Surface-selective laser sintering as a method for mechanically inductive scaffolds with a multilayer bio-interface
13.08.2018 |
Grinchenko V.
Grebenik E.
Churbanov S.
Minaev N.
Melnikov P.
Schpichka A.
Butnaru D.
Bagratashvili V.
Rochev Y.
Timashev P.
Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2018, ICLO 2018 |
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© 2018 IEEE. Shown the efficiency of the LAS method in creating mechanically induced scaffolds with a multilayer biointerface.
Osteoinducing scaffolds with multi-layered biointerface
06.06.2018 |
Grebenik E.
Grinchenko V.
Churbanov S.
Minaev N.
Shavkuta B.
Melnikov P.
Butnaru D.
Rochev Y.
Bagratashvili V.
Timashev P.
Biomedical Materials (Bristol) |
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© 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd. This study was aimed to design and characterise hybrid tissue-engineered constructs composed of osteoinducing polylactide-based scaffolds with multi-layered cellular biointerface for bone tissue reconstruction. Three-dimensional scaffolds with improved hydrophilic and osteoinducing properties were produced using the surface-selective laser sintering (SSLS) method. The designed scaffold pattern had dimensions of 8 ×8 ×2.5 mm and ladder-like pores (∼700 μm in width). Hyaluronic acid-coated polylactide microparticles (∼100 μm in diameter) were used as building blocks and water was used as the photosensitizer for SSLS followed by photocross-linking with Irgacure 2959 photoinitiator. Resulting scaffolds provided successful adhesion and expansion of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells from a single-cell suspension. Induced calcium deposition by the cells associated with osteogenic differentiation was detected in 7-21 days of culturing in basal medium. The values were up to 60% higher on scaffolds produced at a higher prototyping speed under the experimental conditions. Innovative approach to graft the scaffolds with multi-layered cell sheets was proposed aiming to facilitate host tissue-implant integration. The sheets of murine MS-5 stromal cell line exhibited contiguous morphology and high viability in a modelled construct. Thus, the SSLS method proved to be effective in designing osteoinducing scaffolds suitable for the delivery of cell sheets.
Angiogenic potential of spheroids from umbilical cord and adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells within fibrin gel
21.05.2018 |
Gorkun A.
Shpichka A.
Zurina I.
Koroleva A.
Kosheleva N.
Nikishin D.
Butnaru D.
Timashev P.
Repin V.
Saburina I.
Biomedical Materials (Bristol) |
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© 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd. One of the essential goals in regenerative medicine is microvascularization which enables an effective blood supply within de novo constructed tissues and organs. In our study, we used two common multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell (MMSC) sources (subcutaneous adipose tissue and Wharton's jelly of the umbilical cord) where is a subpopulation of endothelial precursors. In the medium supplemented with VEGF, the 3D cultures of UC MMSCs and ADSCs promoted the endothelial cell differentiation. To evaluate their ability to form a capillary-like network, we encapsulated spheroids within non-modified and PEGylated fibrin hydrogels. The PEGylated hydrogel supported better the formation of multibranched cords than the pure fibrin gel. Analysis of tubule growth rate, length, and branching showed that the differentiated ADSCs had higher angiogenic potential than the differentiated hUC MMSCs. Our study can be a basis for the development of new strategies in tissue engineering and treatment of vascular diseases.
Human endometrial stem cells: High-yield isolation and characterization
01.03.2018 |
Kovina M.
Krasheninnikov M.
Dyuzheva T.
Danilevsky M.
Klabukov I.
Balyasin M.
Chivilgina O.
Lyundup A.
Cytotherapy |
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© 2018 International Society for Cellular Therapy Background: Menstrual blood is only recently and still poorly studied, but it is an abundant and noninvasive source of highly proliferative mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). However, no appropriate isolation method has been reported due to its high viscosity and high content of clots and desquamated epithelium. Methods: We studied three different isolation approaches and their combinations: ammonium-containing lysing buffer, distilled water and gradient-density centrifugation. We tested the proliferative capacity, morphology, surface markers and pluripotency of the resulting cells. Results: Our isolation method yields up to four million nucleated cells per milliliter of initial blood, of which about 0.2–0.3% are colony-forming cells expressing standard mesenchymal markers CD90, CD105 and CD73, but not expressing CD45, CD34, CD117, CD133 or HLA-G. The cells have high proliferative potential (doubling in 26 h) and the ability to differentiate into adipocytes and osteocytes. Early endometrial MSCs (eMSCs) express epithelial marker cytokeratin 7 (CK7). CK7 is easily induced in later passages in a prohepatic environment. We show for the first time that a satisfactory and stable yield of eMSCs is observed throughout the whole menstrual period (5 consecutive days) of a healthy woman. Discussion: The new cost/yield adequate method allows isolation from menstrual blood a relatively homogenous pool of highly proliferative MSCs, which seem to be the best candidates for internal organ therapy due to their proepithelial background (early expression of CK7 and its easy induction in later passages) and for mass cryobanking due to their high yield and availability.