The mystery of claustral neural circuits and recent updates on its role in neurodegenerative pathology
01.12.2021 |
Nikolenko V.N.
Rizaeva N.A.
Beeraka N.M.
Oganesyan M.V.
Kudryashova V.A.
Dubovets A.A.
Borminskaya I.D.
Bulygin K.V.
Sinelnikov M.Y.
Aliev G.
Behavioral and Brain Functions |
10.1186/s12993-021-00181-1 |
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Introduction: The claustrum is a structure involved in formation of several cortical and subcortical neural microcircuits which may be involved in such functions as conscious sensations and rewarding behavior. The claustrum is regarded as a multi-modal information processing network. Pathology of the claustrum is seen in certain neurological disorders. To date, there are not enough comprehensive studies that contain accurate information regarding involvement of the claustrum in development of neurological disorders. Objective: Our review aims to provide an update on claustrum anatomy, ontogenesis, cytoarchitecture, neural networks and their functional relation to the incidence of neurological diseases. Materials and methods: A literature review was conducted using the Google Scholar, PubMed, NCBI MedLine, and eLibrary databases. Results: Despite new methods that have made it possible to study the claustrum at the molecular, genetic and epigenetic levels, its functions and connectivity are still poorly understood. The anatomical location, relatively uniform cytoarchitecture, and vast network of connections suggest a divergent role of the claustrum in integration and processing of input information and formation of coherent perceptions. Several studies have shown changes in the appearance, structure and volume of the claustrum in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), autism, schizophrenia, and depressive disorders. Taking into account the structure, ontogenesis, and functions of the claustrum, this literature review offers insight into understanding the crucial role of this structure in brain function and behavior.
The mystery of claustral neural circuits and recent updates on its role in neurodegenerative pathology
01.12.2021 |
Nikolenko V.N.
Rizaeva N.A.
Beeraka N.M.
Oganesyan M.V.
Kudryashova V.A.
Dubovets A.A.
Borminskaya I.D.
Bulygin K.V.
Sinelnikov M.Y.
Aliev G.
Behavioral and Brain Functions |
10.1186/s12993-021-00181-1 |
0 |
Introduction: The claustrum is a structure involved in formation of several cortical and subcortical neural microcircuits which may be involved in such functions as conscious sensations and rewarding behavior. The claustrum is regarded as a multi-modal information processing network. Pathology of the claustrum is seen in certain neurological disorders. To date, there are not enough comprehensive studies that contain accurate information regarding involvement of the claustrum in development of neurological disorders. Objective: Our review aims to provide an update on claustrum anatomy, ontogenesis, cytoarchitecture, neural networks and their functional relation to the incidence of neurological diseases. Materials and methods: A literature review was conducted using the Google Scholar, PubMed, NCBI MedLine, and eLibrary databases. Results: Despite new methods that have made it possible to study the claustrum at the molecular, genetic and epigenetic levels, its functions and connectivity are still poorly understood. The anatomical location, relatively uniform cytoarchitecture, and vast network of connections suggest a divergent role of the claustrum in integration and processing of input information and formation of coherent perceptions. Several studies have shown changes in the appearance, structure and volume of the claustrum in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), autism, schizophrenia, and depressive disorders. Taking into account the structure, ontogenesis, and functions of the claustrum, this literature review offers insight into understanding the crucial role of this structure in brain function and behavior.
Spectrally encoded microspheres for immunofluorescence analysis
20.02.2021 |
Sankova N.
Shalaev P.
Semeykina V.
Dolgushin S.
Odintsova E.
Parkhomchuk E.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science |
10.1002/app.49890 |
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© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC A modern immunofluorescence analysis based on spectrally encoded microspheres has found numerous and constantly growing applications in disease diagnosis, environmental supervision, and fundamental science. Here we present an overview of microsphere-based methods of multiplex immunofluorescence analysis and consider such important parameters of beads, that are crucial in most microsphere-based immunoassays, as size distribution, fluorescence stability, magnetic properties, and particle material. The preparation methods of the microspheres with tunable diameter, the introduction of various types of fluorochromes, and magnetic particles into the microspheres are discussed in details. This review also addresses the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to implement technically bead-based immunofluorescence analysis.
Digital psychological platform for mass web-surveys
01.12.2020 |
Nikulchev E.
Ilin D.
Silaeva A.
Kolyasnikov P.
Belov V.
Runtov A.
Pushkin P.
Laptev N.
Alexeenko A.
Magomedov S.
Kosenkov A.
Zakharov I.
Ismatullina V.
Malykh S.
Data |
10.3390/data5040095 |
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© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Web-surveys are one of the most popular forms of primary data collection used for various researches. However, mass surveys involve some challenges. It is required to consider different platforms and browsers, as well as different data transfer rates using connections in different regions of the country. Ensuring guaranteed data delivery in these conditions should determine the right choice of technologies for implementing web-surveys. The paper describes the solution to transfer a questionnaire to the client side in the form of an archive. This technological solution ensures independence from the data transfer rate and the stability of the communication connection with significant survey filling time. The conducted survey benefited the service of education psychologists under the federal Ministry of Education. School psychologists consciously took part in the survey, realizing the importance of their opinion for organizing and improving their professional activities. The desire to answer open-ended questions in detail created a part of the answers in the dataset, where there were several sentences about different aspects of professional activity. An important challenge of the problem is the Russian language, for which there are not as many tools as for the languages more widespread in the world. The survey involved 20,443 school psychologists from all regions of the Russian Federation, both from urban and rural areas. The answers did not contain spam, runaround answers, and so on as evidenced by the average response time. For the surveys, an authoring development tool was used. Dataset: Dataset License: CC-BY-4.0.
Nanoscale ferroelectricity in pseudo-cubic sol-gel derived barium titanate - bismuth ferrite (BaTiO<inf>3</inf>– BiFeO<inf>3</inf>) solid solutions
25.07.2020 |
Pakalniškis A.
Lukowiak A.
Niaura G.
Głuchowski P.
Karpinsky D.V.
Alikin D.O.
Abramov A.S.
Zhaludkevich A.
Silibin M.
Kholkin A.L.
Skaudžius R.
Strek W.
Kareiva A.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.154632 |
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© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Single phase barium titanate–bismuth ferrite ((1-x)BaTiO3-(x)BiFeO3, BTO-BFO) solid solutions were prepared using citric acid and ethylene glycol assisted sol-gel synthesis method. Depending on the dopant content the samples are characterized by tetragonal, tetragonal-pseudocubic, pseudocubic and rhombohedral structure as confirmed by Raman spectroscopy and XRD measurements. An increase of the BFO content leads to a reduction in the cell parameters accompanied by a decrease in polar distortion of the unit cell wherein an average particle size increases from 60 up to 350 nm. Non zero piezoresponse was observed in the compounds with pseudocubic structure while no polar distortion was detected in their crystal structure using X-ray diffraction method. The origin of the observed non-negligible piezoresponse was discussed assuming a coexistence of nanoscale polar and non-polar phases attributed to the solid solutions with high BFO content. A coexistence of the nanoscale regions having polar and non-polar character is considered as a key factor to increase macroscopic piezoresponse in the related compounds due to increased mobility of the domain walls and phase boundaries.
Coating of polylactide films by chitosan: Comparison of methods
15.01.2020 |
Demina T.
Frolova A.
Istomin A.
Kotova S.
Piskarev M.
Bardakova K.
Yablokov M.
Altynov V.
Kravets L.
Gilman A.
Akopova T.
Timashev P.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science |
10.1002/app.48287 |
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© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Control over biomaterials surface characteristics through surface modification or deposition of coatings is one of the key aspects of tissue engineering. This work was aimed to evaluate an effectiveness of various methods of chitosan-coating formations onto polylactide films using a number of techniques, such as vacuum deposition by electron-beam sputtering, chemical entrapment method, and electrospray procedure. Differently coated films were studied in terms of surface morphology (scanning electron and atomic-force microscopy), chemical structure (FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy), and hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance (goniometry). The effect of coating technique on homogeneity of chitosan distribution over the substrate surface was evaluated using genipin and fluorescein isothiocyanate labeling as well as FTIR-microscopy. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2020, 137, 48287.
Sono-physical and sono-chemical effects of ultrasound: Primary applications in extraction and freezing operations and influence on food components
01.01.2020 |
Fu X.
Belwal T.
Cravotto G.
Luo Z.
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry |
10.1016/j.ultsonch.2019.104726 |
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© 2019 Elsevier B.V. Ultrasound is an advanced non-thermal food-processing technology that has received increasing amounts of interest as an alternative to, or an adjuvant method for, conventional processing techniques. This review explores the sono-physical and sono-chemical effects of ultrasound on food processing as it reviews two typical food-processing applications that are predominantly driven by sono-physical effects, namely ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and ultrasound-assisted freezing (UAF), and the components modifications to food matrices that can be triggered by sono-chemical effects. Efficiency enhancements and quality improvements in products (and extracts) using ultrasound are discussed in terms of mechanism and principles for a range of food-matrix categories, while efforts to improve existing ultrasound-assist patterns was also seen. Furthermore, the progress of experimental ultrasonic equipments for UAE and UAF as food-processing technologies, the core of the development in food-processing techniques is considered. Moreover, sono-chemical reactions that are usually overlooked, such as degradation, oxidation and other particular chemical modifications that occur in common food components under specific conditions, and the influence on bioactivity, which was also affected by food processing to varying degrees, are also summarised. Further trends as well as some challenges for, and limitations of, ultrasound technology for food processing, with UAE and UAF used as examples herein, are also taken into consideration and possible future recommendations were made.
Terahertz biophotonics as a tool for studies of dielectric and spectral properties of biological tissues and liquids
01.11.2018 |
Smolyanskaya O.
Chernomyrdin N.
Konovko A.
Zaytsev K.
Ozheredov I.
Cherkasova O.
Nazarov M.
Guillet J.
Kozlov S.
Kistenev Y.
Coutaz J.
Mounaix P.
Vaks V.
Son J.
Cheon H.
Wallace V.
Feldman Y.
Popov I.
Yaroslavsky A.
Shkurinov A.
Tuchin V.
Progress in Quantum Electronics |
25 |
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd In this review, we describe dielectric properties of biological tissues and liquids in the context of terahertz (THz) biophotonics. We discuss a model of the THz dielectric permittivity of water and water-containing media, which yields analysis of the relaxation and damped resonant molecules modes. We briefly describe modern techniques of THz spectroscopy and imaging employed in biophotonics with a strong emphasize on a THz time-domain spectroscopy. Furthermore, we consider the methods of sub-wavelength resolution THz imaging and the problem of THz wave delivery to hard to access tissues and internal organs. We consider the THz dielectric properties of biological solutions and liquids. Although strong absorption by water molecules prevents THz-waves from penetration of hydrated tissues and probing biological molecules in aqueous solutions, we discuss approaches for overcoming these drawbacks – novel techniques of freezing and temporal dehydration by application of hyperosmotic agents which have a potential for cancer detection. We review recent applications of THz technology in diagnosis of malignancies and aiding histology paying particular attention to the origin of contrast observed between healthy and pathological tissues. We consider recent applications of THz reflectometry in sensing the thinning dynamics of human pre-corneal tear film. Modern modalities of THz imaging, which relies on the concepts of multi-spectral and multi-temporal domains and employing the principles of color vision, phase analysis and tomography are discussed. Novel methods of THz spectra analysis based on machine learning, pattern recognition, chemical imaging and the revealing of the spatial distribution of various substances in a tissue, are analyzed. Advanced thermal model describing biological object irradiated by THz waves and phantoms mimicking the optical properties of tissues at THz frequencies are presented. Finally, application of the high-resolution THz spectroscopy in analytic chemistry, biology and medicine are described.
Comparison of Spectrophotometric and Chromatographic (HPLC) Procedures for Determining 3-Phenethylrhodanine Drug Substance with Anticancer Activity
01.05.2018 |
Novozhilova N.
Kutina N.
Kharitonov Y.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. A comparison of spectrophotometric and chromatographic (HPLC) procedures for determining 3-phenethylrhodanine (cyclo-2-phenethyldithiocarbanoylacetic acid, CPET) drug substance using experimental and computational statistical methods showed that both methods had good precision and accuracy and could be recommended as equivalent alternative methods for quantitative determination of CPET drug substance.