Comparison between conventional and compressed sensing cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance for feature tracking global circumferential strain assessment
01.12.2021 |
Kido T.
Hirai K.
Ogawa R.
Tanabe Y.
Nakamura M.
Kawaguchi N.
Kurata A.
Watanabe K.
Schmidt M.
Forman C.
Mochizuki T.
Kido T.
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance |
10.1186/s12968-021-00708-5 |
0 |
© 2021, The Author(s). Background: Feature tracking (FT) has become an established tool for cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR)-based strain analysis. Recently, the compressed sensing (CS) technique has been applied to cine CMR, which has drastically reduced its acquisition time. However, the effects of CS imaging on FT strain analysis need to be carefully studied. This study aimed to investigate the use of CS cine CMR for FT strain analysis compared to conventional cine CMR. Methods: Sixty-five patients with different left ventricular (LV) pathologies underwent both retrospective conventional cine CMR and prospective CS cine CMR using a prototype sequence with the comparable temporal and spatial resolution at 3 T. Eight short-axis cine images covering the entire LV were obtained and used for LV volume assessment and FT strain analysis. Prospective CS cine CMR data over 1.5 heartbeats were acquired to capture the complete end-diastolic data between the first and second heartbeats. LV volume assessment and FT strain analysis were performed using a dedicated software (ci42; Circle Cardiovasacular Imaging, Calgary, Canada), and the global circumferential strain (GCS) and GCS rate were calculated from both cine CMR sequences. Results: There were no significant differences in the GCS (− 17.1% [− 11.7, − 19.5] vs. − 16.1% [− 11.9, − 19.3; p = 0.508) and GCS rate (− 0.8 [− 0.6, − 1.0] vs. − 0.8 [− 0.7, − 1.0]; p = 0.587) obtained using conventional and CS cine CMR. The GCS obtained using both methods showed excellent agreement (y = 0.99x − 0.24; r = 0.95; p < 0.001). The Bland–Altman analysis revealed that the mean difference in the GCS between the conventional and CS cine CMR was 0.1% with limits of agreement between -2.8% and 3.0%. No significant differences were found in all LV volume assessment between both types of cine CMR. Conclusion: CS cine CMR could be used for GCS assessment by CMR-FT as well as conventional cine CMR. This finding further enhances the clinical utility of high-speed CS cine CMR imaging.
Magnetic properties of BiFeO<inf>3</inf> – BaTiO<inf>3</inf> ceramics in the morphotropic phase boundary: A role of crystal structure and structural parameters
01.12.2021 |
Karpinsky D.V.
Silibin M.V.
Zhaludkevich D.V.
Latushka S.I.
Sysa A.V.
Sikolenko V.V.
Zhaludkevich A.L.
Khomchenko V.A.
Franz A.
Mazeika K.
Baltrunas D.
Kareiva A.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168409 |
0 |
A correlation between the crystal structure and magnetic properties of system (1-x)BiFeO3 – (x)BaTiO3 with compounds across the morphotropic phase boundary was studied using X-ray and neutron diffraction, magnetometry, and Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements. Increase in the dopants content leads to the structural transition from the rhombohedral phase to the cubic phase via a formation of the two-phase region (0.2 < x < 0.33), wherein the magnetic structure changes from the modulated G-type antiferromagnetic to the collinear antiferromagnetic via a stabilization of the non-collinear antiferromagnetic phase with non-zero remanent magnetization. The value of magnetic moment calculated per iron ion based on the Mössbauer and neutron diffraction data decreases from m ≈ 4.4 μB for the compound with x = 0.25 to m = 3.2 μB for the compound with x = 0.35 testifying a dominance of 3 + oxidation state of the iron ions. Increase in the amount of the cubic phase leads to a reduction in the remanent magnetization from 0.02 emu/g for the compounds with the dominant rhombohedral phase (x < 0.27) down to about 0.001 emu/g for the compounds with dominant cubic structure (x ≥ 0.27). Rapid decrease in the remanent magnetization observed in the compounds across the phase coexistence region points at no direct correlation between the type of structural distortion and non-zero remanent magnetization, while the oxygen octahedra tilting is the key factor determining the presence of non-zero remanent magnetization.
Short- and long-term exposures of the synthetic cannabinoid 5F-APINAC induce metabolomic alterations associated with neurotransmitter systems and embryotoxicity confirmed by teratogenicity in zebrafish
01.05.2021 |
Markin P.A.
Brito A.
Moskaleva N.E.
Tagliaro F.
La Frano M.R.
Savitskii M.V.
Appolonova S.A.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology |
10.1016/j.cbpc.2021.109000 |
0 |
© 2021 Introduction: Synthetic cannabinoids are abused substances with strong psychoactive effects. Little is known about the effects on neurotransmission and the toxicity of the second-generation cannabinoid 5F-APINAC. The objective was to assess the influence of short- and long-term exposures of 5F-APINAC on metabolites associated with neurotransmission on zebrafish. Methods: Short-term (“acute”, 4 h) and long-term (“chronic”, 96 h) exposures to 5F-APINAC were performed at 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10 μM. Intervention groups were compared with a vehicle control. Each group n = 20 zebrafish eggs/larvae. Metabolites related to neurotransmission were determined. Results: In chronic exposure, larvae exposed to 10 μM 5F-APINAC presented morphological and developmental alterations. GABA had the lowest concentrations at higher exposure in acute (p < 0.01) and chronic (p < 0.001) experiments. Glutamine showed a descending trend in the acute experiment, but an ascending trend in the chronic exposure (p < 0.05). In chronic exposure, tryptophan presented an overall descending trend, but with a neat increase at 10 μM 5F-APINAC (p < 0.001). Tryptamine in acute exposure presented lower (p < 0.05) concentrations at higher doses. Dopamine and acetylcholine presented highest (p < 0.05) concentrations in the acute and chronic exposures, but with a drop at the highest doses in the chronic experiments. In chronic exposure, xanthurenic acid decreased, except for the highest dose. Picolinic acid was increased at the highest doses in the chronic experiment (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Short- and long-term exposures induced metabolomic alterations associated with the gamma-aminobutyric acid/glutamic acid, dopaminergic/adrenergic, cholinergic neurotransmitter systems, and the kynurenine pathway. Chronic exposure at 10 μM 5F-APINAC was associated with embryotoxicity confirmed by teratogenesis.
Enhanced cytotoxicity caused by AC magnetic field for polymer microcapsules containing packed magnetic nanoparticles
01.03.2021 |
Zharkov M.N.
Brodovskaya E.P.
Kulikov O.A.
Gromova E.V.
Ageev V.P.
Atanova A.V.
Kozyreva Z.V.
Tishin A.M.
Pyatakov A.P.
Pyataev N.A.
Sukhorukov G.B.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces |
10.1016/j.colsurfb.2020.111548 |
0 |
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Magnetic hyperthermia (MH) is a perspective tool to treat the tumor while the magnetic material is delivered. The key problems in MH development is to ensure an effective local heating within cancer cell without overheating other cells. In order to do that one has to reach substantial local accumulation of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and/or magnetically sensitive objects with advanced heat properties. Absorbing heat energy for destroying tumor cells can be generated only if there is sufficient amount of locally placed MNPs. In this work, we propose polyelectrolyte microcapsules modified with iron oxide nanoparticles as an approach to tie magnetic materials in high concentration locally. These microcapsules (about 3 microns in diameter) can be readily internalized by various cells. The human fibroblasts uptake of the microcapsules and cytotoxic effect upon the influence of alternating magnetic field (AMF) while magnetic capsules are inside the cells is under study in this work. The cytotoxicity of the magnetic microcapsules was compared with the cytotoxicity of the MNPs while free in the solution to evaluate the effect of bounding MNPs. A cytotoxic effect on cells was found in the case of preliminary incubation of fibroblasts with capsules while the AMF is applied. In the case of MNPs in an equivalent dose per mass of magnetic material, there was no cytotoxic effect noticed after the treatment with the field. It is noteworthy that during the treatment of cells with the AMF, the increase in temperature of the incubation medium was not registered. The morphological changes on fibroblasts were consistent with the data of the viability assessment. Thus, the synthesized capsules are shown as a means for local enhancement of magnetic hyperthermia in the treatment of tumor diseases.
Detecting a subendocardial infarction in a child with coronary anomaly by three-dimensional late gadolinium enhancement MRI using compressed sensing
01.02.2021 |
Suekuni H.
Kido T.
Shiraishi Y.
Takimoto Y.
Hirai K.
Nakamura M.
Komori Y.
Ohmoto K.
Mochizuki T.
Kido T.
Radiology Case Reports |
10.1016/j.radcr.2020.11.048 |
0 |
© 2020 Three-dimensional high-resolution late gadolinium enhancement (3D HR LGE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using compressed sensing can help detect small myocardial infarcts. We discuss the case of an 11-year-old child with an anomalous aortic origin of the left coronary artery. Since he was suspected to have coronary stenosis due to anomalous aortic origin of the left coronary artery, cardiovascular MRI, including conventional two-dimensional (2D) LGE MRI and HR 3D LGE MRI, was conducted. Myocardial scars were not clearly observed via 2D LGE MRI; however, 3D HR MRI revealed subendocardial infarction of the anteroseptal wall, which corresponded to the left coronary artery. By applying the compressed sensing technique, 3D HR LGE, MRI enables a detailed assessment of small myocardial infarcts in a clinically feasible scan time.
Selenium, Zinc, Chromium, and Vanadium Levels in Serum, Hair, and Urine Samples of Obese Adults Assessed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
01.02.2021 |
Tinkov A.A.
Skalnaya M.G.
Ajsuvakova O.P.
Serebryansky E.P.
Chao J.C.J.
Aschner M.
Skalny A.V.
Biological Trace Element Research |
10.1007/s12011-020-02177-w |
4 |
© 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The objective of this study was to investigate of selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), and vanadium (V) levels in blood serum, hair, and urine of adult obese patients. A total of 199 lean and 196 obese subjects were enrolled in the study. Serum, hair, and urinary metal and metalloid analysis were performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry at NexION 300D (PerkinElmer Inc., USA). The results established that obese subjects were characterized by 47% and 30% lower serum Cr and V levels compared with controls, respectively, whereas serum Se levels exceeded control values by 9%. In contrast, hair Cr, Se, and V content in obese subjects exceeded the control values by 51%, 21%, and 50%, respectively. In turn, hair Zn levels were found to be significantly lower by 11% compared with the lean control values. In urine, the levels of V and Zn were found to be 30% and 18% higher in obese patients. Prevalence of hypertension in obese subjects was associated with a trend for impaired Se and Zn levels. In a regression model adjusted for age, gender, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and glucose intolerance, serum Cr, V, and hair Zn were inversely associated with body mass index (BMI), whereas hair Se was considered as the positive predictor. Our data allow proposing that the observed alterations may at least partially contribute to metabolic disturbances in obesity. In turn, monitoring of Se exposure in a well-nourished adult population is required to reduce its potential contribution to obesity.
Detecting a subendocardial infarction in a child with coronary anomaly by three-dimensional late gadolinium enhancement MRI using compressed sensing
01.02.2021 |
Suekuni H.
Kido T.
Shiraishi Y.
Takimoto Y.
Hirai K.
Nakamura M.
Komori Y.
Ohmoto K.
Mochizuki T.
Kido T.
Radiology Case Reports |
10.1016/j.radcr.2020.11.048 |
0 |
© 2020 Three-dimensional high-resolution late gadolinium enhancement (3D HR LGE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using compressed sensing can help detect small myocardial infarcts. We discuss the case of an 11-year-old child with an anomalous aortic origin of the left coronary artery. Since he was suspected to have coronary stenosis due to anomalous aortic origin of the left coronary artery, cardiovascular MRI, including conventional two-dimensional (2D) LGE MRI and HR 3D LGE MRI, was conducted. Myocardial scars were not clearly observed via 2D LGE MRI; however, 3D HR MRI revealed subendocardial infarction of the anteroseptal wall, which corresponded to the left coronary artery. By applying the compressed sensing technique, 3D HR LGE, MRI enables a detailed assessment of small myocardial infarcts in a clinically feasible scan time.
Selenium, Zinc, Chromium, and Vanadium Levels in Serum, Hair, and Urine Samples of Obese Adults Assessed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
01.02.2021 |
Tinkov A.A.
Skalnaya M.G.
Ajsuvakova O.P.
Serebryansky E.P.
Chao J.C.J.
Aschner M.
Skalny A.V.
Biological Trace Element Research |
10.1007/s12011-020-02177-w |
4 |
© 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The objective of this study was to investigate of selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), and vanadium (V) levels in blood serum, hair, and urine of adult obese patients. A total of 199 lean and 196 obese subjects were enrolled in the study. Serum, hair, and urinary metal and metalloid analysis were performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry at NexION 300D (PerkinElmer Inc., USA). The results established that obese subjects were characterized by 47% and 30% lower serum Cr and V levels compared with controls, respectively, whereas serum Se levels exceeded control values by 9%. In contrast, hair Cr, Se, and V content in obese subjects exceeded the control values by 51%, 21%, and 50%, respectively. In turn, hair Zn levels were found to be significantly lower by 11% compared with the lean control values. In urine, the levels of V and Zn were found to be 30% and 18% higher in obese patients. Prevalence of hypertension in obese subjects was associated with a trend for impaired Se and Zn levels. In a regression model adjusted for age, gender, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and glucose intolerance, serum Cr, V, and hair Zn were inversely associated with body mass index (BMI), whereas hair Se was considered as the positive predictor. Our data allow proposing that the observed alterations may at least partially contribute to metabolic disturbances in obesity. In turn, monitoring of Se exposure in a well-nourished adult population is required to reduce its potential contribution to obesity.
Exchange bias and spin-reorientation transition in α-Fe/PrDyCoFeB core/shell microwires
01.01.2021 |
Koplak O.V.
Morgunov R.B.
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology |
10.1016/j.mseb.2020.114845 |
0 |
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Magnetic anisotropy and interface exchange interaction were analyzed in α-Fe core microwire covered with PrDyCoFeB amorphous shell. The α-Fe/PrDyCoFeB core/shell microwires were grown by pendant drop melt extraction technique providing separation of the α-Fe and PrDyCoFeB phases during the ultrafast cooling. Low saturation field of the core ~100 Oe and high saturation field of amorphous shell ~10 kOe with zero coercivity were distinguished from angular dependences of the magnetic moment, recorded in low and high magnetic fields. Sharp decrease of the longitudinal magnetization, effective anisotropy field and magnetic susceptibility have been observed below the critical temperature, Tcrit = 240 K, in zero field. The Almeida-Thouless transition from ferrimagnetic state to Ising spin glass state has been revealed in PrDyCoFeB amorphous shell. Such spin reorientation transition is very attractive for magnetocaloric applications. We found exchange bias effect controlled by exchange coupling between ferromagnetic core and ferrimagnetic shell. The significance of the obtained data lies in possible applications of the core/shell microwires for tweezers with magnetic moment, stepwise changing in external field. Exchange bias in core-shell interface provides determined initial state of the microwire used as working media of field sensor. The sharp decrease of the magnetization associating with spin-reorientation transition looks very promising for magnetocaloric applications close to room temperature.
Exchange bias and spin-reorientation transition in α-Fe/PrDyCoFeB core/shell microwires
01.01.2021 |
Koplak O.V.
Morgunov R.B.
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology |
10.1016/j.mseb.2020.114845 |
0 |
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Magnetic anisotropy and interface exchange interaction were analyzed in α-Fe core microwire covered with PrDyCoFeB amorphous shell. The α-Fe/PrDyCoFeB core/shell microwires were grown by pendant drop melt extraction technique providing separation of the α-Fe and PrDyCoFeB phases during the ultrafast cooling. Low saturation field of the core ~100 Oe and high saturation field of amorphous shell ~10 kOe with zero coercivity were distinguished from angular dependences of the magnetic moment, recorded in low and high magnetic fields. Sharp decrease of the longitudinal magnetization, effective anisotropy field and magnetic susceptibility have been observed below the critical temperature, Tcrit = 240 K, in zero field. The Almeida-Thouless transition from ferrimagnetic state to Ising spin glass state has been revealed in PrDyCoFeB amorphous shell. Such spin reorientation transition is very attractive for magnetocaloric applications. We found exchange bias effect controlled by exchange coupling between ferromagnetic core and ferrimagnetic shell. The significance of the obtained data lies in possible applications of the core/shell microwires for tweezers with magnetic moment, stepwise changing in external field. Exchange bias in core-shell interface provides determined initial state of the microwire used as working media of field sensor. The sharp decrease of the magnetization associating with spin-reorientation transition looks very promising for magnetocaloric applications close to room temperature.
Rodent and fly models in behavioral neuroscience: An evaluation of methodological advances, comparative research, and future perspectives
01.01.2021 |
Moulin T.C.
Covill L.E.
Itskov P.M.
Williams M.J.
Schiöth H.B.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews |
10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.11.014 |
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© 2020 The Authors The assessment of behavioral outcomes is a central component of neuroscientific research, which has required continuous technological innovations to produce more detailed and reliable findings. In this article, we provide an in-depth review on the progress and future implications for three model organisms (mouse, rat, and Drosophila) essential to our current understanding of behavior. By compiling a comprehensive catalog of popular assays, we are able to compare the diversity of tasks and usage of these animal models in behavioral research. This compilation also allows for the evaluation of existing state-of-the-art methods and experimental applications, including optogenetics, machine learning, and high-throughput behavioral assays. We go on to discuss novel apparatuses and inter-species analyses for centrophobism, feeding behavior, aggression and mating paradigms, with the goal of providing a unique view on comparative behavioral research. The challenges and recent advances are evaluated in terms of their translational value, ethical procedures, and trustworthiness for behavioral research.
Rodent and fly models in behavioral neuroscience: An evaluation of methodological advances, comparative research, and future perspectives
01.01.2021 |
Moulin T.C.
Covill L.E.
Itskov P.M.
Williams M.J.
Schiöth H.B.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews |
10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.11.014 |
0 |
© 2020 The Authors The assessment of behavioral outcomes is a central component of neuroscientific research, which has required continuous technological innovations to produce more detailed and reliable findings. In this article, we provide an in-depth review on the progress and future implications for three model organisms (mouse, rat, and Drosophila) essential to our current understanding of behavior. By compiling a comprehensive catalog of popular assays, we are able to compare the diversity of tasks and usage of these animal models in behavioral research. This compilation also allows for the evaluation of existing state-of-the-art methods and experimental applications, including optogenetics, machine learning, and high-throughput behavioral assays. We go on to discuss novel apparatuses and inter-species analyses for centrophobism, feeding behavior, aggression and mating paradigms, with the goal of providing a unique view on comparative behavioral research. The challenges and recent advances are evaluated in terms of their translational value, ethical procedures, and trustworthiness for behavioral research.
The Effect of Training Experience and Leg Dominance on the Prevalence of Asymptomatic Intraarticular Changes of the Knee Joints in Adult Professional Male Soccer Players
01.12.2020 |
Bezuglov E.N.
Khaitin V.Y.
Lyubushkina A.V.
Lazarev A.M.
Gorinov A.V.
Sivakova E.Y.
Rumiantseva E.I.
Lychagin A.V.
Sports Medicine - Open |
10.1186/s40798-020-00248-9 |
0 |
© 2020, The Author(s). Background: Currently, no data is available regarding the association between professional experience or limb dominance and the prevalence of asymptomatic knee joint lesions in adult professional male soccer players. Hypothesis: The prevalence of the accumulated changes increases with training experience. This is especially true for the dominant leg, which is involved in a large proportion of the athletes’ movements. Study Design: Level 2 cross-sectional cohort study Methods: MRI was used to assess the condition of 94 knee joints in 47 adult professional male soccer players (mean age 25.7 ± 4.6 years, BMI 22.8 ± 1.4). Previous surgery on joints was an exclusion criterion. No football player had knee injuries (including fresh bruises) for at least 3 months before the examination. All the scans were performed using a 1.5T MRI scanner and a slice thickness of 3 mm. The images were blindly analyzed by two experienced radiologists. We analyzed all the three compartments of the knee joint. We consider a chondral lesion already from grade I in modified Noyes and Stabler classification system. To assess the influence of soccer training experience, all players were divided into two groups: group 1 formed from players with less than 20 years of experience and group 2 with more than 20 years of experience. Results: One hundred percent of the soccer players had at least one chondral and meniscal lesion. In both legs, the posterior horn of the medial meniscus (95.6%) was the most frequent site of injury. Most of the injuries were classified as grade II injuries (73.3% for the dominant and 75.6% for the non-dominant leg). Experience and age of the athletes significantly increased the probability of subcortical bone lesions. They were significantly positively correlated with the grades of patellar lesions and lesions of the patellar surface of the femur and significantly negatively correlated with the grades of lesions of posterior horn of lateral meniscus and anterior horn of medial meniscus. No statistically significant differences in the prevalence and grades of cartilage and meniscal lesions in the dominant and non-dominant limb were observed. Conclusion: Soccer practice is associated with the increased prevalence of asymptomatic chondral and meniscal lesions. The probability of subcortical bone lesions significantly increases with training experience and age. These factors are also positively correlated with the grades of patellar lesions and lesions of the patellar surface of the femur. The prevalence and grade of asymptomatic chondral and meniscal lesions is independent of leg dominance.
Biomechanics of starting, sprinting and submaximal running in athletes with brain impairment: A systematic review
01.12.2020 |
Fiorese B.A.
Beckman E.M.
Connick M.J.
Hunter A.B.
Tweedy S.M.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport |
10.1016/j.jsams.2020.05.006 |
0 |
© 2020 Sports Medicine Australia Objectives: Para athletes with brain impairment are affected by hypertonia, ataxia and athetosis, which adversely affect starting, sprinting and submaximal running. The aim was to identify and synthesise evidence from studies that have compared the biomechanics of runners with brain impairments (RBI) and non-disabled runners (NDR). Design: Systematic review. Methods: Five journal databases were systematically searched from inception to March 2020. Included studies compared the biomechanics of RBI (aged > 14 years) and NDR performing either block-starts, sprinting, or submaximal running. Results: Eight studies were included, analysing a total of 100 RBI (78M:22F; 18–38 years) diagnosed with either cerebral palsy (n = 44) or traumatic brain injury (n = 56). Studies analysed block-starts (n = 3), overground sprinting (n = 3) and submaximal running (n = 2), and submaximal treadmill running (n = 1). Horizontal velocity during starts, sprinting and self-selected submaximal speeds were lower in RBI. During sprinting and submaximal running, compared with NDR, RBI had shorter stride length, step length, and flight time, increased ground-contact time, increased cadence, and reduced ankle and hip range of motion. In submaximal running, RBI had decreased ankle-power generation at toe-off. Conclusions: There is limited research and small sample sizes in this area. However, preliminary evidence suggests that RBI had lower sprint speeds and biomechanical characteristics typical of submaximal running speeds in NDR, including increased ground-contact times and reduced stride length, step length, and flight times. Meaningful interpretation of biomechanical findings in RBI is impeded by impairment variability (type, severity and distribution), and methods which permit valid, reliable impairment stratification in larger samples are required.
Biomechanics of starting, sprinting and submaximal running in athletes with brain impairment: A systematic review
01.12.2020 |
Fiorese B.A.
Beckman E.M.
Connick M.J.
Hunter A.B.
Tweedy S.M.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport |
10.1016/j.jsams.2020.05.006 |
0 |
© 2020 Sports Medicine Australia Objectives: Para athletes with brain impairment are affected by hypertonia, ataxia and athetosis, which adversely affect starting, sprinting and submaximal running. The aim was to identify and synthesise evidence from studies that have compared the biomechanics of runners with brain impairments (RBI) and non-disabled runners (NDR). Design: Systematic review. Methods: Five journal databases were systematically searched from inception to March 2020. Included studies compared the biomechanics of RBI (aged > 14 years) and NDR performing either block-starts, sprinting, or submaximal running. Results: Eight studies were included, analysing a total of 100 RBI (78M:22F; 18–38 years) diagnosed with either cerebral palsy (n = 44) or traumatic brain injury (n = 56). Studies analysed block-starts (n = 3), overground sprinting (n = 3) and submaximal running (n = 2), and submaximal treadmill running (n = 1). Horizontal velocity during starts, sprinting and self-selected submaximal speeds were lower in RBI. During sprinting and submaximal running, compared with NDR, RBI had shorter stride length, step length, and flight time, increased ground-contact time, increased cadence, and reduced ankle and hip range of motion. In submaximal running, RBI had decreased ankle-power generation at toe-off. Conclusions: There is limited research and small sample sizes in this area. However, preliminary evidence suggests that RBI had lower sprint speeds and biomechanical characteristics typical of submaximal running speeds in NDR, including increased ground-contact times and reduced stride length, step length, and flight times. Meaningful interpretation of biomechanical findings in RBI is impeded by impairment variability (type, severity and distribution), and methods which permit valid, reliable impairment stratification in larger samples are required.
Effect of Perindopril/Indapamide on Cerebral Blood Flow in Middle-Aged, Treatment-Naïve Patients with Hypertension
01.12.2020 |
Ostroumova T.M.
Ostroumova O.D.
Parfenov V.A.
Perepelova E.M.
Perepelov V.A.
Kochetkov A.I.
Advances in Therapy |
10.1007/s12325-020-01515-7 |
0 |
© 2020, Springer Healthcare Ltd., part of Springer Nature. Introduction: The relationship between blood pressure (BP) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) is not fully understood. This study evaluated the impact of a perindopril arginine/indapamide (Pa/I) single-pill combination (SPC) on CBF in middle-aged patients. Methods: A total of 22 treatment-naïve patients with essential hypertension and at least one hypertension-mediated organ damage and 41 healthy controls were enrolled. At baseline, all participants underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); patients with hypertension underwent an additional MRI at end of follow-up. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) was used to calculate CBF in the frontal lobe cortical plate. Patients with hypertension received once-daily Pa/I 5 mg/1.25 mg SPC, which could be increased to Pa/I 10 mg/2.5 mg at 2 weeks if necessary. Patients with hypertension underwent 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) at baseline and end of follow-up. Results: Mean baseline BP values were 146.2/93.1 and 119.1/76.1 mmHg in the hypertension and control groups, respectively. Patients with hypertension had significantly (p < 0.001) lower CBF in the cortical plate of both left (36.2 ± 8.3 vs. 45.3 ± 3.5 ml/100 g/min) and right (37.9 ± 7.9 vs. 45.8 ± 3.2 ml/100 g/min) frontal lobes compared to normotensive controls. At the end of follow-up, there was a statistically significant (p < 0.001) increase in CBF in the cortical plate of both left (from 36.2 ± 8.3 to 47.5 ± 9.8 ml/100 g/min) and right frontal lobes (from 37.9 ± 7.9 to 47.4 ± 10.1 ml/100 g/min) compared to baseline. No significant difference was found between end of follow-up CBF levels in frontal lobes of patients with hypertension and those of healthy controls at baseline. Office BP decreased by 24.2/15.5 mmHg and 24-h ABPM from 145.5/95.3 to 120.8/79.3 mmHg. Conclusion: In middle-aged, treatment-naïve patients with hypertension, Pa/I SPC was associated with increased CBF in the cortical plate of the frontal lobes, which achieved levels of normotensive controls. The increase in CBF had no clear association with observed BP changes. Registration number: ISRCTN67799751.
Determination of the immunostimulatory drug—glucosoaminyl-muramyl-dipeptide—in human plasma using HPLC–MS/MS and its application to a pharmacokinetic study
01.12.2020 |
Moskaleva N.E.
Markin P.A.
Kuznetsov R.M.
Andronova T.M.
Appolonova S.A.
Biomedical Chromatography |
10.1002/bmc.4948 |
0 |
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. GMDP (glucosoaminyl-muramyl-dipeptide), a synthetic analog of the peptidoglycan fragment of the bacterial cell wall, is an active component of the immunomodulatory drug Licopid. But the pharmacokinetic parameters of GMDP in humans after oral administration have not been investigated yet. The present study aimed at developing and validating a sensitive LC–MS/MS method for the analysis of GMDP in human plasma. The sample was prepared by solid-phase extraction using Strata-X 33 μm polymeric reversed-phase 60 mg/3 mL cartridges Phenomenex (Torrance, CA, USA). The analytes were separated using an Acquity UPLC BEN C18 column, 1.7 μm 2.1 × 50 mm Waters (Milford, USA). GMDP and internal standard growth hormone releasing peptide-2 (pralmorelin) were ionized in positive electrospray ionization mode and detected in multiple reaction monitoring mode. The developed method was validated within a linear range of 50–3000 pg/mL for GMDP. Accuracy for all analytes, given as the deviation between the nominal and measured concentration and assay variability, ranged from 1.61 to 3.02% and from 0.89 to 1.79%, respectively, for both within- and between-run variabilities. The developed and validated HPLC–MS/MS method was successfully used to obtain the plasma pharmacokinetic profiles of GMDP distribution in human plasma.
Effect of the stray field of Fe/Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf> nanoparticles on the surface of the CoFeB thin films
15.10.2020 |
Morgunov R.B.
Koplak O.V.
Allayarov R.S.
Kunitsyna E.I.
Mangin S.
Applied Surface Science |
10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.146836 |
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© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Fe/Fe3O4 nanoparticles have been deposited on the surfaces of ultrathin CoFeB film and CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB hetero-structure to be detected due to the stray field generated by one particle or a cluster of particles. Exchange biased Fe/Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles have been used to stabilize the particles magnetization. Comparison between the Atomic Force and Magnetic Force Microscope images and subtraction of corresponding phase contrasts allows visualization of the film magnetization affected by the particles. Spectra of Ferromagnetic Resonance of the ultrathin films with deposited particles allow one to estimate particle/film dipolar interaction. The results will be useful for the development of lab-on-chip sensors of magnetically labeled cells. Estimation of particles number by magnetic response of the CoFeB heterostructure is demonstrated.
Tricalcium phosphate cement supplemented with boron nitride nanotubes with enhanced biological properties
01.09.2020 |
Rau J.V.
Fosca M.
Fadeeva I.V.
Kalay S.
Culha M.
Raucci M.G.
Fasolino I.
Ambrosio L.
Antoniac I.V.
Uskoković V.
Materials Science and Engineering C |
10.1016/j.msec.2020.111044 |
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© 2020 Elsevier B.V. A self-setting bone cement containing β-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) supplemented with boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs, 1 wt%) was synthesized and analyzed in situ for its kinetics of hardening and selected physicochemical and biological properties. Moderately delayed due to the presence of BNNTs, the hardening reaction involved the transformation of the TCP precursor to the dicalcium phosphate (DCPD) product. In spite of the short-lived chemical transformations in the cement upon its hardening, the structural changes in it were extended. As a result, the compressive strength increased from day 1 to day 7 of the hardening reaction and the presence of BNNTs further increased it by ~25%. Fitting of the time-resolved energy-dispersive diffractometric data to the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov crystallization kinetics model conformed to the one-dimensional nucleation at a variable rate during the growth of elongated DCPD crystals from round TCP grains. For the first seven days of growth of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on the cement, no difference in their proliferation was observed compared to the control. However, between the 7th and the 21st day, the cell proliferation decreased compared to the control because of the ongoing stem cell differentiation toward the osteoblast phenotype. This differentiation was accompanied by the higher expression of alkaline phosphatase, an early marker of hMSC differentiation into a pre-osteoblast phenotype. The TCP cement supplemented with BNNTs was able to thwart the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in hMSCs treated with H2O2/Fe2+ and bring the ROS levels down to the concentrations detected in the control cells, indicating the good capability of the material to protect the cells against the ROS-associated damage. Simultaneously, the cement increased the expression of mediators of inflammation in a co-culture of osteoblasts and macrophages, thus attesting to the direct reciprocity between the degrees of inflammation and stimulated new bone production.
Focused magnetization in sharpened rare-earth microwires with four switchable magnetic states
15.08.2020 |
Morgunov R.
Koplak O.
Materials Letters |
10.1016/j.matlet.2020.127954 |
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© 2020 Elsevier B.V. New class of microwires based on rare-earth PrDyFeCoB alloy is developed. Chemical technique of the microwire tip designing is proposed. The α-Fe core microwire covered with amorphous shell provides stepwise switching between four magnetic states in external homogeneous magnetic field. Focusing of the stray field in the microwire tip was visualized. Bias field ~20 Oe, high saturation magnetization and attraction force up to 2000 pN, large field gradient and techniques of chemical sharpening provide novelty and significance of the obtained results.