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The Analysis of Actual Approaches in Evaluating Efficiency of Medical Care of Female Patients with Habitual Miscarriage
01.07.2018 |
Vartanian E.
Gridnev O.
Belostotsky A.
Pesennikova E.
Gadaborshev M.
Kuchitz S.
Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny |
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The prevalence of habitual miscarriage varies depending on territories of the Russian Federation and other countries. The rate of premature delivery in the Moscow Zelenograd administrative okrug in 2013-2015 in average made up to 4.5%-4.7%. The percentage of habitual miscarriage made up to 3.6% that is a rather low indicator as compared with other Moscow okrugs and national average indices. The article considers three-level model of evaluation of medical, economic and social efficiency of obstetric gynecologic care support of population at the out-patient stage.
Pregnancy after in vitro fertilization with the use of allogeneic oocytes in a patient with recurrent pregnancy loss and combined thrombophilia
01.01.2018 |
Soboleva V.
Trifonova N.
Rudenko Y.
Demura T.
Kogan Y.
Zharkov N.
Zhukova E.
Aleksandrov L.
Ishchenko A.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The article analyzes a favourable outcome of multiple pregnancy achieved after using assisted reproductive technologies and donor egg in a patient with recurrent pregnancy loss and combined thrombophilia.
Endometriosis, adenomyosis, chronic endometritis: Clinical and pathogenetic relationships and reproductive failures
01.01.2018 |
Unanyan A.
Sidorova I.
Kogan E.
Belogubova S.
Demura T.
Elisavetskaya A.
Sizova N.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation) |
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© Bionika Media Ltd. The article highlights the clinical and pathogenetic relationships between endometriosis/adenomyosis and chronic endometritis (CE) within reproductive failures. It describes a cause-and-effect relationship between endometriosis/ adenomyosis and CE by the example of its clinical symptomatology and the pathogenic mechanisms involving an autoimmune process, aseptic inflammation, and altered endometrial receptivity. Endometriosis/adenomyosis and CE have a number of common pathogenetic mechanisms of development and clinical manifestations (infertility, miscarriages, and assisted reproductive program failures). This implies the necessity to qualitatively assess the endometrium in women with endometriosis and adenomyosis during pregravid preparation, as well as the search for new therapeutic ways to correct autoimmune disorders. The use of sodium desoxyribonucleate (derinat) showing the pharmacological properties of an activator of the cellular and humoral immune system and a stimulator of reparative and regenerative processes is a promising approach to drug therapy.