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The Expression of Matryoshka Gene Encoding a Homologue of Kunitz Peptidase Inhibitor Is Regulated Both at the Level of Transcription and Translation
01.10.2018 |
Sheshukova E.
Komarova T.
Ershova N.
Bronstein A.
Dorokhov Y.
Biochemistry (Moscow) |
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© 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The gene for Kunitz peptidase inhibitor-like protein (KPILP) contains nested alternative open reading frame (aORF) that controls expression of the maternal mRNA. The content of NbKPILP mRNA in intact leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana plant is low but increases significantly upon extended dark exposure or when foreign nucleic acid is overexpressed in the cells. The NbKPILP gene promoter along with the expressed nested aORF are likely to play an important role in maintaining the levels of NbKPILP mRNA. To elucidate the role of NbKPILP promoter, we isolated a fragment of N. benthamiana chromosomal DNA upstream of the NbKPILP transcription start, sequenced it, and created constructs in which reporter E. coli uidA gene coding for β-D-glucuronidase (GUS) was placed under control of the NbKPILP promoter. By assessing the efficacy of uidA mRNA synthesis directed by the NbKPILP promoter and 35S promoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus in a transient expression system, we showed that the levels of GUS accumulation were comparable for both promoters. Prolonged incubation of the agroinjected plants in the darkness stimulated accumulation of the uidA mRNA directed by the NbKPILP promoter. Our experiments indicate that along with regulation at the transcriptional level, expression of NbKPILP mRNA can be affected by expression of the nested aORF controlled by the polypurine block (PPB) located upstream of its start codon, since introduction of mutations in the PPB resulted in significant accumulation of the NbKPILP mRNA. Nucleotide replacement in the aORF start codon led to the drastic increase in the amounts of NbKPILP mRNA and its protein product.
Paip2 is localized to active promoters and loaded onto nascent mRNA in Drosophila
18.07.2018 |
Kachaev Z.
Lebedeva L.
Kozlov E.
Toropygin I.
Schedl P.
Shidlovskii Y.
Cell Cycle |
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© 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Paip2 (Poly(A)-binding protein–interacting protein 2) is a conserved metazoan-specific protein that has been implicated in regulating the translation and stability of mRNAs. However, we have found that Paip2 is not restricted to the cytoplasm but is also found in the nucleus in Drosophila embryos, salivary glands, testes, and tissue culture cells. Nuclear Paip2 is associated with chromatin, and in chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments it maps to the promoter regions of active genes. However, this chromatin association is indirect, as it is RNA-dependent. Thus, Paip2 is one more item in the growing list of translation factors that are recruited to mRNAs co-transcriptionally.
Structure and Functions of the Mediator Complex
01.04.2018 |
Putlyaev E.
Ibragimov A.
Lebedeva L.
Georgiev P.
Shidlovskii Y.
Biochemistry (Moscow) |
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© 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Mediator is a key factor in the regulation of expression of RNA polymerase II-transcribed genes. Recent studies have shown that Mediator acts as a coordinator of transcription activation and participates in maintaining chromatin architecture in the cell nucleus. In this review, we present current concepts on the structure and functions of Mediator.