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Optical coherence tomography for examination of glaucoma surgery site
01.01.2018 |
Avetisov S.
Petrov S.
Volzhanin A.
Vestnik oftalmologii |
0 |
The article reviews the results of using optical coherence tomography (OCT) - a non-invasive non-contact examination method for obtaining a tomographic slice image of the site of glaucoma surgery. The method helped reveal the functional relationships between the newly created outflow pathways and various parameters of the filtering bleb such as its linear dimensions, wall structure, presence of microcysts, position of drainage, etc. Due to its high resolution and noninvasiveness, OCT can be reliably used to examine the structure of aqueous outflow pathways in different postoperative periods with accuracy close to morphometric. The amount of data that had been obtained with the method has allowed the creation of new classifications and clarification of OCT-relevant prognostic signs for glaucoma surgery site.