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The hardware techniques for the restoration of the gait stereotype in the patients following total hip replacement: the personalized approach
09.04.2018 |
Koneva E.
Lyadov K.
Shapovalenko T.
Zhukova E.
Polushkin V.
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury |
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BACKGROUND: total hip replacement has long ago become the «golden standard» for the treatment of dysplastic coxarthrosis in thousands of the patients receiving it every year. In the meantime, the analysis of the specialized literature gives evidence of the lack of a systematic and personified approach to the rehabilitation treatment. AIM: The objective of the present study was to improve medical rehabilitation of the patients following the total hip replacement and to develop the personalized programs for walking modality reconstruction taking into consideration the age and the body weight of the patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 240 patients were available for the observation including 184 women and 56 men. They were divided into three study groups and one control group, with the differentiation into the following three subgroups: one comprised of the patients of moderate acerage age and body weight, the other containing the obese patients (BMI>35), and the third one involving the elderly patients (age >70 years); each subgroup consisted of 20 patients. All the patients received the early basic rehabilitation treatment, those in the study groups had to perform in addition the robotic training based on the use of hardware techniques supplemented by passive mechanotherapy and electromyostimulation designed to restore the walking stereotype with three types of devices: body weight unloading, video-reconstruction associated with biological feedback and robototherapy. RESULTS: The comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various methods of gait reconstruction has demonstrated the high effectiveness of the application of the hardware technique in the patients of moderate acerage age and body weight. At the same time, the elderly patients had a significantly higher rate of successful walking reconstruction efficiency under the influence of the video-associated training with biological feedback (3 times that achieved with training using the device for unloading the body weight and 4 times compared with the result of a course of robotic walk. The evaluation of the application of the techniques for the gait stereotype reconstruction in the obese patients gave evidence of the advantage of the Lokomat robotic trainings that produced 6 times better results than unloading of the body weight and 5 times better ones than the video-associated training with biological feedback. DISCUSSION: The results of the present study are on the whole comparable with the data reported by other authors although its design was different from that of the majority of the published studies in that our patients were allocated to different subgroups for the further personalization of the methods applied to restore the gait stereotype. The factors limiting the use of the results of this study include the medium-high level of the patients' welfare most of whom are residents of the city of Moscow and Moscow region characterized by a relatively high quality and accessibility of health care. It means that the results of such studies as the one described in the present article are directly related to the quality and accessibility of health care and can be extrapolated only to the socially safe and well-to-do patients. CONCLUSIONS: All the hardware techniques are equally effective in the patients of moderate average age and body weight. The elderly patients showed the best results using the video-reconstruction associated with biological feedback, while the Locomat technique was especially useful for the obese patients.
Effect of Physical Rehabilitation on Echocardiographic Parameters in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
01.03.2018 |
Volodina K.
Linchak R.
Achkasov E.
Alaeva E.
Bulgakova O.
Puzin S.
Buvalin N.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Echocardiographic parameters were assessed in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome, who underwent emergency percutaneous coronary intervention followed by various outpatient physical cardiac rehabilitation programs. The patients underwent physical rehabilitation for 3 months under conditions of diagnostic centre in the rehabilitation unit according to the standard program including in treadmill or bicycle exercise in the exercise therapy room or with Nordic walking in the main training block. After rehabilitation course, the left ventricular mass index significantly decreased and systolic volume and left ventricular ejection fraction significantly increased in both groups. Nordic walking training for 3 months non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome induced similar positive shifts in the parameters of intracardiac hemodynamics, as standard treadmill or bicycle training program, which allows considering it as an alternative cardiac rehabilitation method.
Changes in walking in the elderly
01.01.2018 |
Damulin I.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. The article addresses gait disturbances in the elderly. It emphasizes that the system that maintains the balance in resting conditions and gait is based on the hierarchical principle and its function depends on the maintenance of integration between vestibular, visual and somatosensory information as well as on cognitive functions. Walking depends on the integrity of frontal-subcortical neuronal circles that support regulatory functions. The main pathogenetic mechanisms of age-related disturbances of balance and gait are a decrease in the efficacy of spinal motorneurons activation caused by Ia-afferentation, a decrease in cortical activation and excitability of corticospinal pathways and in the intensity of intracortical inhibition. The causes of age-related changes in walking are not confined to a single system (e.g., one sensory modality) but have a multisystem character and are involved in many structures. The author analyses the results of recent studies that use functional neuroimaging methods.