A follow-up study of mucociliary clearance and trace element and mineral status in children with chronic rhinosinusitis before and three months after endoscopic sinus surgery
01.12.2021 |
Alekseenko S.I.
Karpischenko S.
Artyushkin S.
Barashkova S.
Karganov M.
Anikin I.
Skalny A.V.
Tinkov A.A.
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology |
10.1016/j.jtemb.2021.126812 |
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Background: The existing data demonstrate the potential role of trace elements in nasal mucociliary clearance, although the association between trace element and mineral status and ciliary function in children with chronic rhinosinusitis is insufficiently studied. Therefore, the objective of the present study is evaluation of trace element and mineral status and mucociliary function in pediatric CRS patients before and after functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Methods: The present study involved 30 children with chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps. During this follow-up the patients were examined preoperatively (point 0), underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery, and were repeatedly examined at three months postoperatively (point 1). At both points the patients were subjected to quality-of-life assessment using SNOT-20 questionnaire; endoscopic and computer tomography examination of the nasal sinuses; evaluation of ciliary function and mucosal cytology using high-speed videomicroscopy; assessment of blood count and inflammatory markers; as well as analysis of trace element and mineral levels in whole blood, serum, and hair using inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry. Results: The obtained data demonstrate that endoscopic sinus surgery significantly improved sinonasal pathology in children with chronic rhinosinusitis, as evidenced by significantly reduced Lund-Mackay, Lund-Kennedy, and SNOT-20 scores. At the same time, no significant improvement of ciliary functions or mucosal cytology was observed postoperatively. Trace element status assessment demonstrated that postoperative serum Zn, whole blood Mg and Cu were significantly lower as compared to preoperative values. In contrast, serum Mn and Cr, as well as whole blood Cr and hair Se were characterized by a significant increase at three months postoperatively. Multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that serum Zn is significantly associated with the number of ciliated cells and cell viability, whereas serum Mn and whole blood Cu concentrations are inversely associated with cell viability and ciliary length, respectively. Hair Se was found to be associated with the number of neutrophils in the mucosa biopsy. Conclusion: Redistribution of trace elements and minerals may at least partially mediate prolonged recovery of mucosal ciliary function in children with chronic rhinosinusitis in three months after functional sinus surgery, although the particular mechanisms of these alterations in trace element levels are to be discovered.
A follow-up study of mucociliary clearance and trace element and mineral status in children with chronic rhinosinusitis before and three months after endoscopic sinus surgery
01.12.2021 |
Alekseenko S.I.
Karpischenko S.
Artyushkin S.
Barashkova S.
Karganov M.
Anikin I.
Skalny A.V.
Tinkov A.A.
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology |
10.1016/j.jtemb.2021.126812 |
0 |
Background: The existing data demonstrate the potential role of trace elements in nasal mucociliary clearance, although the association between trace element and mineral status and ciliary function in children with chronic rhinosinusitis is insufficiently studied. Therefore, the objective of the present study is evaluation of trace element and mineral status and mucociliary function in pediatric CRS patients before and after functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Methods: The present study involved 30 children with chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps. During this follow-up the patients were examined preoperatively (point 0), underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery, and were repeatedly examined at three months postoperatively (point 1). At both points the patients were subjected to quality-of-life assessment using SNOT-20 questionnaire; endoscopic and computer tomography examination of the nasal sinuses; evaluation of ciliary function and mucosal cytology using high-speed videomicroscopy; assessment of blood count and inflammatory markers; as well as analysis of trace element and mineral levels in whole blood, serum, and hair using inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry. Results: The obtained data demonstrate that endoscopic sinus surgery significantly improved sinonasal pathology in children with chronic rhinosinusitis, as evidenced by significantly reduced Lund-Mackay, Lund-Kennedy, and SNOT-20 scores. At the same time, no significant improvement of ciliary functions or mucosal cytology was observed postoperatively. Trace element status assessment demonstrated that postoperative serum Zn, whole blood Mg and Cu were significantly lower as compared to preoperative values. In contrast, serum Mn and Cr, as well as whole blood Cr and hair Se were characterized by a significant increase at three months postoperatively. Multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that serum Zn is significantly associated with the number of ciliated cells and cell viability, whereas serum Mn and whole blood Cu concentrations are inversely associated with cell viability and ciliary length, respectively. Hair Se was found to be associated with the number of neutrophils in the mucosa biopsy. Conclusion: Redistribution of trace elements and minerals may at least partially mediate prolonged recovery of mucosal ciliary function in children with chronic rhinosinusitis in three months after functional sinus surgery, although the particular mechanisms of these alterations in trace element levels are to be discovered.
Green approach for fabrication of bacterial cellulose-chitosan composites in the solutions of carbonic acid under high pressure CO<inf>2</inf>
15.04.2021 |
Novikov I.V.
Pigaleva M.A.
Naumkin A.V.
Badun G.A.
Levin E.E.
Kharitonova E.P.
Gromovykh T.I.
Gallyamov M.O.
Carbohydrate Polymers |
10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.117614 |
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© 2021 Elsevier Ltd The functionalization of the bacterial cellulose (BC) surface with a chitosan biopolymer to expand the areas of possible applications of the modified BC is an important scientific task. The creation of such composites in the carbonic acid solutions that were performed in this work has several advantages in terms of being biocompatible and eco-friendly. Quantitative analysis of chitosan content in the composite was conducted by tritium-labeled chitosan radioactivity detection method and this showed three times increased chitosan loading. Different physicochemical methods showed successful incorporation of chitosan into the BC matrix and interaction with it through hydrogen bonds. Microscopy results showed that the chitosan coating with a thickness of around 10 nm was formed in the bulk of BC, covering each microfibril. It was found that the inner specific surface area increased 1.5 times on deposition of chitosan from the solutions in carbonic acid.
Spectrally encoded microspheres for immunofluorescence analysis
20.02.2021 |
Sankova N.
Shalaev P.
Semeykina V.
Dolgushin S.
Odintsova E.
Parkhomchuk E.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science |
10.1002/app.49890 |
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© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC A modern immunofluorescence analysis based on spectrally encoded microspheres has found numerous and constantly growing applications in disease diagnosis, environmental supervision, and fundamental science. Here we present an overview of microsphere-based methods of multiplex immunofluorescence analysis and consider such important parameters of beads, that are crucial in most microsphere-based immunoassays, as size distribution, fluorescence stability, magnetic properties, and particle material. The preparation methods of the microspheres with tunable diameter, the introduction of various types of fluorochromes, and magnetic particles into the microspheres are discussed in details. This review also addresses the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to implement technically bead-based immunofluorescence analysis.
A microwave-triggered opening of the multifunctional polyelectrolyte capsules with nanodiamonds in the shell composition
06.01.2021 |
Borodina T.
Yurina D.
Sokovikov A.
Karimov D.
Bukreeva T.
Khaydukov E.
Shchukin D.
Polymer |
10.1016/j.polymer.2020.123299 |
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© 2020 Microcapsules are ideal cargo platform for variety of applications such as drug delivery, sensing and imaging due to the combination of a simplicity fabrication and flexibility in the design. We developed remotely collapsing polymer capsules to response to external microwave treatment. The multilayer structure of the capsules was designed to create a polyfunctional system intercalating with nanodiamonds (NDs) and upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) into the polyelectrolyte shell. NDs empower local overheating to the microcapsules, while UCNPs provide opportunity to luminescent thermal sensing. UCNPs consist of inorganic crystalline host matrix - hexagonal β-phase NaYF4, doped with pairs of trivalent lanthanide ions, which play role of sensitizer (Yb3+) and activator (Er3+). The microwave triggering followed by the capsule heating results in the controlled destruction of the polyelectrolyte shell with subsequent cargo release. UCNPs luminescence was utilized to determine the local temperature of the capsule shell at nanoscale under GHz ultrasonic treatment. Our novel approach provides on demand microcapsule system destruction, which can be used in the development of nanotheranostic platform for the unification of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
The epiphyseal secondary ossification center: Evolution, development and function
01.01.2021 |
Xie M.
Chagin A.S.
Bone |
10.1016/j.bone.2020.115701 |
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© 2020 Bone age is used widely by pediatricians to assess the skeletal maturity of a child and predict growth potential. This entails measuring the size of secondary ossification centers (SOCs), which develop with age in the ends of long bones, which are initially cartilaginous. However, little is presently known about the developmental biology, evolution and functional role of these skeletal elements. Here, we summarize the knowledge currently available in this area and discuss potential primary functions of the SOC.
The epiphyseal secondary ossification center: Evolution, development and function
01.01.2021 |
Xie M.
Chagin A.S.
Bone |
10.1016/j.bone.2020.115701 |
0 |
© 2020 Bone age is used widely by pediatricians to assess the skeletal maturity of a child and predict growth potential. This entails measuring the size of secondary ossification centers (SOCs), which develop with age in the ends of long bones, which are initially cartilaginous. However, little is presently known about the developmental biology, evolution and functional role of these skeletal elements. Here, we summarize the knowledge currently available in this area and discuss potential primary functions of the SOC.
The epiphyseal secondary ossification center: Evolution, development and function
01.01.2021 |
Xie M.
Chagin A.S.
Bone |
10.1016/j.bone.2020.115701 |
0 |
© 2020 Bone age is used widely by pediatricians to assess the skeletal maturity of a child and predict growth potential. This entails measuring the size of secondary ossification centers (SOCs), which develop with age in the ends of long bones, which are initially cartilaginous. However, little is presently known about the developmental biology, evolution and functional role of these skeletal elements. Here, we summarize the knowledge currently available in this area and discuss potential primary functions of the SOC.
Functional mechanisms for the development of acute respiratory viral infection
01.01.2021 |
Medvedev I.N.
Bakulina E.D.
Rysakova O.G.
Garina E.V.
Dorontsev A.V.
Sibgatulina F.R.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
10.31838/ijpr/2021.13.01.057 |
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© 2020, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved. In the modern world, acute respiratory viral infections are a widespread and socially significant disease. Having the similarity of structure, epidemiology and strong tropism to the respiratory tract, each causative agent of acute respiratory viral infection has its own characteristics. The most severe course with complications is characteristic of influenza. More than 200 viruses are known to cause acute respiratory viral infections. Their diversity is very great. This creates a situation when a person, having been ill with a disease caused by one virus, can immediately become infected with other viruses of this group and get sick again. For a year in the world, for an adult, 3-4 cases of the disease of acute respiratory viral infection occur. A child suffers from this infection 6-9 times during the year. 3.9 million deaths worldwide are associated with acute respiratory viral infections each year. Due to the enormous social significance of acute respiratory viral infection, the World Health Organization has launched the Battle against Respiratory Viruses initiative to combat it. Her prerequisites were problems with the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infection. It is aimed at improving diagnostic methods to differentiate viral and bacterial infections at the earliest stages of the disease, developing effective antiviral drugs for the most common viruses and safe and effective stimulants of defense mechanisms in the body. It becomes clear that acute respiratory viral infections are a diverse group of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract that have similar developmental mechanisms, epidemiological and clinical characteristics. Given that these diseases have a high contagiousness, rapid spread, a significant number of complications, especially among people at risk, they require serious and lengthy research.
Pesticides, cognitive functions and dementia: A review
15.06.2020 |
Aloizou A.M.
Siokas V.
Vogiatzi C.
Peristeri E.
Docea A.O.
Petrakis D.
Provatas A.
Folia V.
Chalkia C.
Vinceti M.
Wilks M.
Izotov B.N.
Tsatsakis A.
Bogdanos D.P.
Dardiotis E.
Toxicology Letters |
10.1016/j.toxlet.2020.03.005 |
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© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Pesticides are widely-used chemicals commonly applied in agriculture for the protection of crops from pests. Depending on the class of pesticides, the specific substances may have a specific set of adverse effects on humans, especially in cases of acute poisoning. In past years, evidence regarding sequelae of chronic, low-level exposure has been accumulating. Cognitive impairment and dementia heavily affect a person's quality of life and scientific data has been hinting towards an association between them and antecedent chronic pesticide exposure. Here, we reviewed animal and human studies exploring the association between pesticide exposure, cognition and dementia. Additionally, we present potential mechanisms through which pesticides may act neurotoxically and lead to neurodegeneration. Study designs rarely presented homogeneity and the estimation of the exposure to pesticides has been most frequently performed without measuring the synergic effects and the possible interactions between the toxicants within mixtures, and also overlooking low exposures to environmental toxicants. It is possible that a Real-Life Risk Simulation approach would represent a robust alternative for future studies, so that the safe exposure limits and the net risk that pesticides confer to impaired cognitive function can be examined. Previous studies that evaluated the effect of low dose chronic exposure to mixtures of pesticides and other chemicals intending to simulate real life exposure scenarios showed that hermetic neurobehavioral effects can appear after mixture exposure at doses considered safe for individual compounds and these effects can be exacerbated by a coexistence with specific conditions such as vitamin deficiency. However, there is an overall indication, derived from both epidemiologic and laboratory evidence, supporting an association between exposure to neurotoxic pesticides and cognitive dysfunction, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Pesticides, cognitive functions and dementia: A review
15.06.2020 |
Aloizou A.M.
Siokas V.
Vogiatzi C.
Peristeri E.
Docea A.O.
Petrakis D.
Provatas A.
Folia V.
Chalkia C.
Vinceti M.
Wilks M.
Izotov B.N.
Tsatsakis A.
Bogdanos D.P.
Dardiotis E.
Toxicology Letters |
10.1016/j.toxlet.2020.03.005 |
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© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Pesticides are widely-used chemicals commonly applied in agriculture for the protection of crops from pests. Depending on the class of pesticides, the specific substances may have a specific set of adverse effects on humans, especially in cases of acute poisoning. In past years, evidence regarding sequelae of chronic, low-level exposure has been accumulating. Cognitive impairment and dementia heavily affect a person's quality of life and scientific data has been hinting towards an association between them and antecedent chronic pesticide exposure. Here, we reviewed animal and human studies exploring the association between pesticide exposure, cognition and dementia. Additionally, we present potential mechanisms through which pesticides may act neurotoxically and lead to neurodegeneration. Study designs rarely presented homogeneity and the estimation of the exposure to pesticides has been most frequently performed without measuring the synergic effects and the possible interactions between the toxicants within mixtures, and also overlooking low exposures to environmental toxicants. It is possible that a Real-Life Risk Simulation approach would represent a robust alternative for future studies, so that the safe exposure limits and the net risk that pesticides confer to impaired cognitive function can be examined. Previous studies that evaluated the effect of low dose chronic exposure to mixtures of pesticides and other chemicals intending to simulate real life exposure scenarios showed that hermetic neurobehavioral effects can appear after mixture exposure at doses considered safe for individual compounds and these effects can be exacerbated by a coexistence with specific conditions such as vitamin deficiency. However, there is an overall indication, derived from both epidemiologic and laboratory evidence, supporting an association between exposure to neurotoxic pesticides and cognitive dysfunction, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Association between sleep duration and executive function differs between diabetic and non-diabetic middle-aged and older adults
01.01.2020 |
Titova O.
Lindberg E.
Tan X.
Elmståhl S.
Lind L.
Schiöth H.
Benedict C.
Psychoneuroendocrinology |
10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104472 |
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© 2019 The Authors Executive function is defined as a set of cognitive skills that are necessary to plan, monitor, and execute a sequence of goal-directed complex actions. Executive function is influenced by a variety of factors, including habitual sleep duration and diabetes. In the present study, we investigated in 18,769 Swedish adults (mean age: 61 y) the association between executive function, diabetes, and self-reported sleep duration. We observed a significant interaction between diabetes and sleep duration for the Trail Making Test (TMT) ratio (P < 0.01). This ratio is a measure of executive function where higher values indicate worse performance. Among diabetic participants (n = 1,523), long (defined as ≥9 h per day) vs. normal sleep duration (defined as 7–8 hours per day) was associated with a higher TMT ratio (P < 0.05). Similar significant results were observed in diabetic individuals without pharmacological treatment for diabetes (n = 1,062). Among non-diabetic participants (n = 17,246), no association between long sleep duration and the TMT ratio was observed (P > 0.05). Instead, short (defined as <7 h per day) vs. normal sleep duration was linked to a higher TMT ratio (P < 0.05). These findings suggest that the association between sleep duration and executive function differs between diabetic and non-diabetic middle-aged and older adults. Based on the cross-sectional design of the study, no firm conclusions can be drawn on the causality of the relations.
Quantum nature of consciousness – Double slit diffraction experiment in medicine
01.12.2019 |
Vujanac A.
Srejovic I.
Zivkovic V.
Jeremic N.
Jeremic J.
Bolevich S.
Bolevich S.
Jakovljevic V.
Medical Hypotheses |
10.1016/j.mehy.2019.109382 |
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© 2019 The essence of our hypothesis is quantum properties of conscious processes as well as the possibility to measure changes in conscious attention by using quantum double-slit experiment. We supposed that the act of observing in state of focused attention cause a wave function collapse in double-slit diffraction. In order to test the hypothesis, 26 participants took part in the study divided into physical and physiological parts of the experiment. The purpose of the physical system was to reproduce the brain quantum process via hypothesized quantum entanglement. The physical part consisted of a red laser source, neutral density filter, double-slit diaphragm, and linear couple charged camera, while the physiological part of the experiment was significant for the physiological quantifying state of attention. Physiological data were collected by using 29 channel electrophysiological unit with 21 channel electroencephalograph. The study had control and experimental group according to dependent variables measured in the physical part of the experiment. The data in the experimental group were collected over ten studies (sessions). Results obtained in hypothesis testing showed significant increases in corpuscular properties of the electromagnetic wave as well as significant quantum entanglement between the brain and external double-slit quantum system. Our results also offer insight into the connection between the chaotic dynamic of the electroencephalographic signals and uncertainty in the physical system due to focused attention effect. We also hypothesized that the state of concentrated attention was highest during the first several seconds. The last hypothesis considered possible backward time referral effect of cognitive evoked potential p300.
Interrogating Parkinson's disease associated redox targets: Potential application of CRISPR editing
20.11.2019 |
Artyukhova M.
Tyurina Y.
Chu C.
Zharikova T.
Bayır H.
Kagan V.
Timashev P.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine |
10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2019.06.007 |
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© 2019 Elsevier Inc. Loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra is one of the pathogenic hallmarks of Parkinson's disease, yet the underlying molecular mechanisms remain enigmatic. While aberrant redox metabolism strongly associated with iron dysregulation and accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria is considered as one of the major contributors to neurodegeneration and death of dopaminergic cells, the specific anomalies in the molecular machinery and pathways leading to the PD development and progression have not been identified. The high efficiency and relative simplicity of a new genome editing tool, CRISPR/Cas9, make its applications attractive for deciphering molecular changes driving PD-related impairments of redox metabolism and lipid peroxidation in relation to mishandling of iron, aggregation and oligomerization of alpha-synuclein and mitochondrial injury as well as in mechanisms of mitophagy and programs of regulated cell death (apoptosis and ferroptosis). These insights into the mechanisms of PD pathology may be used for the identification of new targets for therapeutic interventions and innovative approaches to genome editing, including CRISPR/Cas9.
Functional connectivity studies in migraine: What have we learned?
20.11.2019 |
Skorobogatykh K.
Van Hoogstraten W.
Degan D.
Prischepa A.
Savitskaya A.
Ileen B.
Bentivegna E.
Skiba I.
D'Acunto L.
Ferri L.
Sacco S.
Hansen J.
Amin F.
Journal of Headache and Pain |
10.1186/s10194-019-1047-3 |
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© 2019 The Author(s). Background: Resting-state functional connectivity (FC) MRI has widely been used to understand migraine pathophysiology and to identify an imaging marker of the disorder. Here, we review what we have learned from FC studies. Methods: We performed a literature search on the PubMed website for original articles reporting data obtained from conventional resting-state FC recording in migraine patients compared with healthy controls or during and outside of migraine attacks in the same patients. Results: We found 219 articles and included 28 in this review after screening for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Twenty-five studies compared migraine patients with healthy controls, whereas three studies investigated migraine patients during and outside of attacks. In the studies of interictal migraine more alterations of more than 20 FC networks (including amygdala, caudate nucleus, central executive, cerebellum, cuneus, dorsal attention network, default mode, executive control, fronto-parietal, hypothalamus, insula, neostriatum, nucleus accumbens, occipital lobe, periaqueductal grey, prefrontal cortex, salience, somatosensory cortex I, thalamus and visual) were reported. We found a poor level of reproducibility and no migraine specific pattern across these studies. Conclusion: Based on the findings in the present review, it seems very difficult to extract knowledge of migraine pathophysiology or to identify a biomarker of migraine. There is an unmet need of guidelines for resting-state FC studies in migraine, which promote the use of homogenous terminology, public availability of protocol and the a priori hypothesis in line with for instance randomized clinical trial guidelines.
Levels of nitric oxide metabolites, adiponectin and endothelin are associated with SNPs of the adiponectin and endothelin genes
01.10.2019 |
Gumanova N.
Klimushina M.
Smetnev S.
Kiseleva A.
Skirko O.
Meshkov A.
Shanoyan A.
Kots A.
Metelskaya V.
Biomedical Reports |
10.3892/br.2019.1238 |
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© 2019, Spandidos Publications. All rights reserved. Adiponectin, endothelin and nitric oxide (NO) are major regulators of vascular function. An imbal-ance of vasoactive factors contributes to the onset and progression of atherosclerosis. Various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are considered to be risk factors for coronary heart disease. However, the molecular mechanisms of their associations with the components of endothelial dysfunction are poorly understood. In the present study, rs17366743, rs17300539, rs266729, rs182052 and rs2241766 SNPs of the adiponectin (ADIPOQ) gene and rs2070699, rs1800542 and rs1800543 SNPs of the endothelin-1 (EDN1) gene were genotyped in 477 patients with coronary heart disease who were subjected to coronary angiography, in order to determine the presence or absence of coronary atherosclerosis. The serum levels of adiponectin, endothelin and stable metabolites of NO, (nitrate and nitrite NOx), were assayed and their associations with the SNP genotypes and coronary lesions were calculated. The results indicated that rs17366743 of the ADIPOQ gene and rs2070699 and rs1800543 of the EDN1 gene were associated with the levels of NOx in women, which in turn was associated with cardiovascular mortality. In men, rs182052 and rs266729 of the ADIPOQ gene were associated with adiponectin levels, whereas rs17366743 of the ADIPOQ gene was associated with endothelin levels. Additionally, these SNPs were indirectly associated with the prevalence of coronary lesions in men. Therefore, the tested SNPs can be considered potential risk factors that lead to imbalance of vasoactive mediators in a gender-specific manner and contribute to the development of clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis.
Holter Monitoring (24-Hour ECG) Parameter Dynamics in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
01.08.2019 |
Fiev D.
Vinarov A.
Tsarichenko D.
Kopylov P.
Demidko Y.
Syrkin A.
Rapoport L.
Alyaev Y.
Glybochko P.
Advances in Therapy |
10.1007/s12325-019-00977-8 |
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© 2019, The Author(s). Introduction: This study examined the dynamics of 24-h electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring parameters (Holter monitoring) in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) before and after conservative or surgical treatment of patients with voiding and storage lower urinary tract symptoms (LTS) due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Methods: A total of eighty-three 57 to 81-year-old (mean age 70.4 ± 5.75 years) patients with LUTS/BPH and accompanying IHD were examined and treated at the Institute of Urology and Human Reproductive Health and Clinic of Cardiology of Sechenov University. All patients received recommended cardiac therapy at least 6 months before inclusion in the study. Results: Our study demonstrated that there is correlation between voiding and storage LUTS/BPH and Holter-detected cardiac impairments in patients with IHD/BPH. These data make it possible to consider LUTS/BPH (voiding and storage) as a factor in the additional functional and psychological load on the activity of patients with ischemic heart disease. Improvement of voiding and storage LUTS due to BPH and objective parameters of urination (Qmax) in patients treated with alpha-1 adrenoceptor blocker tamsulosin correlated with improvement of 24-h ECG monitoring parameters (Holter monitoring) in 72% of patients. Improvement of 24-h ECG monitoring parameters (Holter monitoring) 1 month after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) in IHD/BPH patients and indications for surgical treatment was observed in 65.7%. Negative dynamics of the Holter-based ECG was not registered in patients who were operated on. Conclusion: Holter monitoring helps to identify groups of patients in whom urinary impairments caused by prostatic hyperplasia negatively affect the course of IHD. Restored urination (either conservatively or operatively) in patients with BPH in 72% of cases decreased the number of fits of angina, thus influencing favourably the course of IHD. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03856242.
Brain and cognitive development in adolescents with anorexia nervosa: A systematic review of FMRI studies
01.08.2019 |
Olivo G.
Gaudio S.
Schiöth H.
Nutrients |
10.3390/nu11081907 |
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© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder often occurring in adolescence. AN has one of the highest mortality rates amongst psychiatric illnesses and is associated with medical complications and high risk for psychiatric comorbidities, persisting after treatment. Remission rates range from 23% to 33%. Moreover, weight recovery does not necessarily reflect cognitive recovery. This issue is of particular interest in adolescence, characterized by progressive changes in brain structure and functional circuitries, and fast cognitive development. We reviewed existing literature on fMRI studies in adolescents diagnosed with AN, following PRISMA guidelines. Eligible studies had to: (1) be written in English; (2) include only adolescent participants; and (3) use block-design fMRI. We propose a pathogenic model based on normal and AN-related neural and cognitive maturation during adolescence. We propose that underweight and delayed puberty—caused by genetic, environmental, and neurobehavioral factors—can affect brain and cognitive development and lead to impaired cognitive flexibility, which in turn sustains the perpetuation of aberrant behaviors in a vicious cycle. Moreover, greater punishment sensitivity causes a shift toward punishment-based learning, leading to greater anxiety and ultimately to excessive reappraisal over emotions. Treatments combining physiological and neurobehavioral rationales must be adopted to improve outcomes and prevent relapses.
Impact of endoscopic enucleation of the prostate with thulium fiber laser on the erectile function
12.10.2018 |
Enikeev D.
Glybochko P.
Rapoport L.
Okhunov Z.
O'Leary M.
Potoldykova N.
Sukhanov R.
Enikeev M.
Laukhtina E.
Taratkin M.
BMC Urology |
5 |
© 2018 The Author(s). Background: The impact of number of endoscopic enucleation of the prostate techniques (holmium laser enucleation - HoLEP for example) on erectile function have already been investigated. However, the thulium-fiber laser, in this setting remains unstudied. In this study, we compared sexual function outcomes in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treated with transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or thulium-fiber laser enucleation (ThuFLEP). Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent transurethral resection and endoscopic enucleation of the prostate for BPH; inclusion criteria was the presence of infravesical obstruction (IPSS > 20, Qmax < 10 mL/s). Erectile function (EF) was assessed using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) both prior to endoscopic examination, and six months after. Results: A total of 469 patients with BPH were included in the study; of these, 211 underwent to ThuFLEP, and 258 TURP. Preoperative IIEF-5 in TURP and ThuFLEP groups were 11.7 (±4.5) and 11.1 (±5.0), respectively (p = 0.17). At six month the IIEF-5 score was unchanged (p = 0.26 and p = 0.08) and comparable in both groups (p = 0.49). However, mean IIEF-5 score shown significant increase of 0.72 in ThuFLEP group, comparing to decrease of 0.24 in TURP patients (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Both TURP and ThuFLEP are effective modalities in the management of infravesical obstruction due to BPH. At six months follow-up after surgery, both techniques lead to comparable IIEF-5 score. However, our results demonstrated that the ThuFLEP is more likely to preserve the erectile function leading to increase of IIEF-5 at six months in contrast to TURP which lead to slight drop in IIEF-5 score.
The Evaluation of the System of Mandatory Medical Insurance by Medical Workers of the Moscow Oblast
01.09.2018 |
Semenov V.
Lakunin K.
Leevshitc S.
Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny |
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The article considers the results of sociological survey of medical personnel of the Moscow oblast. The purpose of study is to analyze attitude of medical personnel to the system of mandatory medical insurance in modern conditions. The sociological survey carried out according standard methodology using originally developed questionnaire. The public opinion of medical personnel of medical municipal organizations of the Moscow oblast was investigated in 2013 (n = 632) and 2017 (n = 798). It was established that, 25 years later from the moment of organization of the system of mandatory medical insurance, not all medical personnel is oriented in it. The percentage of those who consider it as a false and over bureaucratized one increased. The number of respondents considering that medical insurance organizations protect interests of patients decreased and those who feel no impact of mandatory medical insurance foundations on activities of medical organizations increased up to 35%. The most of respondents consider functions of medical insurance organizations and mandatory medical insurance foundations exclusively as controlling ones. In both surveys less than 30% of respondents supported actual system of mandatory medical insurance. The general results of the sociological survey testify the necessity of changing policy of relationship between the system of mandatory medical insurance and medical personnel, including activization of activities concerning explanation of tasks, functions and authorities of mandatory medical insurance foundations and medical insurance organizations and also consensual consideration of opinions of all participants of the mandatory medical insurance system.