Rationale and design of two prospective, multicenter, observational studies on reproductive outcome in women with recurrent failures after spontaneous or assisted conception: OTTILIA and FIRST registries
13.08.2019 |
Villani M.
Baldini D.
Totaro P.
Larciprete G.
Kovac M.
Carone D.
Passamonti S.
Permunian E.
Bartolotti T.
Lojacono A.
Cacciola R.
Pinto G.
Bucherini E.
De Stefano V.
Lodigiani C.
Lavopa C.
Cho Y.
Pizzicaroli C.
Colaizzo D.
Grandone E.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth |
10.1186/s12884-019-2444-y |
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© 2019 The Author(s). Background: Spontaneous pregnancy loss and implantation failure after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are very common occurrences. Although 50-60% of all cases remains unexplained, various predisposing factors, including thrombophilias, have been identified. Thus, the potential benefit of a prophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparins in improving outcomes has been often investigated over the years. However, the majority of studies are observational and results from randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are inconclusive, probably due to heterogeneity and limited sample size. To cover these unmet needs and to have further data mainly based on the real-life clinical management, we designed these multicenter registries. Methods: OTTILIA (Observational sTudy on antiThrombotic prevention in thrombophILIA and pregnancy loss) and FIRST (recurrent Failures in assIsted Reproductive Techniques) registries are two prospective, multicenter, observational studies to evaluate pregnancy or ART outcomes in consecutive women with previous reproductive failures after spontaneous or assisted conception, respectively. All enrolled women are observed from their first visit after positive pregnancy test (OTTILIA) or before commencing a new ART cycle (FIRST) until the end of pregnancy or ART procedure (negative pregnancy test/end of pregnancy, if successful cycle), respectively. Data are collected by means of questionnaires and recorded in a central database. Follow-up investigations are performed during hospital stay, routine clinical follow-up visits or telephone interviews. Primary outcome is live birth rate in the OTTILIA register and clinical pregnancy rate in the FIRST. Discussion: Although RCTs are the 'gold standard' for evaluating treatment outcomes, we believe that our registries represent a valid alternative in improving knowledge on mechanisms involved in reproductive failures and supporting future clinical decisions. Trial registration: NCT 02385461, retrospectively registered 5 March 2015 (OTTILIA); NCT 02685800, registered 10 February 2016 (FIRST).
Association of DNMT3B and DNMN3L Gene Polymorphisms with Early Pregnancy Loss
01.08.2019 |
Azova M.
Ahmed A.
Ait Aissa A.
Blagonravov M.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
10.1007/s10517-019-04553-6 |
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© 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. A total of 100 women with early pregnancy loss were recruited and further classified into two subgroups: sporadic pregnancy loss and recurrent pregnancy loss; each subgroup consisted of 50 women. The control group included 56 women with normal pregnancies. Genotyping was performed by PCR with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. A statistically significant increase in the frequencies of TT genotype and T allele for DNMT3B rs2424913 polymorphism was found in the total patient group and in both patient subgroups in comparison with the control. Moreover, homozygous TT genotype was associated with increased risk of early pregnancy loss (both sporadic and recurrent). DNMT3B rs2424913 gene polymorphism in women can be used a marker of predisposition to early pregnancy loss and recurrent pregnancy loss.
Pregnancy after in vitro fertilization with the use of allogeneic oocytes in a patient with recurrent pregnancy loss and combined thrombophilia
01.01.2018 |
Soboleva V.
Trifonova N.
Rudenko Y.
Demura T.
Kogan Y.
Zharkov N.
Zhukova E.
Aleksandrov L.
Ishchenko A.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The article analyzes a favourable outcome of multiple pregnancy achieved after using assisted reproductive technologies and donor egg in a patient with recurrent pregnancy loss and combined thrombophilia.