Lesion-aphasia discordance in acute stroke among Bengali-speaking patients: Frequency, pattern, and effect on aphasia recovery
01.11.2019 |
Lahiri D.
Dubey S.
Ardila A.
Sawale V.
Das G.
Ray B.
Journal of Neurolinguistics |
10.1016/j.jneuroling.2019.100859 |
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© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Introduction: Contemporary research papers have highlighted the issue of lesion-aphasia discordance in reference to the classic ‘associationist’ model provided by Wernicke-Lichtheim. The objective of the present study is to explore frequency, pattern and evolution of lesion-discordant aphasia following first ever acute stroke in Bengali-speaking subjects. Methods: Bengali version of Western Aphasia Battery, a validated scale, was used for language assessment in our study subjects. Lesion localization was done by using Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (3T) for ischemic stroke (if not contraindicated) and computed tomography (CT) for hemorrhagic stroke. Among 515 screened cases of first-ever acute stroke, 208 presented aphasia. Language assessment was done between 7 and 14 days in all study subjects and was repeated between 90 and 100 days in patients available for follow-up. Ischemic stroke cases with contraindication for MRI underwent CT imaging. Discordance between lesion and aphasic phenotype was determined only for right-handed subjects with cortical involvement (isolated or in combination with sub-cortical white matter) in the left hemisphere. Appropriate statistical tests were used to analyze the collected data. Results: Lesion-aphasia discordance was found in 20 out of 134 patients with aphasia who were dextral and had cortical involvement in the left hemisphere (14.92%). The pattern of discordance observed were- posterior lesion with Broca's aphasia (4; 20%); posterior lesion with global aphasia (8; 40%); anterior lesion with global aphasia (4; 20%), and posterior lesion with mixed transcortical aphasia (4; 20%). On univariate analysis, the factors significantly associated with lesion-aphasia discordance were hemorrhagic stroke (p = 0.000); posterior perisylvian location (p = 0.002), and higher education (p = 0.048). After adjusting for all other variables, hemorrhagic stroke was found to have strong association with lesion-aphasia discordance (p = 0.001, OR = 11.764, 95% CI, 2.83–50.0). Discordant cases were more likely to recover or change to a milder type compared to concordant cases (p = 0.007, OR = 11.393, 95% CI, 1.960–66.231), after adjusting for all other variables including initial severity of aphasia (p = 0.006, OR = 8.388, 95% CI, 1.816–38.749). Conclusion: Lesion-aphasia discordance following acute stroke is not uncommon among Bengali-speaking subjects. In the discordant group, preponderance towards non-fluent aphasia was observed. Discordance occurred more frequently after hemorrhagic stroke. Subjects with lesion-discordant aphasia presented better recovery during early post-stroke phase.
Marketing analysis of the medical representatives' activity aimed on information support for promoted medications
30.09.2019 |
Winter E.
Litvinova T.
Babaskin D.
Babaskina L.
Savinova O.
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues |
10.9770/jesi.2019.7.1(14) |
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© 2019 by author(s). The purpose of the study was to analyze the medical representatives' activities aimed on information support for promoted medications. The assessment of the medical representatives' activity by doctors, pharmacists, and chemists was used to do so. The following methods of the study were used: Comparative, structural and system analysis, as well as sociological methods of research (survey and interview). As a result of the study, it has been found that the activity of medical representatives is one of the main ways to obtain information about medications by medical or pharmaceutical workers, but the objectivity and completeness of the information received largely depends on the contact frequency and trust in the information materials provided. Following the results of the study, recommendations have been developed for improving the activities of medical representatives and their interaction with pharmaceutical organizations and doctors.
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Modulated by Infralow Frequencies on the Production of Stem Cells
01.03.2018 |
Zilov V.
Subbotina T.
Yashin A.
Khadartsev A.
Ivanov D.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Experimental validation of the method for regulation of stem cell proliferation and differentiation is carried out. The method consists in exposure to ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic radiation, modulated by infralow frequencies with variable parameters. A specially designed programmer, setting up the parameters of exposure, is connected to the source of radiation. The zones of anatomical location of the red bone marrow of rats were exposed for 15 min to the amplitude-modulated electromagnetic radiation of ultrahigh frequency range. The parameters of exposure were determined in previous studies. The red bone marrow was collected from the sternum and head of the femur. The cellular composition of the red bone marrow was evaluated 1, 2, 3, and 6 days after the exposure. The optimal therapeutic mode of irradiation was then chosen, leading to stem cell activation with subsequent proliferation and differentiation into mature red bone marrow cells.
Hygienic requirements to conditions of the application of technical means of blocking radio signals
01.01.2018 |
Pokhodzey L.
Paltsev Y.
Gigiena i Sanitariya |
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© 2018 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All Rights Reserved. Introduction. Now radio lines of the management of explosions find more and more broad application for the execution of acts of terrorism. The special technical means which are powerful sources of EMP in the range of frequencies of 0.02 – 6.00 GHz by which workers in the course of their production and operation and also the population which has appeared in a radiation zone can be affected, are developed for the suppression of radio-frequency signals of control of explosive devices. Aim of the study. Scientific justification and development of hygienic requirements for the safe use of systems of suppression of radio lines of control of explosive devices (SS RCED). Material and methods. The calculation methods for determining the EMF intensities created by different types of SS RCED (1500 calculations) were used, more than 250 measurements were carried out at different distances from 5 types of SS RCED in the open area and in the offices. Results. Hygienic investigations have allowed to point out 5 categories of the irradiated contingents for which hygienic regulations of EMP on the basis of the analysis of the standard and methodical documents acting in the Russian Federation have been proved. Calculations and natural measurements of the EMP levels from various types of SS RCED in rooms and in the open territory are taken. The technique of forecasting of conditions of radiation taking into account their technical characteristics (range of frequencies, power, etc.), the time of the exposure and distances from sources is offered. The algorithm of carrying out a hygienic assessment of conditions of radiation of personnel and population from SS RCED and a complex of preventive actions are developed. Discussion. Protection of workers by production, service, and operation of SS RCED, has to be carried out by restriction of the time of the impact of EMP taking into account power expositions at different distances from a source, and the population - by determination of safe zones of stay taking into account categories of the irradiated contingents. The technical actions including the organization of remote control of SS RCED and application of means collective (shielding) and/or individual protection are offered. Conclusion. The conducted complex research allowed justifying hygienic requirements for the production and operation of SS RCED and developing the project of SanPiN 2.1.8/2.2.4.xxxx-18 «Sanitary rules and standards of safe use of systems of suppression of radio lines of management of explosive devices of the range of frequencies of 0,02–6,00 GHz».
Interventional medicine techniques in the treatment of nonspecific low back pain caused by sacroiliac joint dysfunction
01.01.2018 |
Kavelina A.
Isaikin A.
Ivanova M.
Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika |
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© 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House. All rights reservbed. Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) dysfunction often causes nonspecific low back pain; the efficiency of its treatment is discussed to be exhibited by therapeutic blockades with anesthetics and glucocorticoids (GCs) or by SIJ radiofrequency denervation (RFD). Objective: to investigate the efficiency and safety of therapeutic blockades with anesthetics and GCs, or SIJ RFD in the combination therapy of chronic low back pain due to SIJ injury. Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 51 patients (36 women and 15 men) aged 32 to 75 years (mean age, 56.4±2.1 years). Group 1 included 32 patients (mean age, 51.75±2.65 years) who used periarticular blockades with local anesthetics and GCs; Group 2 consisted of 19 patients (mean age, 64.1±2.8 years) who underwent SIJ RFD. Results and discussion. These treatments showed high efficiency and safety. Three months after a treatment cycle, there were reductions in the intensity of pain (by an average of 47%; p<0.0001) and in the degree of disability and improvements in the physical and psychological parameters of quality of life. There were no substantial differences in the health status of patients in the two groups treated with blockades with anesthetics and GCs or SIJ RFD. Conclusion. It has been shown that the incorporation of blockades with anesthetics and GCs or SIJ RFD into the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain can improve the results of therapy.
Comparison of different types of cutting devices in surgery (review)
01.01.2018 |
Stupin V.
Manturova N.
Donskikh A.
Silina E.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) |
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© 2018 Authors. The present work presents a description of various cutting devices with an emphasis on skin surgery for the optimal choice of instruments in plastic surgery. Physical principles of work with a description of the biological role of an ultrasonic scalpel, various laser cutting devices, electrosurgical instruments, including radiofrequency electrosurgery, are described. Studies of recent years, including systematic reviews and meta-analyzes, are devoted to comparative analysis of various cutting and coagulating devices among themselves and in comparison with the mechanical metal scalpel.