The association between the time of alcohol drinking and injury risk in Thailand: a cross‐sectional emergency department study
01.12.2021 |
Sornpaisarn B.
Sornpaisarn S.
Rehm J.
Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy |
10.1186/s13011-021-00365-y |
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Background: Although the relationship between acute alcohol consumption and injuries is well recognized, studies exploring how the time of day the drinking commences affects alcohol-related injuries have been scarce. This contribution examines the associations between the time at which the drinking began and the duration of the drinking, the volume of alcohol consumed, the injury type, and the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. Method: This study employed a cross-sectional survey, which was conducted in two hospital emergency departments (ED) in Chiangmai Province, Thailand. The sample was composed of 519 injured patients aged 18 years and older. Outcome measures included the BAC and type of injury. Exposures included the quantity of alcohol consumed, the time the drinking commenced, and the pattern of drinking involved. Results: The injured patients who drank alcohol within six hours prior to sustaining their injury were more likely to get injured and present themselves at the ED at night (20:00–04:00) compared to those who sustained an injury but did not drink in the hours prior. However, this relationship was only true for unintentional injuries, not intentional ones. The majority of participants consumed their first drink between 16:00 and 20:00. On average, among the 104 patients who drank prior to sustaining an injury, the total amount of alcohol consumed was 6.9 drinks, the duration of drinking was 2.6 h, the rate of drinking was 6.0 drinks/hour, and the BAC was 0.119 gm%. Every drink increased the BAC by 0.012 gm% and each year of increasing age increased the BAC by 0.003 gm%. People who were older, less educated, and drank more frequently tended to have their first drink earlier than other drinkers. An earlier start to their drinking resulted in a faster pace of drinking and a higher BAC. Conclusions: BAC increased with the total amount of alcohol consumed and the age of the drinker. Different groups of people had their first drink at different times of the day, resulting in differences in the rate of drinking, the BAC, the time of injury, and the time they presented to the ED after injury.
Virtual element methods for the three-field formulation of time-dependent linear poroelasticity
01.02.2021 |
Bürger R.
Kumar S.
Mora D.
Ruiz-Baier R.
Verma N.
Advances in Computational Mathematics |
10.1007/s10444-020-09826-7 |
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© 2021, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. A virtual element discretisation for the numerical approximation of the three-field formulation of linear poroelasticity introduced in R. Oyarzúa and R. Ruiz-Baier, (SIAM J. Numer. Anal.54 2951–2973, 2016) is proposed. The treatment is extended to include also the transient case. Appropriate poroelasticity projector operators are introduced and they assist in deriving energy bounds for the time-dependent discrete problem. Under standard assumptions on the computational domain, optimal a priori error estimates are established. These estimates are valid independently of the values assumed by the dilation modulus and the specific storage coefficient, implying that the formulation is locking-free. Furthermore, the accuracy of the method is verified numerically through a set of computational tests.
Single-Item Chronotyping (SIC), a method to self-assess diurnal types by using 6 simple charts
01.01.2021 |
Putilov A.A.
Sveshnikov D.S.
Puchkova A.N.
Dorokhov V.B.
Bakaeva Z.B.
Yakunina E.B.
Starshinov Y.P.
Torshin V.I.
Alipov N.N.
Sergeeva O.V.
Trutneva E.A.
Lapkin M.M.
Lopatskaya Z.N.
Budkevich R.O.
Budkevich E.V.
Dyakovich M.P.
Donskaya O.G.
Plusnin J.M.
Delwiche B.
Colomb C.
Neu D.
Mairesse O.
Personality and Individual Differences |
10.1016/j.paid.2020.110353 |
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© 2020 Elsevier Ltd Research on individual differences in the fields of chronobiology and chronopsychology mostly focuses on two – morning and evening – chronotypes. However, recent developments in these fields pointed at a possibility to extend chronotypology beyond just two chronotypes. We examined this possibility by implementing the Single-Item Chronotyping (SIC) as a method for self-identification of chronotype among six simple chart options illustrating the daily change in alertness level. Of 2283 survey participants, 2176 (95%) chose one of these options. Only 13% vs. 24% chose morning vs. evening type (a fall vs. a rise of alertness from morning to evening), while the majority of participants chose four other types (with a peak vs. a dip of alertness in the afternoon and with permanently high vs. low alertness levels throughout the day, 15% vs. 18% and 9% vs. 16%, respectively). The same 6 patterns of diurnal variation in sleepiness were yielded by principal component analysis of sleepiness curves. Six chronotypes were also validated against the assessments of sleep timing, excessive daytime sleepiness, and abilities to wake or sleep on demand at different times of the day. We concluded that the study results supported the feasibility of classification with the 6 options provided by the SIC.
Diagnosis of central disorders of hypersomnolence: A reappraisal by European experts
01.08.2020 |
Lammers G.J.
Bassetti C.L.A.
Dolenc-Groselj L.
Jennum P.J.
Kallweit U.
Khatami R.
Lecendreux M.
Manconi M.
Mayer G.
Partinen M.
Plazzi G.
Reading P.J.
Santamaria J.
Sonka K.
Dauvilliers Y.
Sleep Medicine Reviews |
10.1016/j.smrv.2020.101306 |
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© 2020 The Author(s) The aim of this European initiative is to facilitate a structured discussion to improve the next edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD), particularly the chapter on central disorders of hypersomnolence. The ultimate goal for a sleep disorders classification is to be based on the underlying neurobiological causes of the disorders with clear implication for treatment or, ideally, prevention and or healing. The current ICSD classification, published in 2014, inevitably has important shortcomings, largely reflecting the lack of knowledge about the precise neurobiological mechanisms underlying the majority of sleep disorders we currently delineate. Despite a clear rationale for the present structure, there remain important limitations that make it difficult to apply in routine clinical practice. Moreover, there are indications that the current structure may even prevent us from gaining relevant new knowledge to better understand certain sleep disorders and their neurobiological causes. We suggest the creation of a new consistent, complaint driven, hierarchical classification for central disorders of hypersomnolence; containing levels of certainty, and giving diagnostic tests, particularly the MSLT, a weighting based on its specificity and sensitivity in the diagnostic context. We propose and define three diagnostic categories (with levels of certainty): 1/“Narcolepsy” 2/“Idiopathic hypersomnia”, 3/“Idiopathic excessive sleepiness” (with subtypes).
Diagnosis of central disorders of hypersomnolence: A reappraisal by European experts
01.08.2020 |
Lammers G.J.
Bassetti C.L.A.
Dolenc-Groselj L.
Jennum P.J.
Kallweit U.
Khatami R.
Lecendreux M.
Manconi M.
Mayer G.
Partinen M.
Plazzi G.
Reading P.J.
Santamaria J.
Sonka K.
Dauvilliers Y.
Sleep Medicine Reviews |
10.1016/j.smrv.2020.101306 |
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© 2020 The Author(s) The aim of this European initiative is to facilitate a structured discussion to improve the next edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD), particularly the chapter on central disorders of hypersomnolence. The ultimate goal for a sleep disorders classification is to be based on the underlying neurobiological causes of the disorders with clear implication for treatment or, ideally, prevention and or healing. The current ICSD classification, published in 2014, inevitably has important shortcomings, largely reflecting the lack of knowledge about the precise neurobiological mechanisms underlying the majority of sleep disorders we currently delineate. Despite a clear rationale for the present structure, there remain important limitations that make it difficult to apply in routine clinical practice. Moreover, there are indications that the current structure may even prevent us from gaining relevant new knowledge to better understand certain sleep disorders and their neurobiological causes. We suggest the creation of a new consistent, complaint driven, hierarchical classification for central disorders of hypersomnolence; containing levels of certainty, and giving diagnostic tests, particularly the MSLT, a weighting based on its specificity and sensitivity in the diagnostic context. We propose and define three diagnostic categories (with levels of certainty): 1/“Narcolepsy” 2/“Idiopathic hypersomnia”, 3/“Idiopathic excessive sleepiness” (with subtypes).
Multimerization through pegylation improves pharmacokinetic properties of scFv fragments of GD2-specific antibodies
24.10.2019 |
Kholodenko I.
Kalinovsky D.
Svirshchevskaya E.
Doronin I.
Konovalova M.
Kibardin A.
Shamanskaya T.
Larin S.
Deyev S.
Kholodenko R.
Molecules |
10.3390/molecules24213835 |
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© 2019 by the authors. Antigen-binding fragments of antibodies specific to the tumor-associated ganglioside GD2 are well poised to play a substantial role in modern GD2-targeted cancer therapies, however, rapid elimination from the body and reduced affnity compared to full-length antibodies limit their therapeutic potential. In this study, scFv fragments of GD2-specific antibodies 14.18 were produced in a mammalian expression system that specifically bind to ganglioside GD2, followed by site-directed pegylation to generate mono-, di-, and tetra-scFv fragments. Fractionated pegylated dimers and tetramers of scFv fragments showed significant increase of the binding to GD2 which was not accompanied by cross-reactivity with other gangliosides. Pegylated multimeric di-scFvs and tetra-scFvs exhibited cytotoxic effects in GD2-positive tumor cells, while their circulation time in blood significantly increased compared with monomeric antibody fragments. We also demonstrated a more efficient tumor uptake of the multimers in a syngeneic GD2-positive mouse cancer model. The findings of this study provide the rationale for improving therapeutic characteristics of GD2-specific antibody fragments by multimerization and propose a strategy to generate such molecules. On the basis of multimeric antibody fragments, bispecific antibodies and conjugates with cytotoxic drugs or radioactive isotopes may be developed that will possess improved pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties.
Wound healing by the use of scalpel and various radio-frequency cutting devices (A randomized experimental study)
01.10.2018 |
Stupin V.
Manturova N.
Kogan E.
Smirnova G.
Polivoda M.
Silina E.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
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© 2018, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved. An experimental study was performed on Wistar rats with the purpose of histological evaluation of the surgical wounds state and the processes of their healing using a conventional surgical scalpel and three radio wave devices with different operating frequencies (2.2 MHz, 2.64 MHz, 3.8 MHz). It has been established that in animals with wounds inflicted by the radio-wave at the highestworking frequency, there were statistically significant differences both in terms and in the mechanisms of wound healing. These benefits were in the absence of a blood clot in the wound after the incision, also in minimal necrosis of the operating wound and adjacent tissues, in the absence of leukocyte infiltration in the wound; early (from 3 days) reparation and epithelialization of tissues. These features contributed to a reduction in the timing of wound healing and the absence of scar formation.
Rabbit plasma metabolomic analysis of Nitroproston®: a multi target natural prostaglandin based-drug
01.09.2018 |
Shestakova K.
Brito A.
Mesonzhnik N.
Moskaleva N.
Kurynina K.
Grestskaya N.
Serkov I.
Lyubimov I.
Bezuglov V.
Appolonova S.
Metabolomics |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Introduction: Nitroproston® is a novel multi-target drug bearing natural prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) and nitric oxide (NO)-donating fragments for treatment of inflammatory and obstructive diseases (i.e., asthma and obstructive bronchitis). Objectives: To investigate the effects of Nitroproston® administration on plasma metabolomics in vivo. Methods: Experimental in vivo study randomly assigning the target drug (treatment group) or a saline solution without the drug (vehicle control group) to 12 rabbits (n = 6 in each group). Untargeted (5880 initial features; 1869 negative–4011 positive ion peaks; UPLC–IT–TOF/MS) and 84 targeted moieties (Nitroproston® related metabolites, prostaglandins, steroids, purines, pyrimidines and amino acids; HPLC–QQQ–MS/MS) were measured from plasma at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 18, 24, 32 and 60 min after administration. Results: PGE 2 , 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE 2 , PGB 2 , 1,3-GDN and 15-keto-PGE 2 increased in the treatment group. Steroids (i.e., cortisone, progesterone), organic acids, 3-oxododecanoic acid, nicotinate d-ribonucleoside, thymidine, the amino acids serine and aspartate, and derivatives pyridinoline, aminoadipic acid and uric acid increased (p < 0.05 AUCROC curve > 0.75) after treatment. Purines (i.e., xanthine, guanine, guanosine), bile acids, acylcarnitines and the amino acids l-tryptophan and l-phenylalanine were decreased. Nitroproston® impacted steroidogenesis, purine metabolism and ammonia recycling pathways, among others. Conclusion: Nitroproston®, a multi action novel drug based on natural prostaglandins, altered metabolites (i.e., guanine, adenine, cortisol, cortisone and aspartate) involved in purine metabolism, urea and ammonia biological cycles, steroidogenesis, among other pathways. Suggested mechanisms of action, metabolic pathway interconnections and useful information to further understand the metabolic effects of prostaglandin administration are presented.
A splitting method for free surface flows over partially submerged obstacles
25.04.2018 |
Nikitin K.
Olshanskii M.
Terekhov K.
Vassilevski Y.
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling |
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© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2018. The paper proposes a stable time-splitting method for the numerical simulation of free-surface viscous flows. The key features of the method are a semi-Lagrangian scheme for the level-set function transport improved with MacCormack predictor-corrector step with limiting strategy and an adaptive volume-correction procedure. The spatial discretization is done by a hybrid finite volume/finite difference method on dynamically adaptive hexahedral meshes. Numerical verification is done by comparing full-scale 3D numerical simulations of the sloshing tank and the coastal wave run-up with other numerical and experimental results known from the literature.
Evaluation of the rivaroxaban-influenced effect of ABCB1 and CYP3A5 gene polymorphisms on prothrombin time in patients after total hip or knee replacement surgery
01.01.2018 |
Sychev D.
Minnigulov R.
Ryzhikova K.
Yudina I.
Lychagin A.
Morozova T.
Bulletin of Russian State Medical University |
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© 2018 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. All Rights Reserved. Rivaroxaban is a safer and more effective alternative to warfarin. However, there are reports of some cases of major hemorrhagic complications associated with rivaroxaban that significantly impair the patients' quality of life and can lead to a fatality. Personalized therapy, including pharmacogenetic testing, may help prevent such adverse events. This study aimed to investigate how ABCB1 3435C>T (rs1045642) and CYP3A5 6986A>G (rs776746) gene polymorphisms, when carried by a patient taking rivaroxaban to prevent thrombosis after total hip or knee replacement surgery, affect prothrombin time (PT). Sixty-five patients participated in the study. Their genotypes were identified by PCR in real time. To learn PT peculiar to each patient, we collected venous blood on the 5 th day of their anticoagulation therapy, 1 hour before they took rivaroxaban and 3 hours after. Having calculated %∆PT, we divided the patients into 2 groups: 1) %∆PT ≤ 0 (n = 7; 10.8%); 2) %∆PT > 0 (n = 58; 89.2%). Regarding the distribution of rs1045642 polymorphism, we determined the difference between the groups to be statistically significant (χ 2 = 6.64; p = 0.027). As for rs776746 polymorphism, the difference was insignificant (χ 2 = 0.101; p = 1.0). We discovered that rs1045642 polymorphism has a significant effect on PT variance in patients taking rivaroxaban to prevent thrombosis after total hip or knee replacement surgery.
Sleep and wakefulness disorders in neurodegenerative diseases
01.01.2018 |
Yakovleva O.
Poluektov M.
Levin O.
Lyashenko E.
Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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The article reviews the phenomenology of sleep and wakefulness disorders in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Degeneration of sleep and wakefulness centers, secondary effect of other symptoms of diseases and side-effects of drug therapy lead to a widespread prevalence of sleep and wakefulness disturbances in these patients. Along with the review of actual literature concerning mechanisms of development and clinical features of these disorders, the authors discuss principal methods for their treatment.
The development and approbation of methodology on the basis of multiplex polymerase chain reaction in realtime to determine clinically significant micro-deletion in Y-chromosome
01.01.2018 |
Akselrod E.
Mironov K.
Mikhailenko D.
Efremov G.
Perepechin D.
Alekseev B.
Potekhina E.
Shipulin G.
Klinichescheskaya Laboratornaya Diagnostika |
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© 2018 Ruslania. All Rights Reserved. One of the prevalent genetic causes of idiopathic male sterility is related to micro-deletions in AZF locus located in Y-chromosome. In total population, rate of such micro-deletions makes up to 1:4000. however, in infertile males their rate varies from 2% to 10%. In AZF locus three subregions are distinguished: AZFa, AZFb andAZFc. The loss of one or several subregions can result in disorder of spermatogenesis of various degree - from decreasing of its activity to Sertoli-cell syndrome manifested by azoospermia or oligospermia of severe degree. Therefore, implementation of genetic testing for presence of micro-deletions in AZF locus is a necessary test in case ofprognosis of male sterility and its treatment. The purpose of study is to develop and test a diagnostic system of detection of micro-deletions in subregions ofAZF locus using multiplex polymerase chain reaction in real-time. As a reference method a technique was implemented described in guidelines of the European Academy ofAndrology conjointly with European Molecular Genetics Quality Network. The technique testing specified analysis of 33 samples of DNA separated from blood of males with azoospermia and oligospermia ofsevere degree. No discordant results were received as compared with reference method. In 27 DNA samples the deletions were detected in AZF locus: 4 AZFa deletions (15%), 2 AZFb deletions (7%), 17 AZFc deletions (63%) and 6 combined deletions of AZFb+candu AZFa+b+c (22%). The proposed technique permits detect micro-deletions of subregions ofAZF locus.
Nighttime sleep disorders in patients with daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease
01.01.2018 |
Nodel M.
Shevtsova K.
Kovrov G.
Yakhno N.
Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika |
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© 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House. All Rights Reserved. Daytime sleepiness is one of the clinically significant non-motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease (PD). One of its insufficiently studied aspects is a relationship between daytime sleepiness and nighttime sleep disorders. Objective: to clarify the clinical characteristics of PD in patients with different types of daytime sleepiness and to estimate of the ratio of daytime sleepiness to clinical and polysomnographic characteristics of nighttime sleep in patients with advanced stages of PD. Patients and methods: The investigation included 110 patients (56 men and 54 women) (mean age, 63.78±0.6 years) with PD (Hoehn and Yahr stage 2.6±0.2; disease duration, 6.3±3.2 years) without dementia. All the patients received therapy with levodopa at a mean daily dose of 667.8 mg; 98 of them had the drug in combination with dopamine receptor agonists at a stable dose. The unified PD rating scale, the PD sleep scale (PDSS), and the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) were applied. Nocturnal polysomnography (PSG) and the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) were performed. Results and discussion: There was daytime sleepiness in 44% of the patients: permanent sleepiness in 15%, sudden daytime sleep attacks (along with low daytime sleepiness (ESS) in 14%, and permanent drowsiness concurrent with sleep attacks in 15%. The PSG findings showed a decrease in sleep efficiency, an increase in the duration of the first stage of sleep, a reduction in the duration of the second and third sleep stages, an extension of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep latency, and frequent awakenings (sleep fragmentation). PSG also demonstrated REM sleep behavior disorders (RBD) in half of the examinees. Patients with sleep attacks differed from those with permanent drowsiness without sleep attacks with more severe sleep disorders (PDSS) and shorter sleep latency (MSLT). Patients with the RBD phenomenon had shorter sleep latency (MTLS) than those without this parasomnia. Patients with moderate or severe sleepiness (ESS scores of >10) differed from those with milder drowsiness (ESS scores of =10) and a lower representation of the third sleep stage. Conclusion: There is evidence for the association of daytime sleepiness in PD with reduced efficiency, changes in the nighttime sleep pattern, and RBD.