Evaluation of a novel intervention to improve physical activity for adults with whiplash associated disorders: Protocol for a multiple-baseline, single case experimental study
01.12.2019 |
Clanchy K.
Tweedy S.
Tate R.
Sterling M.
Day M.
Nikles J.
Ritchie C.
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications |
10.1016/j.conctc.2019.100455 |
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© 2019 The Authors Half of individuals with a whiplash injury experience ongoing pain and disability. Many are insufficiently active for good health, increasing their risk of preventable morbidity and mortality, and compounding the effects of the whiplash injury. This paper describes a protocol for evaluating the efficacy of a physical activity promotion intervention in adults with whiplash associated disorders. A multiple-baseline, single case experimental design will be used to evaluate the effects of a physical activity (PA) intervention that includes evidence-based behaviour change activities and relapse prevention strategies for six adults with chronic whiplash. A structured visual analysis supplemented with statistical analysis will be used to analyse: accelerometer-measured PA, confidence completing PA in the presence of neck pain, and pain interference.
Nandrolone decanoate and physical activity affect quadriceps in peripubertal rats
01.07.2018 |
Sretenovic J.
Ajdzanovic V.
Zivkovic V.
Srejovic I.
Corbic M.
Milosevic V.
Jakovljevic V.
Milosavljevic Z.
Acta Histochemica |
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© 2018 Elsevier GmbH Anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) are synthetic analogs of testosterone often used by athletes to increase the skeletal muscle mass. Our goal was to examine the effects of physical activity and physical activity combined with supraphysiological doses of nandrolone on functional morphology of the quadriceps muscle. The study included 32 peripubertal Wistar rats, divided into 4 groups: control (T-N-), nandrolone (T-N+), physical activity (T+N-) and physical activity plus nandrolone (T+N+) groups. The T+N- and T+N+ group swam for 4 weeks, 1 h/day, 5 days/week. The T-N+ and T+N+ groups received nandolone decanoate (20 mg/kg b.w.) once per week, subcutaneously. Subsequently, the rats were sacrificed and muscle specimens were prepared for the processing. Tissue sections were histochemically and immunohistochemically stained, while the image analysis was used for quantification. Longitudinal diameter of quadriceps muscle cells was increased for 21% in T-N+, for 57% in T+N- and for 64% in T+N+ group while cross section muscle cell area was increased in T-N+ for 19%, in T+N- for 47% and in T+N+ group for 59%, compared to the control. Collagen fibers covered area was increased in T-N+ group for 36%, in T+N- for 109% and in T+N+ group for 159%, compared to the control. Erythrocyte depots were decreased in T-N+ group and increased in T+N- and T+N+ group, in comparison with T-N-. VEGF depots were increased in all treated groups. Chronic administration of supraphysiological doses of AASs alone or in combination with physical activity induces hypertrophy and significant changes in the quadriceps muscle tissue structure.
Medical-biological aspects of recovery in professional and amateur sports
01.01.2018 |
Achkasov E.
Mashkovskiy E.
Bezuglov E.
Predatko K.
Nikolaeva A.
Magomedova A.
Khomich R.
Medical News of North Caucasus |
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© 2018 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved. The review considers the basic principles of recovery after exercise in professional and amateur sports. Restoration of the body is the return of physical parameters to the initial values, increasing the adaptive capacity after performing physical work. Proper recovery after exercise helps avoid problems such as physical fatigue, lack of nutrient intake, injuries of various severity, dehydration, etc. A number of factors influence the human body during recovery: a balanced diet, adequate rest and sleep, psychological and emotional unloading, gymnastics, massage, contrast shower and others. Comprehensive rehabilitation programs in sports should include methods with proven effectiveness, take into account the individual characteristics of the athlete and the dominant form of physical activity, and consider the recovery period as an integral part of the entire training plan.
The use of a specialized food product based on fermented milk whey to enhance the adaptive potential of athletes (skiers-riders)
01.01.2018 |
Litvin F.
Bruk T.
Klochkova S.
Kalosha A.
Nikityuk D.
Voprosy Pitaniia |
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© 2018 Nutritec. All rights reserved. Specialized sports nutrition is one of the most important factors in the extension of the functional potential of athletes, providing adaptive resistance to physical stress, which determines the high physical performance and prolongs athletic longevity of the athletes. The study involved 30 skiers-racers (the average age of 19.5±1.8 years). 12 skiers of the main group within 21 days consumed a specialized food product, obtained on the basis of fermented milk whey containing amino acids, several vitamins, minerals and trace elements, live culture of lactic acid bacteria: L. lactis, L. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus (1.2 × 10s CFU/cm3). The control group consisted of 18 skiers, those taking the placebo (food starch of the same consistency). After a course of product intake, blood level of hemoglobin increased by 6%, of leukocytes - by 10% due to an increase in the number of granulocytes by 32%, and segmented neutrophils by 16% (p<0.05), there was a tendency to increase the number of red blood cells by 7% with a significant decrease in lymphocyte count by 19%. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in blood of the skiers from the comparison group increased by 41% (p<0.05), while in the athletes of the main group it decreased by 16% (p>0.05). After product intake it has been established by the method of laser Dopplerflowmetry that there was a tendency to increase blood perfusion by 15%, a statistically reliable increase in the flux by 53%, which is based on the improvement of the internal mechanisms of microcirculation regulation. According to the mathematical analysis of cardiac rhythm, centralization of regulation decreased while the activity of an autonomous mechanism for controlling the work of the heart increased. The revealed functional changes ensured an increase of absolute (by 31%, p<0.05) and relative (by 33%, p<0.05) physical performance and aerobic endurance of skiers, contributed to the improvement of short-Term memory. The conclusion is made about the expediency of the intake of the specialized food product to enhance the adaptive capacity of athletes under the influence of systematic physical loads.
Three-year dynamics of the changes in the physical fitness, anthropometric development, food preferences, and metabolic changes in the students trained according to the modified methodology of physical culture
01.01.2018 |
Anishenko A.
Arkhangelskaia A.
Zaborova V.
Karganov M.
Alchinova I.
Polyakova M.
Medvedeva Y.
Yakovenko E.
Nikityuk D.
Gurevich K.
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury |
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BACKGROUND: The high level of physical activity is known to contribute to the harmonious development of children and adolescents: moreover; it is a factor promoting prevention of hypodynamia. The low level of physical activity is a risk factor for the development of many non-communicable diseases. However, physical education is not considered by many students as an attractive subject. AIM: The objective of the present study was the enhancement of the motivational aspects of physical activity for the prevention of hypodynamia among students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Physical education of the students was carried out with the use of the standard and modified methods. A total of 206 students (including 133 girls and 73 boys) at the mean age of 17.5±1.5 years were available for the examination. The study was conducted before the intervention (1st year) after the termination of the physical culture lessons envisaged by the academic curriculum (3rd year). The evaluation of the physical conditions and fitness of the students was conducted on the basis of the Russian Physical Culture and Sport Complex (GTO), bioimpedance analysis making use of the 'Medass' ABC-01 device; the functional reserves of the organism were assessed by means of hardware-software programs; the changes in food preferences were estimated on the basis of the FLLANK, questionnaire preliminarily adapted to the specific conditions of this country, and the characteristics of the metabolic processes were evaluated by laser correlation spectroscopy. RESULTS: Dynamics of the successful performance of the GTO normatives in the girls manifested itself in the in reduction of time they spent to run the 100 meter distance; the same was true for the boys who had to overcome the distance of 3000 meters. The students of both sexes became capable of increasing the number of repetitions of crunch and jumping rope exercises. The basal metabolism in the girls was increased within one year after the start of classes, and in the boys two years after the onset of the exercises; simultaneously, the positive changes in the metabolic profile were documented in the students of either sex. No adverse events related to the application of the modified training methods were recorded. CONCLUSION: An important aspect of the present study was the impact of new methods of teaching physical education on the composite body composition. The modified methods were found to shift dietary preferences and metabolic processes in the body of the students after the termination of the educational program.
Morbid obesity treatment in adults
01.01.2018 |
Dedov I.
Melnichenko G.
Shestakova M.
Troshina E.
Mazurina N.
Shestakova E.
Yashkov Y.
Neimark A.
Birykova E.
Bondarenko I.
Bordan N.
Dzgoeva F.
Ershova E.
Komshilova K.
Mkrtumyan A.
Petunina N.
Romantsova T.
Starostina E.
Strongin L.
Suplotova L.
Fadeev V.
Obesity and Metabolism |
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© 2018 Russian Association of Endocrinologists. All rights reserved. The presented paper is a third revision of the clinical recommendations for the treatment of morbid obesity in adults. Morbid obesity is a condition with body mass index (BMI) ≥40 kg / m2 or a BMI ≥35 kg / m2 in the presence of serious complications associated with obesity. The recommendations provide data on the prevalence of obesity, its etiology and pathogenesis, as well as on associated complications. The necessary methods for laboratory and instrumental diagnosis of obesity are described in detail. In this revision of the recommendations, the staging of prescribing conservative and surgical methods for the treatment of obesity are determined. For the first time, a group of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus is selected, in whom metabolic surgery allows a long-term improvement in the control of glycemia or remission of diabetes mellitus.