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Data on occurrence of miRNA precursors in the Cucurbita maxima phloem sap
01.02.2020 |
Tolstyko E.
Lezzhov A.
Solovieva A.
Solovyev A.
Data in Brief |
10.1016/j.dib.2019.105083 |
0 |
© 2019 The Author(s) The phloem sieve elements (SEs), enucleate cells, contain RNAs, which are imported from surrounding tissues and cells, mostly companion cells tightly associated with SEs, and transported via the phloem over the whole plant body. The RNA phloem transport is essential for plant individual development and responses to environmental cues. Recently, we identified primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) sequences in de novo assembled transcriptome of Cucurbita maxima phloem sap and reported 11 most abundant pri-miRNAs [1]. Here, we provide the output of this analysis in complete detail. For the full set of pri-miRNAs identified in the C. maxima phloem sap transcriptome, data on relative abundance are provided along with annotated sequence data.
Paip2 is localized to active promoters and loaded onto nascent mRNA in Drosophila
18.07.2018 |
Kachaev Z.
Lebedeva L.
Kozlov E.
Toropygin I.
Schedl P.
Shidlovskii Y.
Cell Cycle |
1 |
© 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Paip2 (Poly(A)-binding protein–interacting protein 2) is a conserved metazoan-specific protein that has been implicated in regulating the translation and stability of mRNAs. However, we have found that Paip2 is not restricted to the cytoplasm but is also found in the nucleus in Drosophila embryos, salivary glands, testes, and tissue culture cells. Nuclear Paip2 is associated with chromatin, and in chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments it maps to the promoter regions of active genes. However, this chromatin association is indirect, as it is RNA-dependent. Thus, Paip2 is one more item in the growing list of translation factors that are recruited to mRNAs co-transcriptionally.