The Effect of Sample Bias and Experimental Artefacts on the Statistical Phylogenetic Analysis of Picornaviruses
06.11.2019 |
Vakulenko Y.
Deviatkin A.
Lukashev A.
Viruses |
10.3390/v11111032 |
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Statistical phylogenetic methods are a powerful tool for inferring the evolutionary history of viruses through time and space. The selection of mathematical models and analysis parameters has a major impact on the outcome, and has been relatively well-described in the literature. The preparation of a sequence dataset is less formalized, but its impact can be even more profound. This article used simulated datasets of enterovirus sequences to evaluate the effect of sample bias on picornavirus phylogenetic studies. Possible approaches to the reduction of large datasets and their potential for introducing additional artefacts were demonstrated. The most consistent results were obtained using "smart sampling", which reduced sequence subsets from large studies more than those from smaller ones in order to preserve the rare sequences in a dataset. The effect of sequences with technical or annotation errors in the Bayesian framework was also analyzed. Sequences with about 0.5% sequencing errors or incorrect isolation dates altered by just 5 years could be detected by various approaches, but the efficiency of identification depended upon sequence position in a phylogenetic tree. Even a single erroneous sequence could profoundly destabilize the whole analysis by increasing the variance of the inferred evolutionary parameters.
Using statistical phylogenetics for investigation of enterovirus 71 genotype a reintroduction into circulation
25.09.2019 |
Vakulenko Y.
Deviatkin A.
Lukashev A.
Viruses |
10.3390/v11100895 |
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© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Neurovirulent enterovirus 71 (EV-A71) caused a massive epidemic in China in 2008-2011. While subgenotype C4 was the major causative agent, a few isolates were almost identical to the prototype EV-A71 strain and belonged to genotype A. This variant was allegedly extinct since 1970, and its identification in this epidemic suggests reintroduction of the archive virus. Regression analysis of genetic distances (TempEst software) was of moderate utility due to the low resolution of classical phylogenetic methods. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis (BEAST software) suggested artificial introduction event based on highly aberrant phylogenetic tree branch rates that differed by over three standard deviations from the mean substitution rate for EV71. Manual nucleotide-level analysis was used to further explore the virus spread pattern after introduction into circulation. Upon reintroduction, the virus accumulated up to seven substitutions in VP1, most of them non-synonymous and located within the capsid's canyon or at its rims, compatible with readaptation of a lab strain to natural circulation.
Selection of Domestic Cell Lines for the Creation of Diagnostic and Preventive Preparations against Enterovirus 71
01.09.2019 |
Konyushko O.
Grachev V.
Popova V.
Ozherelkov S.
Vorovich M.
Ivanova A.
Sotskova S.
Kozhevnikova T.
Sanin A.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
10.1007/s10517-019-04590-1 |
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© 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. We studied the sensitivity of domestic proprietary human and animal cell lines from the collection of M. P. Chumakov Federal Scientific Center for Research and Development of Immuneand-Biological Products to infection with different enterovirus 71 strains. A cell system based on domestic proprietary permanent cell line 4647 was for the first time used for reproduction of four enterovirus 71 strains (BrCr, 42266, 42934, and 43374). It was shown that strain 4647 is the optimal cell substrate for enterovirus 71 reproduction. The titers of enterovirus 71 for all four strains considerably (by 2 lgTCID50/ml and more) increased during sequential passages in permanent cell line 4647. The prospects of using permanent cell line 4647 for creation of diagnostic and preventive preparations against 71 was demonstrated.
Selective Inhibition of Enterovirus A Species Members’ Reproduction by Furano[2, 3-d]pyrimidine Nucleosides Revealed by Antiviral Activity Profiling against (+)ssRNA Viruses
28.02.2018 |
Kozlovskaya L.
Golinets A.
Eletskaya A.
Orlov A.
Palyulin V.
Kochetkov S.
Alexandrova L.
Osolodkin D.
ChemistrySelect |
11 |
© 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim The rational design of broad-spectrum antivirals requires data on antiviral activity of compounds against multiple viruses, which are often not available. We have developed a panel of (+)ssRNA viruses composed of Enterovirus and Flavivirus genera members allowing to study these activity spectra. Antiviral activity profiling of a set of nucleoside analogues revealed N4-hydroxycytidine as an efficient inhibitor of replication of coxsackieviruses and other enteroviruses, but ineffective against tick-borne encephalitis virus. Furano[2, 3-d]pyrimidine nucleosides with n-pentyl or n-hexyl tails showed selective inhibition of Enterovirus A representatives. 5-(Tetradec-1-yn-1-yl)-uridine showed selective inhibition of tick-borne encephalitis virus at the micromolar level.
Current possibilities and potential development of molecular enterovirus surveillance. Experience of Russian Federation
01.01.2018 |
Lukashev A.
Golitsina L.
Vakulenko Y.
Akhmadishina L.
Romanenkova N.
Sapega E.
Morozova N.
Novikova N.
Trotsenko O.
Ivanova O.
Russian Journal of Infection and Immunity |
0 |
© 2018 Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute.All Rights Reserved. Enteroviruses are small RNA viruses, which are ubiquitous and commonly cause outbreaks with various clinical manifestations. In 2006, the Program on enterovirus surveillance was approved in the Russian Federation. Over the last years, molecular-biological and bioinformatics methods for enterovirus epidemiology studies have been developed both in Russia and worldwide. Currently, identification of enteroviruses is carried out by analyzing nucleotide sequence of the full-length VP1 genome region (ca. 900 nt). Routinely, it is sufficient to obtain a partial VP1 genome region sequence (ca. 300 bp) for enteroviruse verification in most cases; however, a more stringent type criterion of 80% sequence identity should be used compared to the 75% sequence identity cut-off for the complete VP1 genome region. Further sequence analysis may be performed by using Bayesian phylogenetic methods, which allow using molecular clock to trace outbreak emergence. Enteroviruses accumulate about 0.5–1% nucleotide substitutions per year. Therefore, a short genome fragment may be used to analyze virus phylodynamics at the level of international transfers and circulating virus variants. On a shorter timescale, a full-length VP1 genome region or a complete genome sequence are preferred for investigating molecular epidemiology, because a short sequence allows to reliably distinguish not more than 1–2 transmission events per year. Thus, determining enterovirus sequences for full-length VP1 genome region or full-genome sequence is preferred for examining viral outbreaks. It is increasingly apparent that analyzing available enterovirus nucleotide sequences reveals limitations related to uneven surveillance efficacy in various countries and short length of genome fragment measured in routine control. As a result, a proper global-scale analysis of enterovirus molecular epidemiology remains problematic. Over the last 20 years, the number of available enterovirus nucleotide sequences increased by hundred times, but understanding emergence of enterovirus infection outbreaks remains limited. Further development of enterovirus surveillance would require new methods for sewage monitoring, affordable high-throughput sequencing and harmonization of global surveillance systems.