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Belief in a just world, national identity, and military attitudes: The case of Syria war
01.01.2018 |
Nevryuev A.
Gulevich O.
Nekrasova E.
Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal |
0 |
© 2018 Russian Academy of Sciences.All rights reserved. In this study we investigated factors which predict attitudes toward different forms of Russian participation in Syrian conflict. Russian residents (N = 595) filled out the scales for belief in a just world, nationalism, patriotism, general military attitudes and attitudes towards different forms of Russian involvement in Syrian conflict. The results of the study have shown that just world belief predicts differ-ent forms of national identity-patriotism and nationalism. Patriotism, but not nationalism, is negatively correlated with general military attitudes. General military attitudes, in turn, are positively correlated with attitudes towards Russian military involvement in the conflict, but negatively correlated with the peaceful participation. The article contains new data on the links between national identity and the atti-tude toward war. Proposed assumptions about what the results may be related to. The main prospects for the development of this area of research are outlined.