Functional mechanisms for the development of acute respiratory viral infection
01.01.2021 |
Medvedev I.N.
Bakulina E.D.
Rysakova O.G.
Garina E.V.
Dorontsev A.V.
Sibgatulina F.R.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
10.31838/ijpr/2021.13.01.057 |
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© 2020, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved. In the modern world, acute respiratory viral infections are a widespread and socially significant disease. Having the similarity of structure, epidemiology and strong tropism to the respiratory tract, each causative agent of acute respiratory viral infection has its own characteristics. The most severe course with complications is characteristic of influenza. More than 200 viruses are known to cause acute respiratory viral infections. Their diversity is very great. This creates a situation when a person, having been ill with a disease caused by one virus, can immediately become infected with other viruses of this group and get sick again. For a year in the world, for an adult, 3-4 cases of the disease of acute respiratory viral infection occur. A child suffers from this infection 6-9 times during the year. 3.9 million deaths worldwide are associated with acute respiratory viral infections each year. Due to the enormous social significance of acute respiratory viral infection, the World Health Organization has launched the Battle against Respiratory Viruses initiative to combat it. Her prerequisites were problems with the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infection. It is aimed at improving diagnostic methods to differentiate viral and bacterial infections at the earliest stages of the disease, developing effective antiviral drugs for the most common viruses and safe and effective stimulants of defense mechanisms in the body. It becomes clear that acute respiratory viral infections are a diverse group of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract that have similar developmental mechanisms, epidemiological and clinical characteristics. Given that these diseases have a high contagiousness, rapid spread, a significant number of complications, especially among people at risk, they require serious and lengthy research.
Opportunities of early treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in children
01.01.2018 |
Gеppe N.
Krylova N.
Eliseeva T.
Tyurina E.
Yablokova E.
Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii |
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© The authors team, 2018.All Rights Reserved. Purpose: to evaluate effectiveness of Oscillococcinum in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children of different age groups. We observed 140 children from 1 to 14 years with mild to moderate-severe acute respiratory viral infection. 80 children (Group 1) were treated with Oscillococcinum, 60 children (Group 2) were treated symptomatically. Group 1 was divided into Subgroup 1А (40 children of 1-5 years old) and Subgroup 1B (40 children >5-14 years old). Group 2 was divided into Subgroup 2А (30 children of 1-5 years old) and Subgroup 2B (30 children >5-14 years old). The follow-up period was 7-10 days. Clinical efficacy was assessed by the severity of ARVI symptoms in scores from 0 to 2. All adverse events of the therapy were recorded. Also we evaluated disappearance of ARVI symptoms within 48 hours after the beginning of the therapy. Results: Oscillococcinum reduced the duration of ARVI in children of different age groups. During the first two days the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection disappeared in 13 (16.3%) children of Group 1 receiving oscilococcinum and in 4 (6.7%) patients from Group 2 (OR = 2.7, 95 % CI 0.8-8.8, p <0.001). Conclusion: Oscillococcinum is an effective and safe drug to treat ARVI in children of different age groups.
Fetoplacental insufficiency and terms of its management in pregnant women with influenza
01.01.2018 |
Romanovskaya A.
Davydov A.
Khvorostukhina N.
Novichkov D.
Trushina O.
Stepanova N.
Plekhanov A.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
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© 2018 Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective: To establish the character of haemodynamic disorders in the fetoplacental complex taking into account blood rheological properties, severity of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and to offer a pathogenetic rationale for terms that would be optimal for treatment of placental dysfunction in pregnant women with influenza. Patients and methods: 114 pregnant women with influenza were examined, of them 35 with moderate, 79 with severe flu. In order to rule out the variability of parameters reflecting the state of the fetoplacental complex all women were at comparable terms of gestation (20-30 wks). Results: We have found a relation between the severity of influenza, increased blood viscosity and the development of haemodynamic disorders in the fetoplacental complex. In moderate flu, fetoplacental blood circulation practically does not suffer. Resistivity index (RI), pulsatility index (PI) and systolic/diastolic (S/D) ratio remain within control values. In severe influenza, blood viscosity significantly increases and uteroplacental blood flow exhibits significant impairment. Against the background of increased blood viscosity on the average by 15-20%, taking into account the shear rate, RI, PI and S/D ratio values increase by 25-30%, which is indicative of the signs of impaired blood circulation. In increased blood viscosity at low shear rates it is uteroplacental blood flow that suffers predominantly, without involving fetoplacental one. Conclusion: In severe influenza, the contingency of placental hemodynamics on the maternal and fetal sides is impaired, and increased blood viscosity is to a great extent the cause of these disorders.