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Physiological mechanisms for maintaining health in ontogenesis
01.01.2021 |
Medvedev I.N.
Pravdov D.M.
Kozlyatnikov O.A.
Lapina N.M.
Pershikov S.V.
Sharagin V.I.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
10.31838/ijpr/2021.13.01.112 |
0 |
© 2021, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved. The state of human health is an important factor in the optimal for the existence in biological and social terms. It is now recognized that the best way to keep health – to lead healthy lives and avoid the negative influences of the environment. This is extremely important in the workplace and at home. The basis of life must be feasible rational muscular activity. Dosed physical loads provide balanced revitalizing effect on the body. They regulate the metabolism and have a pronounced training effect on motor and autonomic functions. Adequate and regular physical activity steadfastly increases the efficiency of the myocardium, improves blood flow to the brain and heart, improves the efficiency of peripheral circulation and venous return to the heart increases the body's tolerance to stress and the level of absorption of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. In this regard, rational physical activity are considered the basis of healthy lifestyles, active aging, and high adaptation to the external environment.
Physiological mechanisms for maintaining health in ontogenesis
01.01.2021 |
Medvedev I.N.
Pravdov D.M.
Kozlyatnikov O.A.
Lapina N.M.
Pershikov S.V.
Sharagin V.I.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
10.31838/ijpr/2021.13.01.112 |
0 |
© 2021, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved. The state of human health is an important factor in the optimal for the existence in biological and social terms. It is now recognized that the best way to keep health – to lead healthy lives and avoid the negative influences of the environment. This is extremely important in the workplace and at home. The basis of life must be feasible rational muscular activity. Dosed physical loads provide balanced revitalizing effect on the body. They regulate the metabolism and have a pronounced training effect on motor and autonomic functions. Adequate and regular physical activity steadfastly increases the efficiency of the myocardium, improves blood flow to the brain and heart, improves the efficiency of peripheral circulation and venous return to the heart increases the body's tolerance to stress and the level of absorption of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. In this regard, rational physical activity are considered the basis of healthy lifestyles, active aging, and high adaptation to the external environment.