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Optical coherence tomography for examination of glaucoma surgery site
01.01.2018 |
Avetisov S.
Petrov S.
Volzhanin A.
Vestnik oftalmologii |
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The article reviews the results of using optical coherence tomography (OCT) - a non-invasive non-contact examination method for obtaining a tomographic slice image of the site of glaucoma surgery. The method helped reveal the functional relationships between the newly created outflow pathways and various parameters of the filtering bleb such as its linear dimensions, wall structure, presence of microcysts, position of drainage, etc. Due to its high resolution and noninvasiveness, OCT can be reliably used to examine the structure of aqueous outflow pathways in different postoperative periods with accuracy close to morphometric. The amount of data that had been obtained with the method has allowed the creation of new classifications and clarification of OCT-relevant prognostic signs for glaucoma surgery site.
Influence of cataract phacoemulsification on eye hydrodynamics in patients with prior trabeculectomy
01.01.2018 |
Avetisov S.
Erichev V.
Petrov S.
Volzhanin A.
Vestnik Oftalmologii |
0 |
© 2018, Media Sfera. All rights reserved. At present, phacoemulsification and trabeculectomy are the most widespread surgery methods in cataract and glaucoma treatment, generally recognized as the gold standard. Among elderly patients, comorbid glaucoma and cataract are extremely prevalent, so the order of the two surgeries and the time interval between them are pivotal choices when planning treatment strategy. The reason for it is that almost any eye surgery is considered a risk factor for long-term trabeculectomy effectiveness. In attempts to solve this problem, numerous studies have been conducted on the impact of cataract surgery on filtration bleb scarring. The problem of determining the time interval between surgeries, as well as other treatment nuances, remains relevant despite the long history of research and publications. Some results are cited as general recommendations on treatment tactics (increasing the time interval between operations, using antimetabolite and anti-inflammatory therapy, minimizing intraoperative traumatism). However, currently there are no specific recommendations for one of the most important factors - the time interval between cataract extraction and trabeculectomy.