Dendritic spine density changes and homeostatic synaptic scaling: a meta-analysis of animal studies
01.01.2022 |
Moulin T.C.
Rayêe D.
Schiöth H.B.
Neural Regeneration Research |
10.4103/1673-5374.314283 |
0 |
Mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity promote compensatory changes of cellular excitability in response to chronic changes in the network activity. This type of plasticity is essential for the maintenance of brain circuits and is involved in the regulation of neural regeneration and the progress of neurodegenerative disorders. One of the most studied homeostatic processes is synaptic scaling, where global synaptic adjustments take place to restore the neuronal firing rate to a physiological range by the modulation of synaptic receptors, neurotransmitters, and morphology. However, despite the comprehensive literature on the electrophysiological properties of homeostatic scaling, less is known about the structural adjustments that occur in the synapses and dendritic tree. In this study, we performed a meta-analysis of articles investigating the effects of chronic network excitation (synaptic downscaling) or inhibition (synaptic upscaling) on the dendritic spine density of neurons. Our results indicate that spine density is consistently reduced after protocols that induce synaptic scaling, independent of the intervention type. Then, we discuss the implication of our findings to the current knowledge on the morphological changes induced by homeostatic plasticity.
A review on current research status of the surface modification of Zn-based biodegradable metals
01.01.2022 |
Yuan W.
Xia D.
Wu S.
Zheng Y.
Guan Z.
Rau J.V.
Bioactive Materials |
10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.05.018 |
0 |
Recently, zinc and its alloys have been proposed as promising candidates for biodegradable metals (BMs), owning to their preferable corrosion behavior and acceptable biocompatibility in cardiovascular, bone and gastrointestinal environments, together with Mg-based and Fe-based BMs. However, there is the desire for surface treatment for Zn-based BMs to better control their biodegradation behavior. Firstly, the implantation of some Zn-based BMs in cardiovascular environment exhibited intimal activation with mild inflammation. Secondly, for orthopedic applications, the biodegradation rates of Zn-based BMs are relatively slow, resulting in a long-term retention after fulfilling their mission. Meanwhile, excessive Zn2+ release during degradation will cause in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo delayed osseointegration. In this review, we firstly summarized the current surface modification methods of Zn-based alloys for the industrial applications. Then we comprehensively summarized the recent progress of biomedical bulk Zn-based BMs as well as the corresponding surface modification strategies. Last but not least, the future perspectives towards the design of surface bio-functionalized coatings on Zn-based BMs for orthopedic and cardiovascular applications were also briefly proposed.
A review on current research status of the surface modification of Zn-based biodegradable metals
01.01.2022 |
Yuan W.
Xia D.
Wu S.
Zheng Y.
Guan Z.
Rau J.V.
Bioactive Materials |
10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.05.018 |
0 |
Recently, zinc and its alloys have been proposed as promising candidates for biodegradable metals (BMs), owning to their preferable corrosion behavior and acceptable biocompatibility in cardiovascular, bone and gastrointestinal environments, together with Mg-based and Fe-based BMs. However, there is the desire for surface treatment for Zn-based BMs to better control their biodegradation behavior. Firstly, the implantation of some Zn-based BMs in cardiovascular environment exhibited intimal activation with mild inflammation. Secondly, for orthopedic applications, the biodegradation rates of Zn-based BMs are relatively slow, resulting in a long-term retention after fulfilling their mission. Meanwhile, excessive Zn2+ release during degradation will cause in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo delayed osseointegration. In this review, we firstly summarized the current surface modification methods of Zn-based alloys for the industrial applications. Then we comprehensively summarized the recent progress of biomedical bulk Zn-based BMs as well as the corresponding surface modification strategies. Last but not least, the future perspectives towards the design of surface bio-functionalized coatings on Zn-based BMs for orthopedic and cardiovascular applications were also briefly proposed.
Mapping subnational HIV mortality in six Latin American countries with incomplete vital registration systems
01.12.2021 |
Cork M.A.
Henry N.J.
Watson S.
Croneberger A.J.
Baumann M.
Letourneau I.D.
Yang M.
Serfes A.L.
Abbas J.
Abbasi N.
Abbastabar H.
Abreu L.G.
Abu-Gharbieh E.
Achappa B.
Adabi M.
Adal T.G.
Adegbosin A.E.
Adekanmbi V.
Adetokunboh O.O.
Agudelo-Botero M.
Ahinkorah B.O.
Ahmadi K.
Ahmed M.B.
Alhassan R.K.
Alipour V.
Almasi-Hashiani A.
Alvis-Guzman N.
Ancuceanu R.
Andrei T.
Anvari D.
Aqeel M.
Arabloo J.
Aremu O.
Asaad M.
Atnafu D.D.
Atreya A.
Paulina Ayala Quintanilla B.
Azari S.
B B D.
Baig A.A.
Banach M.
Bante S.A.
Barboza M.A.
Basu S.
Bedi N.
F Bejarano Ramirez D.
Bensenor I.M.
Beyene F.Y.
Bezabih Y.M.
Bhagavathula A.S.
Bhardwaj N.
Bhardwaj P.
Bhattacharyya K.
Bhutta Z.A.
Bijani A.
Birlik S.M.
Bitew Z.W.
Bohlouli S.
Boloor A.
Brunoni A.R.
Butt Z.A.
Cárdenas R.
Carvalho F.
Mauricio Castaldelli-Maia J.
A Castañeda-Orjuela C.
Charan J.
Chatterjee S.
Chattu V.K.
Chattu S.K.
Ahsanul Kabir Chowdhury M.
Christopher D.J.
Chu D.T.
Cook A.J.
Cormier N.M.
M A Dahlawi S.
Daoud F.
A Dávila-Cervantes C.
Weaver N.D.
P De la Hoz F.
Demeke F.M.
Denova-Gutiérrez E.
Deribe K.
Deuba K.
Dharmaratne S.D.
Dhungana G.P.
Diaz D.
Djalalinia S.
Duraes A.R.
Eagan A.W.
Earl L.
Effiong A.
El Sayed Zaki M.
Tantawi M.E.
Elayedath R.
I El-Jaafary S.
Jose A Faraon E.
Faro A.
Fattahi N.
Fauk N.K.
Fernandes E.
BMC Medicine |
10.1186/s12916-020-01876-4 |
0 |
© 2021, The Author(s). Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains a public health priority in Latin America. While the burden of HIV is historically concentrated in urban areas and high-risk groups, subnational estimates that cover multiple countries and years are missing. This paucity is partially due to incomplete vital registration (VR) systems and statistical challenges related to estimating mortality rates in areas with low numbers of HIV deaths. In this analysis, we address this gap and provide novel estimates of the HIV mortality rate and the number of HIV deaths by age group, sex, and municipality in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Mexico. Methods: We performed an ecological study using VR data ranging from 2000 to 2017, dependent on individual country data availability. We modeled HIV mortality using a Bayesian spatially explicit mixed-effects regression model that incorporates prior information on VR completeness. We calibrated our results to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Results: All countries displayed over a 40-fold difference in HIV mortality between municipalities with the highest and lowest age-standardized HIV mortality rate in the last year of study for men, and over a 20-fold difference for women. Despite decreases in national HIV mortality in all countries—apart from Ecuador—across the period of study, we found broad variation in relative changes in HIV mortality at the municipality level and increasing relative inequality over time in all countries. In all six countries included in this analysis, 50% or more HIV deaths were concentrated in fewer than 10% of municipalities in the latest year of study. In addition, national age patterns reflected shifts in mortality to older age groups—the median age group among decedents ranged from 30 to 45 years of age at the municipality level in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico in 2017. Conclusions: Our subnational estimates of HIV mortality revealed significant spatial variation and diverging local trends in HIV mortality over time and by age. This analysis provides a framework for incorporating data and uncertainty from incomplete VR systems and can help guide more geographically precise public health intervention to support HIV-related care and reduce HIV-related deaths.
Epithelial apical glycosylation changes associated with thin endometrium in women with infertility - a pilot observational study
01.12.2021 |
Ziganshina M.M.
Dolgushina N.V.
Kulikova G.V.
Fayzullina N.M.
Yarotskaya E.L.
Khasbiullina N.R.
Abdurakhmanova N.F.
Asaturova A.V.
Shchegolev A.I.
Dovgan A.A.
Sukhikh G.T.
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology |
10.1186/s12958-021-00750-z |
0 |
Background: Low endometrial receptivity is one of the major factors affecting successful implantation in assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Infertile patients with thin endometrium have a significantly lower cumulative clinical pregnancy rate than patients with normal endometrium. Molecular pathophysiology of low receptivity of thin endometrium remains understudied. We have investigated composition of glycocalyx of the apical surface of luminal and glandular epithelial cells in thin endometrium of infertile women. Methods: Thirty-two patients with tubal-peritoneal infertility undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) were included in the study. Endometrial samples were obtained in a natural menstrual cycle. Patients were divided into two groups: patients with normal endometrium (≥8 mm) and with thin endometrium (< 8 mm). Histochemical and immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded endometrial samples was performed using six biotinylated lectins (UEA-I, MAL-II, SNA, VVL, ECL, Con A) and anti-Le and MECA-79 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Results: Complex glycans analysis taking into account the adjusted specificity of glycan-binding MAbs revealed 1.3 times less expression of MECA-79 glycans on the apical surface of the luminal epithelial cells of thin endometrium compared to normal endometrium; this deficiency may adversely affect implantation, since MECA-79 glycans are a ligand of L-selectin and mediate intercellular interactions. The glycans containing a type-2 unit Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ (LacNAc) but lacking sulfo-residues at 6-OH of GlcNAcβ, and binding to MECA-79 MAbs were found; they can be considered as potential markers of endometrium receptivity. Expression of the lectins-stained glycans on the apical surfaces of the luminal and glandular epithelial cells did not differ significantly. Correlation between the expression of difucosylated oligosaccharide Le on the apical surfaces of the luminal and glandular epithelial cells was found in patients with thin endometrium and recurrent implantation failure. A similar relationship was shown for mannose-rich glycans. Conclusions: Specific features of key glycans expression in epithelial compartments of thin endometrium may be essential for morphogenesis of the endometrial functional layer and explain its low receptivity. Y Y
Epithelial apical glycosylation changes associated with thin endometrium in women with infertility - a pilot observational study
01.12.2021 |
Ziganshina M.M.
Dolgushina N.V.
Kulikova G.V.
Fayzullina N.M.
Yarotskaya E.L.
Khasbiullina N.R.
Abdurakhmanova N.F.
Asaturova A.V.
Shchegolev A.I.
Dovgan A.A.
Sukhikh G.T.
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology |
10.1186/s12958-021-00750-z |
0 |
Background: Low endometrial receptivity is one of the major factors affecting successful implantation in assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Infertile patients with thin endometrium have a significantly lower cumulative clinical pregnancy rate than patients with normal endometrium. Molecular pathophysiology of low receptivity of thin endometrium remains understudied. We have investigated composition of glycocalyx of the apical surface of luminal and glandular epithelial cells in thin endometrium of infertile women. Methods: Thirty-two patients with tubal-peritoneal infertility undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) were included in the study. Endometrial samples were obtained in a natural menstrual cycle. Patients were divided into two groups: patients with normal endometrium (≥8 mm) and with thin endometrium (< 8 mm). Histochemical and immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded endometrial samples was performed using six biotinylated lectins (UEA-I, MAL-II, SNA, VVL, ECL, Con A) and anti-Le and MECA-79 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Results: Complex glycans analysis taking into account the adjusted specificity of glycan-binding MAbs revealed 1.3 times less expression of MECA-79 glycans on the apical surface of the luminal epithelial cells of thin endometrium compared to normal endometrium; this deficiency may adversely affect implantation, since MECA-79 glycans are a ligand of L-selectin and mediate intercellular interactions. The glycans containing a type-2 unit Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ (LacNAc) but lacking sulfo-residues at 6-OH of GlcNAcβ, and binding to MECA-79 MAbs were found; they can be considered as potential markers of endometrium receptivity. Expression of the lectins-stained glycans on the apical surfaces of the luminal and glandular epithelial cells did not differ significantly. Correlation between the expression of difucosylated oligosaccharide Le on the apical surfaces of the luminal and glandular epithelial cells was found in patients with thin endometrium and recurrent implantation failure. A similar relationship was shown for mannose-rich glycans. Conclusions: Specific features of key glycans expression in epithelial compartments of thin endometrium may be essential for morphogenesis of the endometrial functional layer and explain its low receptivity. Y Y
A new indolocarbazole derivative in melanoma and carcinoma lung in vivo treatment
01.12.2021 |
Lantsova A.
Golubeva I.
Borisova L.
Nikolaeva L.
Ektova L.
Dmitrieva M.
Orlova O.
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies |
10.1186/s12906-021-03294-2 |
0 |
Objective: The current scientific research direction is development of drugs with a targeted effect on malignant tumors. One of the promising groups is indolocarbazoles and their derivatives, which can initiate various tumor cell death pathways. Russian scientists from N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation has developed a new experimental drug form of the original compound LCS 1269 with cytotoxic and antiangiogenic properties, blocking vasculogenic mimicry in tumor. The study aim is the experimental drug form LCS 1269 antitumor activity on models of transplantable mouse tumors B-16 melanoma and Lewis epidermoid lung carcinoma (LLC) with different routes and modes of administration. Material and methods: Female F1 hybrid mice (C Bl/ x DBA/2) and male and female linear mice C BL/ were used for management of tumor strains. Mice were obtained from N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation vivarium. The antitumor effect was assessed by tumor growth inhibition (TGI) and increase of treated animal’s life span (ILS) compared to the control. Results: The experimental drug form showed high antitumor activity when administered intravenously once at doses of 100 and 120 mg/kg (TGI = 98–82% and TGI = 95–77%, respectively, ILS = 24%, p < 0.05) on melanoma B-16 mice. On LLC mice, the experimental drug form showed that the intravenous administration route was effective in the range of doses from 60 to 80 mg/kg with a 5 day administration regimen with an interval of 24 h. A dose of 70 mg/kg had maximum effect at the level of TGI = 96–77% (p < 0.05) with its retention for 20 days after the end of treatment. Conclusion: The studies have shown that the new compound LCS 1269 in the original drug form, has a pronounced antitumor activity and significantly reduces the volume of tumor mass both on melanoma B-16 and on LLC. It allows us to recommend continue the search for sensitivity of animal transplantable tumors to LCS 1269. 57 6 57 6
A new indolocarbazole derivative in melanoma and carcinoma lung in vivo treatment
01.12.2021 |
Lantsova A.
Golubeva I.
Borisova L.
Nikolaeva L.
Ektova L.
Dmitrieva M.
Orlova O.
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies |
10.1186/s12906-021-03294-2 |
0 |
Objective: The current scientific research direction is development of drugs with a targeted effect on malignant tumors. One of the promising groups is indolocarbazoles and their derivatives, which can initiate various tumor cell death pathways. Russian scientists from N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation has developed a new experimental drug form of the original compound LCS 1269 with cytotoxic and antiangiogenic properties, blocking vasculogenic mimicry in tumor. The study aim is the experimental drug form LCS 1269 antitumor activity on models of transplantable mouse tumors B-16 melanoma and Lewis epidermoid lung carcinoma (LLC) with different routes and modes of administration. Material and methods: Female F1 hybrid mice (C Bl/ x DBA/2) and male and female linear mice C BL/ were used for management of tumor strains. Mice were obtained from N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation vivarium. The antitumor effect was assessed by tumor growth inhibition (TGI) and increase of treated animal’s life span (ILS) compared to the control. Results: The experimental drug form showed high antitumor activity when administered intravenously once at doses of 100 and 120 mg/kg (TGI = 98–82% and TGI = 95–77%, respectively, ILS = 24%, p < 0.05) on melanoma B-16 mice. On LLC mice, the experimental drug form showed that the intravenous administration route was effective in the range of doses from 60 to 80 mg/kg with a 5 day administration regimen with an interval of 24 h. A dose of 70 mg/kg had maximum effect at the level of TGI = 96–77% (p < 0.05) with its retention for 20 days after the end of treatment. Conclusion: The studies have shown that the new compound LCS 1269 in the original drug form, has a pronounced antitumor activity and significantly reduces the volume of tumor mass both on melanoma B-16 and on LLC. It allows us to recommend continue the search for sensitivity of animal transplantable tumors to LCS 1269. 57 6 57 6
Prevention of re-establishment of malaria
01.12.2021 |
Schapira A.
Kondrashin A.
Malaria Journal |
10.1186/s12936-021-03781-4 |
0 |
The current consensus on prevention of re-establishment of malaria is based on the following principles: (1) Fundamental role of general health services; (2) Surveillance; (3) Vector control; (4) Border actions; (5) Intersectoral collaboration. These principles are critically reviewed, and it is pointed out that alertness of the general health services to suspected malaria (vigilance) needs to be maintained everywhere, while health education is rational only if targeting high-risk sub-populations. It is argued that prevention of re-establishment of malaria transmission should be integrated with prevention of malaria mortality in cases of imported malaria, and that this requires collaboration with entities dealing with travellers’ health and the availability of chemoprophylaxis and other measures for travellers to malaria endemic countries.
Prevention of re-establishment of malaria
01.12.2021 |
Schapira A.
Kondrashin A.
Malaria Journal |
10.1186/s12936-021-03781-4 |
0 |
The current consensus on prevention of re-establishment of malaria is based on the following principles: (1) Fundamental role of general health services; (2) Surveillance; (3) Vector control; (4) Border actions; (5) Intersectoral collaboration. These principles are critically reviewed, and it is pointed out that alertness of the general health services to suspected malaria (vigilance) needs to be maintained everywhere, while health education is rational only if targeting high-risk sub-populations. It is argued that prevention of re-establishment of malaria transmission should be integrated with prevention of malaria mortality in cases of imported malaria, and that this requires collaboration with entities dealing with travellers’ health and the availability of chemoprophylaxis and other measures for travellers to malaria endemic countries.
Headache service quality evaluation: implementation of quality indicators in primary care in Europe
01.12.2021 |
Lenz B.
Katsarava Z.
Gil-Gouveia R.
Karelis G.
Kaynarkaya B.
Meksa L.
Oliveira E.
Palavra F.
Rosendo I.
Sahin M.
Silva B.
Uludüz D.
Ural Y.Z.
Varsberga-Apsite I.
Zengin S.T.
Zvaune L.
Steiner T.J.
Journal of Headache and Pain |
10.1186/s10194-021-01236-4 |
0 |
Background: Lifting The Burden (LTB) and European Headache Federation (EHF) have developed a set of headache service quality indicators, successfully tested in specialist headache centres. Their intended application includes all levels of care. Here we assess their implementation in primary care. Methods: We included 28 primary-care clinics in Germany (4), Turkey (4), Latvia (5) and Portugal (15). To implement the indicators, we interviewed 111 doctors, 92 nurses and medical assistants, 70 secretaries, 27 service managers and 493 patients, using the questionnaires developed by LTB and EHF. In addition, we evaluated 675 patients’ records. Enquiries were in nine domains: diagnosis, individualized management, referral pathways, patient education and reassurance, convenience and comfort, patient satisfaction, equity and efficiency of headache care, outcome assessment and safety. Results: The principal finding was that Implementation proved feasible and practical in primary care. In the process, we identified significant quality deficits. Almost everywhere, histories of headache, especially temporal profiles, were captured and/or assessed inaccurately. A substantial proportion (20%) of patients received non-specific ICD codes such as R51 (“headache”) rather than specific headache diagnoses. Headache-related disability and quality of life were not part of routine clinical enquiry. Headache diaries and calendars were not in use. Waiting times were long (e.g., about 60 min in Germany). Nevertheless, most patients (> 85%) expressed satisfaction with their care. Almost all the participating clinics provided equitable and easy access to treatment, and follow-up for most headache patients, without unnecessary barriers. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that headache service quality indicators can be used in primary care, proving both practical and fit for purpose. It also uncovered quality deficits leading to suboptimal treatment, often due to a lack of knowledge among the general practitioners. There were failures of process also. These findings signal the need for additional training in headache diagnosis and management in primary care, where most headache patients are necessarily treated. More generally, they underline the importance of headache service quality evaluation in primary care, not only to identify-quality failings but also to guide improvements. This study also demonstrated that patients’ satisfaction is not, on its own, a good indicator of service quality.
Metabolic syndrome predicts worse perioperative outcomes in patients treated with radical prostatectomy for non-metastatic prostate cancer
01.06.2021 |
Luzzago S.
Palumbo C.
Rosiello G.
Pecoraro A.
Deuker M.
Stolzenbach F.
Mistretta F.A.
Tian Z.
Musi G.
Montanari E.
Shariat S.F.
Saad F.
Briganti A.
de Cobelli O.
Karakiewicz P.I.
Surgical Oncology |
10.1016/j.suronc.2020.12.013 |
0 |
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd Objectives: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components (high blood pressure, BMI≥30, altered fasting glucose, low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides) may undermine early perioperative outcomes after radical prostatectomy (RP). We tested this hypothesis. Materials & methods: Within the National Inpatient Sample database (2008–2015) we identified RP patients. The effect of MetS was tested in four separate univariable analyses, as well as in multivariable regression models predicting: 1) overall complications, 2) length of stay, 3) total hospital charges and 4) non-home based discharge. All models were weighted and adjusted for clustering, as well as all available patient and hospital characteristics. Results: Of 91,618 patients: 1) 50.2% had high blood pressure, 2) 8.0% had BMI≥30, 3) 13.0% had altered fasting glucose, 4) 22.8% had high triglycerides and 5) 0.03% had low HDL cholesterol. Respectively, one vs. two vs. three vs. four MetS components were recorded in 36.2% vs. 19.0% vs. 5.5% vs. 0.8% patients. Of all patients, 6.3% exhibited ≥3 components and qualified for MetS diagnosis. The rates of MetS increased over time (EAPC:+9.8%; p < 0.001). All four tested MetS components (high blood pressure, BMI≥30, altered fasting glucose and high triglycerides) achieved independent predictor status in all four examined endpoints. Moreover, a highly statistically significant dose-response was also confirmed for all four tested endpoints. Conclusion: MetS and its components consistently and strongly predict early adverse outcomes after RP. Moreover, the strength of the effect was directly proportional to the number of MetS components exhibited by each individual patient, even if formal MetS diagnosis of ≥3 components has not been met.
Characterization of a new cosmopolitan genus of trypanosomatid parasites, Obscuromonas gen. nov. (Blastocrithidiinae subfam. nov.)
01.06.2021 |
Lukeš J.
Tesařová M.
Yurchenko V.
Votýpka J.
European Journal of Protistology |
10.1016/j.ejop.2021.125778 |
0 |
© 2021 Elsevier GmbH The expanding phylogenetic tree of trypanosomatid flagellates (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae) contains a long-known and phylogenetically well-supported species-rich lineage that was provisionally named as the ‘jaculum’ clade. Its members were found in representatives of several unrelated families of heteropteran bugs captured in South and Central America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. However, this group resisted introduction into the culture, a needed prerequisite for its proper characterization. Here we describe four new cultivable species, which parasitize various parts of their hosts’ intestine, including the thoracic and abdominal part of the midgut, hindgut, and Malpighian tubules. Morphologically, the cultured flagellates vary from relatively short stumpy promastigotes to long slender leptomonad cells. Some species form straphangers (cyst-like amastigotes) both in vivo and in vitro, initially attached to the basal part of the flagellum of the mother cell, from which they subsequently detach. To formally classify this enigmatic monophyletic cosmopolitan clade, we erected Obscuromonas gen. nov., including five species: O. modryi sp. nov. (isolated from the true bug host species Riptortus linearis captured in the Philippines), O. volfi sp. nov. (from Catorhintha selector, Curaçao), O. eliasi sp. nov. (from Graptostethus servus, Papua New Guinea), O. oborniki sp. nov. (from Aspilocoryphus unimaculatus, Madagascar), and O. jaculum comb. nov. (from Nepa cinerea, France). Obscuromonas along with the genus Blastocrithidia belongs to the newly established Blastocrithidiinae subfam. nov.
Identification of synergistic and antagonistic actions of environmental pollutants: Bisphenols A, S and F in the presence of DEP, DBP, BADGE and BADGE·2HCl in three component mixtures
01.05.2021 |
Jatkowska N.
Kudłak B.
Lewandowska P.
Liu W.
Williams M.J.
Schiöth H.B.
Science of the Total Environment |
10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144286 |
0 |
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Ecosystems are facing increased pressure due to the emission of many classes of emerging contaminants. However, very little is known about the interactions of these pollutants, such as bisphenols (BPs), plasticizers or pharmaceuticals. By employing bioluminescent bacteria (Microtox assay), we were able to define interactions between selected emerging pollutants (namely BPA, BPS, BPF, BADGE, BADGE·2HCl, DEP, DBP) in ternary mixtures, at environmentally relevant concentration levels (down to as low as 1.89, 1.42, 3.08, and 0.326 μM for, respectively, BPA, BPF, BPS and BADGE·2HCl). We provide the first systematic analysis of bisphenols and phthalates in three component mixtures. Using this system, we performed toxicity modelling with concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) approaches, followed by data interpretation using Model Deviation Ratio (MDR) evaluation. Interestingly, we mathematically and experimentally confirmed a novel synergy between BPA, BADGE and BADGE·2HCl. The synergy of BPA, BADGE and BADGE·2HCl is distinct, with both models suggesting these analytes have a similar mode of action (MOA). Moreover, we unexpectedly found a strong antagonistic impact with DEP, in mixtures containing BPA and BADGE analogues, which is confirmed with both mathematical models. Our study also shows that the impact of BPS and BPF in many mixtures is highly concentration dependent, justifying the necessity to perform mixture studies using wide concentration ranges. Overall, this study demonstrates that bioluminescent bacteria are a relevant model for detecting the synergistic and antagonist actions of environmental pollutants in mixtures, and highlights the importance of analyzing combinations of pollutants in higher order mixtures.
Quantifying model uncertainty for the observed non-Gaussian data by the Hellinger distance
01.05.2021 |
Zheng Y.
Yang F.
Duan J.
Kurths J.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.105720 |
0 |
© 2021 Mathematical models for complex systems under random fluctuations often certain uncertain parameters. However, quantifying model uncertainty for a stochastic differential equation with an α-stable Lévy process is still lacking. Here, we propose an approach to infer all the uncertain non-Gaussian parameters and other system parameters by minimizing the Hellinger distance over the parameter space. The Hellinger distance measures the similarity between an empirical probability density of non-Gaussian observations and a solution (as a probability density) of the associated nonlocal Fokker-Planck equation. Numerical experiments verify that our method is feasible for estimating single and multiple parameters. Meanwhile, we find an optimal estimation interval of the estimated parameters. This method is beneficial for extracting governing dynamical system models under non-Gaussian fluctuations, as in the study of abrupt climate changes in the Dansgaard-Oeschger events.
Color as an important biological variable in zebrafish models: Implications for translational neurobehavioral research
01.05.2021 |
de Abreu M.S.
Giacomini A.C.V.V.
Genario R.
dos Santos B.E.
Marcon L.
Demin K.A.
Galstyan D.S.
Strekalova T.
Amstislavskaya T.G.
Kalueff A.V.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews |
10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.12.014 |
0 |
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd Color is an important environmental factor that in multiple ways affects human and animal behavior and physiology. Widely used in neuroscience research, various experimental (animal) models may help improve our understanding of how different colors impact brain and behavioral processes. Complementing laboratory rodents, the zebrafish (Danio rerio) is rapidly emerging as an important novel model species to explore complex neurobehavioral processes. The growing utility of zebrafish in biomedicine makes it timely to consider the role of colors in their behavioral and physiological responses. Here, we summarize mounting evidence implicating colors as a critical variable in zebrafish models and neurobehavioral traits, with a particular relevance to CNS disease modeling, genetic and pharmacological modulation, as well as environmental enrichment and animal welfare. We also discuss the growing value of zebrafish models to study color neurobiology and color-related neurobehavioral phenomics, and outline future directions of research in this field.
Latent alterations in swimming behavior by developmental methylmercury exposure are modulated by the homolog of tyrosine hydroxylase in Caenorhabditis elegans
01.05.2021 |
Ke T.
Prince L.M.
Bowman A.B.
Aschner M.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology |
10.1016/ |
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© 2021 Elsevier Inc. Methylmercury (MeHg) is a persistent environmental neurotoxicant that may cause adverse neurodevelopmental effects. Previous studies showed that developmental MeHg exposure caused damage to brain functions that were unmasked after a silent period of years or decades. However, the underlying mechanisms of the latent neurotoxicity associated with MeHg exposure from earlier developmental stages have yet to be fully understood. Herein, we established a Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) model of developmental MeHg latent toxicity. Synchronized L1 stage worms were exposed to MeHg (0, 0.05, 0.5 and 5 μM) for 48 h. Swimming moving speeds at adulthood were analyzed in worms exposed to MeHg exposure at early larvae stages. Worms developmentally exposed to MeHg had a significant decline in swimming moving speed on day 10 adult stage, but not on day 1 or 5 adult stage, even though the mercury level in the worms exposed to 0.05 or 0.5 μM MeHg were below the quantification limit on day 10 adult. Day 10 adult worms treated with MeHg showed a significant decrease in bending angle and bending frequency during swimming. Furthermore, their reduced moving speeds tended to increase during the 300-s swimming experiment. Dopamine signaling is known to be involved in the regulation of worms' moving speed. Accordingly, the moving speed of worms with cat-2 (mammalian tyrosine hydroxylase homolog) mutation or dat-1 deletion were assayed on day 10 adult. The cat-2 mutant worms did not show a decline in moving speeds, body bends or bending angles during swimming on day 10 adult stage. Analyses of moving speeds of worms with dat-1 deletion showed that the moving speeds were further reduced after MeHg exposure. However, the effects of MeHg and dat-1 deletion were not synergistic, as the interaction between these parameters did not attain statistical significance. Altogether, our results suggest that developmental MeHg exposure reduced moving speed, and this latent toxicity was less pronounced in the context of deficient production of dopamine synthesis. Tyrosine hydroxylase plays an important role in regulating dopamine-mediated modulation of neurobehavioral functions. These findings uncovered a pivotal role of dopamine and its metabolism in the latent neurotoxic effects of MeHg.
Ultrathin Langmuir–Schaefer films of slipped-cofacial J-type phthalocyanine dimer: Supramolecular organization, UV/Vis/NIR study and nonlinear absorbance of femtosecond laser radiation
15.04.2021 |
Kazak A.V.
Marchenkova M.A.
Khorkov K.S.
Kochuev D.A.
Rogachev A.V.
Kholodkov I.V.
Usol'tseva N.V.
Savelyev M.S.
Tolbin A.Y.
Applied Surface Science |
10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.148993 |
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© 2021 Elsevier B.V. Based on a comprehensive theoretical and experimental approach, a low-defect thin film of stable dimeric phthalocyanine zinc complex (bis-[2-hydroxy-9(10),16(17), 23(24)-tri-tert-butylphthalocyanine]zinc – J-[OHPctZn]2) was prepared. It is shown that the dye forms stable amorphous edge-on monolayers at the air/water interface with an insignificant content of cylindrical 3D aggregates. These floating layers keep their structure when transferred by the Langmuir-Schaefer method onto a solid substrate, demonstrating a tendency towards ordered H-aggregation with preserving their linear molecular properties. Mixed two- and three-photon absorption of femtosecond laser pulses (280 fs) was firstly detected on this sample, as well as the ability of a material to the nonlinear attenuation of the intense irradiation, which is important for optical limiting.
Ultra-high sensitivity and selectivity of Au nanoparticles modified MoO<inf>3</inf> nanobelts towards 1-butylamine
15.03.2021 |
Fu H.
Wu Z.
Yang X.
He P.
An X.
Xiong S.
Han D.
Applied Surface Science |
10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.148721 |
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© 2020 This study demonstrates an ultra-sensitive material towards 1-butylamine. The material is composed of 4 wt% Au nanoparticles decorated on MoO3 nanobelts, which are prepared via the hydrothermal method and in-situ reduction. The related characterizations reveal that the nanobelts are highly crystallized layer structures with a width of ~ 200 nm, a thickness of 40 nm and a length of several micrometers. The Au/MoO3 composites exhibit ultra-high sensing response (~300) towards 100 ppm of 1-butylamine at the working temperature of 240 °C. Even without Au decoration, the pristine MoO3 nanobelts offer the response as high as ~ 90 toward the same concentration of 1-butylamine at the temperature of 340 °C, much higher than the existing materials. More importantly, the proposal materials have excellent selectivity towards 1-butylamine, which offers the possibility for practical use. The excellent sensing performance is attributed to the unique sensing mechanism of the layered MoO3 nanobelts via catalytic reaction between 1-butylamine and the lattice oxygen of MoO3. Besides, Au decoration enables to enhance the adsorption of 1-butylamine and facilitate the catalytic sensing process, resulting in further increase in sensing response and selectivity of 1-butylamine. This study may shield light on a promising high-performance gas sensing materials to detect amines in practical application.
Laser fabrication of composite layers from biopolymers with branched 3D networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes for cardiovascular implants
15.03.2021 |
Gerasimenko A.Y.
Kurilova U.E.
Savelyev M.S.
Murashko D.T.
Glukhova O.E.
Composite Structures |
10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113517 |
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© 2020 Elsevier Ltd A laser technology has been developed for fabricating structures from composite layers based on biopolymers: albumin, collagen, and chitosan with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT). The structures are intended for cardiovascular devices and tissue-engineered implants. This is evidenced by the results of studies. The composite layers were fabricated due to the phase transition of biopolymers and SWCNT aqueous dispersion under the influence of laser pulses. At the same time branched 3D networks of SWCNT were formed in the biopolymer matrix. The threshold energy fluence of laser pulses was determined (0.032–0.083 J/cm2) at which a bimodal distribution of pores was observed. The calculation of contact resistances between nanotubes at percolation units of 3D networks (20–100 kOhm) was carried out. Composite layers fabricated by laser demonstrated conductivity values that were higher (12.4 S/m) than those for layers by thermostat (4.7 S/m). The maximum hardness of the composite layers with SWCNT (0.01 wt%) by laser was 482 ± 10, 425 ± 10, and 407 ± 15 MPa for albumin, collagen and chitosan, respectively. The hardness of the thermostat layers was less than 100 MPa. The viability of endothelial cells in composite layers was improved. The composite layers ensured a normal level of hemolysis during interaction with erythrocytes.