Belief in a just world, national identity, and military attitudes: The case of Syria war
01.01.2018 |
Nevryuev A.
Gulevich O.
Nekrasova E.
Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal |
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© 2018 Russian Academy of Sciences.All rights reserved. In this study we investigated factors which predict attitudes toward different forms of Russian participation in Syrian conflict. Russian residents (N = 595) filled out the scales for belief in a just world, nationalism, patriotism, general military attitudes and attitudes towards different forms of Russian involvement in Syrian conflict. The results of the study have shown that just world belief predicts differ-ent forms of national identity-patriotism and nationalism. Patriotism, but not nationalism, is negatively correlated with general military attitudes. General military attitudes, in turn, are positively correlated with attitudes towards Russian military involvement in the conflict, but negatively correlated with the peaceful participation. The article contains new data on the links between national identity and the atti-tude toward war. Proposed assumptions about what the results may be related to. The main prospects for the development of this area of research are outlined.
Social and philosophical understanding of national and civic identity in the context of interethnic and interreligious conflict risks
01.01.2018 |
Ryabchenko O.
Prokopyev A.
Romanchenko L.
Korzhuev A.
Krokhina J.
XLinguae |
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© 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved. Inter-ethnic and inter-confessional peace is an essential factor for sustainable development, civil society, and preservation of statehood. The most significant challenges we face today, especially the last few years, are closely connected with an acute problem of avoiding ethnic and inter-confessional conflict risks, and erosion of national and civic identity as a result of globalization. Social philosophy approach to the understanding of national and civic identity is important because any identity is a social construct formed in social interaction, and the use of philosophical methods can provide the study involving all factors that influence this phenomenon: political, economic, social, psychological, and others. The purpose of this article is to study possible targets to prevent ethnic and confessional conflict risks and preserve the unique national and civic identity of each nation and each state. Methodological basis for the research comprises philosophical principles, including dialectic synthesis, the transformation of quantity into quality and vice versa, and dialectical contradictions; a philosophical principle of determinism; and a system activity approach. The leading theoretical method to study the problem is a content analysis of scientific papers relevant to the issue under consideration, and factors affecting and contributing to distortion of national and civic identities. The article discusses the definition of identity as the protean term self, self-identity of an individual, a particular group affiliation according to the person's nationality, religion, social status, profession, etc. The inadequate treatment and false interpretation of history, the absence of a national or patriotic idea that is able to unite the people, the insufficient role of the state, and enforcing unconventional views, norms and values have been considered as risks encouraging national and civic identity distortion. The risk of ethnic and religious conflicts occurs when there is a discrepancy between national and civic identities, or their distortion due to economic, political, social crises, or, as it sometimes happens, external influence.