Chear of Hygiene of Children and Teenagers

Chear of Hygiene of Children and Teenagers of the First Moscow State Medical University I.M. Sechenov, the oldest in Russia, was founded in 1926 at the Medical Faculty of Moscow State University. Has a rich historical experience in the organization of educational and professional activities, both students and graduates in the field of hygiene and health of children and adolescents.

The chear trains students of the pediatric faculty in two disciplines "Hygiene" and "Fundamentals of the formation of children's health."

The chear works on the basis of the Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Federal Medical Academy of Children's Health of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to use the Institute's potential in the academic and scientific work of the department (library of scientific literature, information and methodological documents, scientific laboratories.