientific literature, information and methodological documents, scientific laboratories.

Chair of Pediatrics and pediatric rheumatology

The Chair of Pediatrics and pediatric rheumatology was founded in 2005.

The Chair provides undergraduate education in pediatrics and postgraduate training in pediatrics and pediatric rheumatology: residency, PhD and continuing education programs.

The Chair provides training in patient care at the National Medical Research Center of Child’s Health of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation.

Ten members of the Chair have M.D. and PhD research degrees, four members have M.D. research degrees.

All members of the Chair are the members of professional association “Union of Pediatricians of Russia” and develop Clinical guidelines in the most fields in Pediatrics.

The Head of the Chair, Professor E.I. Alexeeva is the dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief pediatric rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation.

Professor of the Chair A.A. Baranov is the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the National Medical Research Center of Child’s Health, Chief pediatrician of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation.

Chair of Pediatric Surgery and Urology-andrology

Since 2013 a director of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Urology-Andrology of is Professor D.A. Morozov. In September 2016 he was elected for 209 Cheremushkinskiy district of Moscow the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation with the subsequent election of the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on health protection.

The staff of the Department consists of highly skilled children's surgeons and urologists: prof. V.V. Rostovskaya, prof. M.M. Lochmatow, associate professor A.V. Bryantsev and E.S. Pimenova; assistant M.I. Airapetian.

The main task of the department is post-qualifying education of child's surgeons and methodical work is aimed at providing teaching of «child's surgery» to the students of pediatric faculty of Sechenov University.

In November 2013 it was first created the scientific student's group at the Department , including more than 60 students of pediatric and medical faculties, and in January 2014 it was started the University project "School of skill-Pediatric Surgery", which included 10 students. Graduates of skill are competent young professionals, savvy as theoretically and practically.

The Department of Children's Surgery is organized in 2008 on the basis of Scientific Center of Children’s Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Science as the educational division which is carrying out postdegree training of children's surgeons of the country.

In 1961 on the Solyanka professor S. D. Ternovsky organized surgical service of Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Science. Alexey I.Generalov started working as the consultant.

At that time the Department worked with problems of abdominal, thoracic surgery and surgery of a liver, including portal hypertensia.

V.N. Yermolin worked in the clinic. From 1964 till 1980, the Department was headed by Professor A.G. Pugachev.

At that time an associate professor Yermolin V.N and professor Yatsyk P. K. actively continued to work with problems of portal hypertensia, and urology.

Chair of Pediatrics and Infectious Disease

Department of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases was founded in 1932 by G.N. Speransky and since then it is providing fine traditions of the greatest pediatricians of the past.

The Chair provides an undergraduate education in the pediatrics and infectious disease, postgraduate training in pediatrics: two year clinical residency, PhD and continuing education programs.

The Head of the Chair, Professor A.A. Korsunskiy is also in the lead of the G.N. Speransky Children’s City Clinical Hospital №9 of The Ministry of Health of Russian Federation .

The Chair consists of four professors with MScD research degree and nine docents and assistants with PhD research degree. All of them are involved in a variety of national and international research projects.

Students of the Faculty of Pediatrics study at the Chair from the 4th to the 6th grade. The Chair conducts classes on the children’s diseases, including children’s infectious diseases.

The main research interests of the department are prevention, recognition and treatment of childhood diseases. The Chair provides training in patient care at the G.N. Speransky Children’s City Clinical Hospital №9 of The Ministry of Health of Russian Federation.

Chair staff is heavily engaged in clinical work, providing daily expert advice to the physicians working on the wards and outpatient department of the Children’s Hospital №9.

Chair of Restorative medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneology

The chair provides training programs for additional education. Priority direction of scientific activity of the chairt is the development and improvement of non-drug treatment technologies for specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education.
The Chair conducts training programs, followed by: Programme of professional training in the specialty "Physical Therapy". Training Program in "Physiotherapy" (144 hours). Both programs have been developed for doctors and pediatricians. Also developed Training Programs "Medical rehabilitation" and "Medical rehabilitation in pediatrics".
In 2015, the Chair for the first time carried out course “Physiotherapy for nurses”. The research activities of the Chair:  "Development of modern technologies of training specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education on the basis of biomedical research achievements."
The clinical and educational base: Gause "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, rehabilitation and sports medicine Moscow Department of Health".

Creation of the Chair dates back to 1993, when on the initiative of academician, doctor of medical sciences, professor Alexander N. Razumov, in the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education in MMA. THEM. Sechenov by the decision of the Academic Council of the MMA named after IM Sechenov Russia's first department of rehabilitation medicine was established. The main aim of the chair - education of students in the theoretical and practicalknowledge in regenerative and rehabilitation medicine. Currently, the clinical base of the department is "Moscow Scientific-Practical Center of Medical Rehabilitation, rehabilitation and sports medicine Moscow Health Department". Clinical work carried out in the Centre's branches is an integral part of the teaching staff of the department.
In 1997, by order №123 from 17.10 Ministry of Science and Technology a new specialty was introduced in the nomenclature specialties researchers - 14.00.51 "Regenerative medicine, which is currently being transformed into a joint specialty 14.03.11". Regenerative medicine, sports medicine, physiotherapy, balneology and physiotherapy "
The staff of the Chairrestorative medicine, rehabilitation and balneology of the Institute of Professional Education is the first in the Russian Federation scientific and pedagogical training school for doctors by specialty.The Chair has developed a highly creative team of teachers.
At the present time, based on the provisions of the Concept of Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020 and the Guidelines of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period until 2018 there is a need for training of highly qualified personnel in the scientific specialty - 14.03.11 - Regenerative medicine, sports medicine, physiotherapy, balneology and physiotherapy (medical sciences)/ At the same time, the implementation of the basic tenets of regenerative medicine will ensure the realization of the health potential for conducting a full social and personal life, morbidity reduction, disability and premature mortality, improved quality of life and demographic situation in the country.

Chair of Neonatology

Chair of neonatology pediatric faculty decision of the Academic Council of the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov is organized in 2012. The first cycle of improvement of doctors in the specialty "Neonatology" was held in January 2013. The clinical base of the department is the Federal State Budget Institution National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Classes are held in the departments of newborns, resuscitation and intensive care, pathologies of newborns and premature babies, neonatal surgery, the scientific advisory pediatric department, and also in the Simulation and Training Center of this institution.