© 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. We studied the sensitivity of domestic proprietary human and animal cell lines from the collection of M. P. Chumakov Federal Scientific Center for Research and Development of Immuneand-Biological Products to infection with different enterovirus 71 strains. A cell system based on domestic proprietary permanent cell line 4647 was for the first time used for reproduction of four enterovirus 71 strains (BrCr, 42266, 42934, and 43374). It was shown that strain 4647 is the optimal cell substrate for enterovirus 71 reproduction. The titers of enterovirus 71 for all four strains considerably (by 2 lgTCID50/ml and more) increased during sequential passages in permanent cell line 4647. The prospects of using permanent cell line 4647 for creation of diagnostic and preventive preparations against 71 was demonstrated.