European Association of Urology Guidelines on Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (TaT1 and Carcinoma In Situ) - 2019 Update
01.11.2019 |
Babjuk M.
Burger M.
Compérat E.
Gontero P.
Mostafid A.
Palou J.
van Rhijn B.
Rouprêt M.
Shariat S.
Sylvester R.
Zigeuner R.
Capoun O.
Cohen D.
Escrig J.
Hernández V.
Peyronnet B.
Seisen T.
Soukup V.
European Urology |
10.1016/j.eururo.2019.08.016 |
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© 2019 Context: This overview presents the updated European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines for non–muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), TaT1, and carcinoma in situ (CIS). Objective: To provide practical recommendations on the clinical management of NMIBC with a focus on clinical presentation and recommendations. Evidence acquisition: A broad and comprehensive scoping exercise covering all areas of the NMIBC guidelines has been performed annually since the last published version in 2017. Databases covered by the search included Medline, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Libraries. Previous guidelines were updated, and the level of evidence and grade of recommendation were assigned. Evidence synthesis: Tumours staged as Ta, T1, and/or CIS are grouped under the heading of NMIBC. Diagnosis depends on cystoscopy and histological evaluation of the tissue obtained by transurethral resection (TURB) in papillary tumours or by multiple bladder biopsies in CIS. In papillary lesions, a complete TURB is essential for the patient's prognosis and correct diagnosis. Where the initial resection is incomplete, where there is no muscle in the specimen, or where a T1 tumour is detected, a second TURB should be performed within 2–6 wk. The risks of both recurrence and progression may be estimated for individual patients using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) scoring system. Stratification of patients into low-, intermediate-, and high-risk groups is pivotal to the recommendation of adjuvant treatment. In patients with tumours presumed to be at a low risk and in those presumed to be at an intermediate risk with a low previous recurrence rate and an expected EORTC recurrence score of <5, one immediate chemotherapy instillation is recommended. Patients with intermediate-risk tumours should receive 1 yr of full-dose bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) intravesical immunotherapy or instillations of chemotherapy for a maximum of 1 yr. In patients with high-risk tumours, full-dose intravesical BCG for 1–3 yr is indicated. In patients at the highest risk of tumour progression, immediate radical cystectomy should be considered. Cystectomy is recommended in BCG-unresponsive tumours. The extended version of the guidelines is available at the EAU website: Conclusions: These abridged EAU guidelines present updated information on the diagnosis and treatment of NMIBC for incorporation into clinical practice. Patient summary: The European Association of Urology Non–muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) Panel has released an updated version of their guidelines, which contains information on classification, risk factors, diagnosis, prognostic factors, and treatment of NMIBC. The recommendations are based on the current literature (until the end of 2018), with emphasis on high-level data from randomised clinical trials and meta-analyses. Stratification of patients into low-, intermediate-, and high-risk groups is essential for deciding appropriate use of adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy or bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) instillations. Surgical removal of the bladder should be considered in case of BCG-unresponsive tumours or in NMIBCs with the highest risk of progression.
Update of Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias (International Endohernia Society (IEHS)): Part B
01.11.2019 |
Bittner R.
Bain K.
Bansal V.
Berrevoet F.
Bingener-Casey J.
Chen D.
Chen J.
Chowbey P.
Dietz U.
de Beaux A.
Ferzli G.
Fortelny R.
Hoffmann H.
Iskander M.
Ji Z.
Jorgensen L.
Khullar R.
Kirchhoff P.
Köckerling F.
Kukleta J.
LeBlanc K.
Li J.
Lomanto D.
Mayer F.
Meytes V.
Misra M.
Morales-Conde S.
Niebuhr H.
Radvinsky D.
Ramshaw B.
Ranev D.
Reinpold W.
Sharma A.
Schrittwieser R.
Stechemesser B.
Sutedja B.
Tang J.
Warren J.
Weyhe D.
Wiegering A.
Woeste G.
Yao Q.
Surgical Endoscopy |
10.1007/s00464-019-06908-6 |
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© 2019, The Author(s). Abstract: In 2014 the International Endohernia Society (IEHS) published the first international “Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias”. Guidelines reflect the currently best available evidence in diagnostics and therapy and give recommendations to help surgeons to standardize their techniques and to improve their results. However, science is a dynamic field which is continuously developing. Therefore, guidelines require regular updates to keep pace with the evolving literature. Methods: For the development of the original guidelines all relevant literature published up to year 2012 was analyzed using the ranking of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based-Medicine. For the present update all of the previous authors were asked to evaluate the literature published during the recent years from 2012 to 2017 and revise their statements and recommendations given in the initial guidelines accordingly. In two Consensus Conferences (October 2017 Beijing, March 2018 Cologne) the updates were presented, discussed, and confirmed. To avoid redundancy, only new statements or recommendations are included in this paper. Therefore, for full understanding both of the guidelines, the original and the current, must be read. In addition, the new developments in repair of abdominal wall hernias like surgical techniques within the abdominal wall, release operations (transversus muscle release, component separation), Botox application, and robot-assisted repair methods were included. Results: Due to an increase of the number of patients and further development of surgical techniques, repair of primary and secondary abdominal wall hernias attracts increasing interests of many surgeons. Whereas up to three decades ago hernia-related publications did not exceed 20 per year, currently this number is about 10-fold higher. Recent years are characterized by the advent of new techniques—minimal invasive techniques using robotics and laparoscopy, totally extraperitoneal repairs, novel myofascial release techniques for optimal closure of large defects, and Botox for relaxing the abdominal wall. Furthermore, a concomitant rectus diastasis was recognized as a significant risk factor for recurrence. Despite still insufficient evidence with respect to these new techniques it seemed to us necessary to include them in the update to stimulate surgeons to do research in these fields. Conclusion: Guidelines are recommendations based on best available evidence intended to help the surgeon to improve the quality of his daily work. However, science is a continuously evolving process, and as such guidelines should be updated about every 3 years. For a comprehensive reference, however, it is suggested to read both the initially guidelines published in 2014 together with the update. Moreover, the presented update includes also techniques which were not known 3 years before.
Update of Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias (International Endohernia Society (IEHS))—Part A
15.10.2019 |
Bittner R.
Bain K.
Bansal V.
Berrevoet F.
Bingener-Casey J.
Chen D.
Chen J.
Chowbey P.
Dietz U.
de Beaux A.
Ferzli G.
Fortelny R.
Hoffmann H.
Iskander M.
Ji Z.
Jorgensen L.
Khullar R.
Kirchhoff P.
Köckerling F.
Kukleta J.
LeBlanc K.
Li J.
Lomanto D.
Mayer F.
Meytes V.
Misra M.
Morales-Conde S.
Niebuhr H.
Radvinsky D.
Ramshaw B.
Ranev D.
Reinpold W.
Sharma A.
Schrittwieser R.
Stechemesser B.
Sutedja B.
Tang J.
Warren J.
Weyhe D.
Wiegering A.
Woeste G.
Yao Q.
Surgical Endoscopy |
10.1007/s00464-019-06907-7 |
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© 2019, The Author(s). Abstract: In 2014, the International Endohernia Society (IEHS) published the first international “Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias.” Guidelines reflect the currently best available evidence in diagnostics and therapy and give recommendations to help surgeons to standardize their techniques and to improve their results. However, science is a dynamic field which is continuously developing. Therefore, guidelines require regular updates to keep pace with the evolving literature. Methods: For the development of the original guidelines, all relevant literature published up to year 2012 was analyzed using the ranking of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. For the present update, all of the previous authors were asked to evaluate the literature published during the recent years from 2012 to 2017 and revise their statements and recommendations given in the initial guidelines accordingly. In two Consensus Conferences (October 2017 Beijing, March 2018 Cologne), the updates were presented, discussed, and confirmed. To avoid redundancy, only new statements or recommendations are included in this paper. Therefore, for full understanding both of the guidelines, the original and the current, must be read. In addition, the new developments in repair of abdominal wall hernias like surgical techniques within the abdominal wall, release operations (transversus muscle release, component separation), Botox application, and robot-assisted repair methods were included. Results: Due to an increase of the number of patients and further development of surgical techniques, repair of primary and secondary abdominal wall hernias attracts increasing interests of many surgeons. Whereas up to three decades ago hernia-related publications did not exceed 20 per year, currently this number is about 10-fold higher. Recent years are characterized by the advent of new techniques—minimal invasive techniques using robotics and laparoscopy, totally extraperitoneal repairs, novel myofascial release techniques for optimal closure of large defects, and Botox for relaxing the abdominal wall. Furthermore, a concomitant rectus diastasis was recognized as a significant risk factor for recurrence. Despite insufficient evidence with respect to these new techniques, it seemed to us necessary to include them in the update to stimulate surgeons to do research in these fields. Conclusion: Guidelines are recommendations based on best available evidence intended to help the surgeon to improve the quality of his daily work. However, science is a continuously evolving process, and as such guidelines should be updated about every 3 years. For a comprehensive reference, however, it is suggested to read both the initial guidelines published in 2014 together with the update. Moreover, the presented update includes also techniques which were not known 3 years before.
The application of registries of accounts of mandatory medical insurance for analysis of compliance of anti-tumor treatment to clinical recommendations
01.09.2019 |
Ledovskikh I.
Omelianovskii V.
Pirova G.
Avksenteva M.
Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny |
10.32687/0869-866X-2019-27-5-882-887 |
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The article describes the principles of choosing parameters to be included into account registry of mandatory medical insurance system in 2019. The parameters should be applied for retrospective analysis of anti-neoplasm treatment of solid tumors in adults for accordance with clinical recommendations. It is proposed to extend account registries of mandatory medical insurance system with additional 13 parameters, reflecting both tumor type and course of disease and stages of medical care as well.
Management of chronic spontaneous urticaria: A worldwide perspective
04.07.2018 |
Kolkhir P.
Pogorelov D.
Darlenski R.
Caminati M.
Tanno L.
Le Pham D.
Gonzalez-Estrada A.
Antolín-Amérigo D.
Dimov V.
Weller K.
Sánchez-Borges M.
Ansotegui I.
Maurer M.
World Allergy Organization Journal |
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© 2018 The Author(s). Background: The approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) differ in various parts of the world. We sought to determine the adherence to international and national urticaria guidelines as well as the motives to deviate from the guidelines among physicians worldwide. Methods: A web-based questionnaire was created and launched via e-mail by the World Allergy Organization (WAO) to representatives of all WAO Member Societies, the members of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) and the members of the WAO Junior Members Group (JMG), regardless of the specialty, affiliation, or nationality in March 2017. Results: We received 1140 completed surveys from participating physicians from 99 countries. Virtually all participants (96%) were aware of at least one urticaria guideline and reported that they follow a guideline. However, one in five physicians who follow a guideline (22%) reported to deviate from it. Reliance on own clinical experience is the most frequent reason for deviation from guidelines or not following them (44%). Young (< 40 years) and less experienced physicians more often follow a guideline and less often deviate than older and experienced ones. Physicians who follow a urticaria guideline showed higher rates of routinely ordering a complete blood count, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, anti-thyroid antibodies, and thyroid-stimulating hormone and of performing the autologous serum skin test as compared to those who do not. Physicians who follow a urticaria guideline showed higher rates of using second generation antihistamines as their first-line treatment of CSU (p = 0.001) and more frequently observed higher efficacy of these drugs (or had more confidence that it would work, p < 0.019) as compared to those who do not follow the guidelines. Conclusions: Physicians' characteristics (e.g. age, clinical experience, and specialty) and country specifics and regional features (e.g. availability of drugs for CSU treatment) importantly influence adherence to urticaria guidelines and CSU patient care and should be addressed in more detail in future research.
Russian guidelines for the management of COPD: Algorithm of pharmacologic treatment
08.01.2018 |
Aisanov Z.
Avdeev S.
Arkhipov V.
Belevskiy A.
Chuchalin A.
Leshchenko I.
Ovcharenko S.
Shmelev E.
Miravitlles M.
International Journal of COPD |
15 |
© 2018 Aisanov et al. The high prevalence of COPD together with its high level of misdiagnosis and late diagnosis dictate the necessity for the development and implementation of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in order to improve the management of this disease. High-quality, evidence-based international CPGs need to be adapted to the particular situation of each country or region. A new version of the Russian Respiratory Society guidelines released at the end of 2016 was based on the proposal by Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease but adapted to the characteristics of the Russian health system and included an algorithm of pharmacologic treatment of COPD. The proposed algorithm had to comply with the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Health to be included into the unified electronic rubricator, which required a balance between the level of information and the simplicity of the graphic design. This was achieved by: exclusion of the initial diagnostic process, grouping together the common pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic measures for all patients, and the decision not to use the letters A–D for simplicity and clarity. At all stages of the treatment algorithm, efficacy and safety have to be carefully assessed. Escalation and de-escalation is possible in the case of lack of or insufficient efficacy or safety issues. Bronchodilators should not be discontinued except in the case of significant side effects. At the same time, inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) withdrawal is not represented in the algorithm, because it was agreed that there is insufficient evidence to establish clear criteria for ICSs discontinuation. Finally, based on the Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease statement, the proposed algorithm reflects and summarizes different approaches to the pharmacological treatment of COPD taking into account the reality of health care in the Russian Federation.
Practical experience in the application of clinical guidelines «Enteral Feeding Of Preterm Infants»
01.01.2018 |
Narogan M.
Ryumina I.
Grosheva E.
Ionov O.
Kukhartseva M.
Tal’Virskaya V.
Zubkov V.
Degtyarev D.
Lazareva V.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) |
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© 2018, Bionika Media Ltd. All rights reserved. Appropriate nutrition is essential for the health and optimal growth of preterm infants. Aim. To investigate the effectiveness of the application of clinical guidelines “Enteral feeding of preterm infants” in infants below 32 weeks’ gestation. Material and methods. The study comprised 114 extremely preterm infants born before (2013-2014, group 1, n=53) and after (2014-2015, group 2, n=61) introduction of the clinical guidelines. Comparative analysis included breastfeeding frequency, the time of initiation of enteral feeding and achieving enteral feeds up to a volume of 150ml/kg/d, the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), gastrointestinal dysfunction, gastric bleeding, the use of breast milk fortifier, and the dynamics of infant postnatal physical growth. A comparative assessment also included the length of hospital stay, postconceptional age (PCA) and body weight at the time of hospital discharge. Results. After the introduction of clinical guidelines, 47 (77%) children received maternal colostrum on the first day of life. Breastfeeding was initiated significantly earlier: within 1 (1-5) day after birth in group 2 compared with 9 (2-28) days in group 1. Most infants received enteral feeding on the first day of life, though the infants in group 2 were administered it significantly earlier [7.5 hours (3.5-51) vs. 12 (6-144)]. A significant part of the extremely preterm infants was fed with breast milk. Sixteen (30%) infants in group 1 and almost twice fewer children in group 2 [10 (16%)] were on artificial feeding. In group 2, full enteral feeding was achieved significantly earlier than in group 1 [12 days (6-48) vs. 18.5 (13-47)], while the incidence of NEC in group 2 decreased 1.7-fold (14.8% vs. 24.5%). By 36 weeks’ PCA, the infants in group 2 had significantly higher body weight than babies in group 1 [2220 g (1420-2818) vs. 2050 g (950-3190)]. Conclusion. The clinical implementation of the guidelines “Enteral feeding of preterm infants” has resulted in significantly higher feeding efficiency in extremely preterm babies.
Ways to standardise of fetometry in Russia: Intergrowth-21<sup>st</sup> project and its implementation
01.01.2018 |
Kholin A.
Gus A.
Khodzhaeva Z.
Baev O.
Ryumina I.
Villar J.
Kennedy S.
Papageorghiou A.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) |
0 |
© 2018, Bionika Media Ltd. All rights reserved. The implementation of the INTERGROWTH-21st fetal growth and newborn size for gestation age standards into clinical practice in Russia were discussed and debated. The INTERGROWTH-21st Project was implemented in more than eight countries from 2009 to 2018. All study protocols and primary findings are available online (intergrowth21. org). Briefly, eight diverse urban populations living in demarcated geographical areas were selected where: environments were free from major known pollutants; altitude was less than 1600 m; most women accessed antenatal and delivery care in institutions; mean birth weight was greater than 3100 g; rates of low birth weight (< 2500 g) were less than 10%, and perinatal mortality was less than 20 per 1000 births. The INTERGROWTH-21st study comes as a high-quality response to the common dilemma of lack of standardization in fetal growth assessment. Its use should be encouraged among Russian specialists in maternal-fetal medicine, obstetricians and radiologists.
Association of rheumatologists of Russia, Russian Society for the study of pain, Russian gastroenterology association, Russian scientific medical society of therapists, association of traumatologists and orthopedists of Russia, Russian Association of pall
01.01.2018 |
Karateev A.
Nasonov E.
Ivashkin V.
Martynov A.
Yakhno N.
Arutyunov G.
Alekseeva L.
Abuzarova G.
Evseev M.
Kukushkin M.
Kopenkin S.
Lila A.
Lapina T.
Novikova D.
Popkova T.
Rebrov A.
Skorobogatykh K.
Chichasova N.
Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya |
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© 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House. All Rights Reserved. In 2015, the experts from various medical associations of Russia elaborated the clinical guidelines "Rational use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in clinical practice". These guidelines were drawn up to improve the use of NSAIDs, our country's most popular agents to treat pain in acute and chronic diseases. The main purpose of this paper was to reduce the frequency of potentially dangerous class-specific adverse events (AE) that may arise from the use of NSAIDs. To do this, the authors proposed a NSAID choice algorithm based on the assessment of risk factors for AE, the individual characteristics of various representatives of this drug group, and the possibility of prevention of AE. Since then, new data on the efficacy and safety of NSAIDs have been obtained. This has necessitated the revision and addition of a number of provisions in the 2015 guidelines. It seems that the new version of the guidelines, which has been drawn up based on the analysis of a large number of clinical and epidemiological studies, their meta-analysis, by taking into account the clinical experience and opinion of the world's leading experts, presents more fully the main aspects of the use of NSAIDs in real clinical practice. The guidelines are intended for physicians of all specialties.
Acute nonspecific (musculoskeletal) low back pain Guidelines of the Russian Society for the Study of Pain (RSSP)
01.01.2018 |
Parfenov V.
Yakhno N.
Kukushkin M.
Churyukanov M.
Davydov O.
Golovacheva V.
Isaikin A.
Achkasov E.
Evzikov G.
Karateev A.
Khabirov F.
Shirokov V.
Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika |
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© 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House. All rights reservbed. The examination of a patient with acute low back pain (LBP) includes the clarification of complaints and history data, brief physical and neurological examinations, and an assessment of danger symptoms. The diagnosis of acute nonspecific (musculoskeletal) LBP is based on the exclusion of a specific cause of pain (a potentially dangerous disease), discogenic radiculopathy, and lumbar spinal stenosis. If there is typical musculoskeletal pain and no danger symptoms, radiography, X-ray computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging are not recommended in the first 4 weeks of disease. Whether it is expedient to perform these techniques is considered when LBP persists over this time period. A patient with acute nonspecific (musculoskeletal) LBP should be informed about the favorable outcome of the disease and the need to maintain physical and social activities, to avoid bed rest, and, if possible, to continue professional activities. The lowest effective dose of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for short-term duration, as well as muscle relaxants (the medium level of evidence) can be used to relieve pain. It is recommended that one should use an educational program (to prevent over-exercising and prolonged standing or sitting in static and awkward positions; to lift weights properly; etc.) to prevent recurrent LBP, as well as therapeutic exercises during a non-exacerbation period.