The role of motivational factors in the health promotion training programs for the overweight subjects
01.01.2018 |
Runenko S.
Achkasov E.
Razina A.
Sultanova O.
Mushkambarov N.
Osadchuk M.
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury |
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BACKGROUND: The relevance of this ensues from the fact that despite the numerous currently available health promotion training programs for the reduction of body weight, there is still the need for the development of the new forms of the efficacious physical training programs and the methods of motivation for compliance with them among the people of different age, sex and social status. AIM: The objective of the present study was to determine the role of motivational factors, including the assessment of the biological age, in the improvement of the effectiveness of the health promotion training programs for the reduction of the excess body weight. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 82 students with overweight and first-degree obesity at the age from 17 to 21 years (average age 18.5±1.4 years) were examined. 42 girls included in the first (main) group spent 9 months performing health promotion training programs on an individual basis developed taking into consideration the motivational factors. The physical training programs included the aerobic exercise in the form of dance classes. 40 students in the control group were engaged in physical training envisaged by the academic curriculum of the university. The third group (the group of comparison) was comprised of 36 practically healthy girls having the normal body weight. We studied the components of the body composition with the use of bioimpedanceometry, evaluated the physical working capacity (the PWC-170 test) and the adaptive reserves of the body (heart rate variability test as proposed by R.M. Baevskyi, Garkavi test). In addition, the psycho-emotional status of the participants was estimated making use of the Lusher test and SAN. The biological age was determined by the original method based on the combination of the morphological and functional indices. RESULTS: The excess body weight in the students comprising group 1 was reduced by 10% on the average; simultaneously the physical working capacity among these students increased by an average of 24.5% while the level of emotional stability and self-esteem increased by 20% and 24%, respectively. We also documented a decrease in the initially increased biological age by 5 years on the average. The students included in group II did not experience any significant changes in the parameters of interest. CONCLUSION: The consideration of the motivational factors for the development of the training programs designed to promote the reduction of the excessive body weight significantly increases their effectiveness, as evidenced by the improvement of the morpho-functional and psychological characteristics in the students of the first group and its absence in their counterparts included in group II.
The significance of student competitions for the development of motivation for education and the acquisition of professional competences in the students the Department of Forensic Medical Expertise of the Sechenovsky University
01.01.2018 |
Pigolkin Y.
Lomakin Y.
Leonova E.
Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertiza |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Russia joined the Bologna process in 2003 and since that time has become integrated into the unified European educational space. The key element of the new form of the higher education process is the self-guided unsupervised work of the students. Motivation is needed to promote the involvement of the students in the educational process which implies the necessity of the goal-oriented initiative for the acquisition of professional knowledge and practical experience in the field of forensic medicine. To achieve this goal, the Department of Forensic Medicine of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University places special emphasis on the experience with carrying out student competitions. Each such competition consists of several contests focused on the solution of a specific problem, e.g. the inspection of the place of occurrence under investigation with a gunshot or punctured-and-incised wound, forensic medical autopsy, problem studies, and intelligence tests. All the contests and problem studies are held in the form of an interactive game. The experience gained in the course of the student competitions gives practical evidence that the interdepartmental intelligence contests contribute to raising the interest of students in forensic medicine. The open competition provides a highly efficient tool for the popularization of scientific knowledge and the promotion of interest in the participation in the forensic medical research activities. Moreover, the student competitions facilitate formation of the earlier professional skills indispensable for team working and the development of abilities for making decisions under the extreme conditions. In addition, the contests teach the participants the art of public appearance. They improve the quality of vocational training in forensic medicine and help to establish the first professional contacts at the interinstitutional (including international) level.
Internal motivation among doctoral students: Contributions from the student and from the student's environment
01.01.2018 |
Lynch M.
Salikhova N.
Salikhova A.
International Journal of Doctoral Studies |
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© 2018 Informing Science Institute. All rights reserved. Aim/Purpose The present quantitative, cross-sectional study aimed to investigate objective and subjective factors in the self-determination of doctoral students in their educational activities. Objective determinants included major discipline and forms of academic and scholarly activity (that is, attending classes and writing papers), and subjective determinants included personal characteristics of the doctoral students, including dispositional autonomy and perceptions of environmental supports for students' basic psychological needs. Background The quality of students' motivation for learning has been linked with many different outcomes. Specifically, students who are more internally motivated (that is, who engage in learning activities for reasons that are personally important and freely chosen) demonstrate better performance outcomes and are more likely to choose and to persist in challenging tasks, to enjoy learning, to exhibit greater creativity, and in general to experience greater psychological well-being. Important questions remain, however, regarding the sources that affect student motivation, in particular at the level of graduate school. The present study expands on existing research by exploring contributions to students' motivation both from the students, themselves, and from supports stemming from two interpersonal contexts: close relationships and the university environment. Methodology Participating in the study were 112 doctoral students from various natural sci-ences departments of a major university in the Volga region of Russia. Self-report measures included dispositional autonomy, motivation for various types of academic and scholarly activity, and satisfaction of basic needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness in various interpersonal contexts. Analyses includ-ed descriptive statistics, comparison of mean differences, correlation, and struc-tural equation modeling. Contribution The present study goes beyond existing research by considering both disposi-tional and situational factors that influence the motivation of doctoral students for their scholarly and academic activities, and by comparing the impact on mo-tivation of close personal relationships with that of various interpersonal con-texts in the university setting. Findings Doctoral students reported greater supports for their basic needs (for compe-tence, autonomy, and relatedness) from their close personal relationships than in their university contexts. Students felt less support for their autonomy and competence with their research supervisor than in other university settings. The early stages of a scholarly activity, such as gathering sources and analyzing mate-rials, were more likely to be characterized by external motivation, whereas the later stages, like the actual writing of a manuscript, were more likely to be inter-nally motivated. When competing for variance, need supports from university-based but not from close personal relationships were significant contributors to students internal motivation for scholarly and academic activity; this effect, however, was fully mediated through students own dispositional autonomy. Recommendations for Practitioners The present study underscores the importance of creating an environment in the university that supports doctoral students needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Educators, and in particular research supervisors, should attend to the ways in which their policies and practices support versus undermine these needs, which are shown to play an important role in promoting doctoral stu-dents own internal motivation for their scholarly and academic activities. Recommendations for Researchers Although in this sample need supports from university-based interpersonal con-texts outweighed the role of need supports from close personal relationships, in terms of doctoral students scholarly and academic motivation, it seems im-portant to keep both contexts in mind, given the general importance of close relationships for motivation and other educational and well-being outcomes. As well, accounting for students own dispositional attributes, such as their own personal tendency toward autonomy, seems a critical counterpoint to looking at environmental contributions. Future Research Future research should examine whether the mediational model tested in the present study applies to other samples of doctoral students, for example, to those from other disciplines, such as the humanities, and those in other cultural or geographic locations, where it is possible that close personal relationships may contribute more substantially to students motivation than was the case in the present sample. As well, future studies would do well to include other rele-vant outcomes, such as academic grades, successful degree completion, and measures of well-being, in order to confirm previous findings of the link be-tween internal motivation and various educational outcomes.