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Changes of postural statusa in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment
01.01.2018 |
Ivanov V.
Achkasov E.
Markov N.
Krechina E.
Stomatologiia |
0 |
The study objective was to determinate variations of stato-dynamical functional markers of postural balance system in the process of malocclusion treatment. Twenty patients aged from 14 to 30 years with class II malocclusion were recruited for this prospective study. All patients underwent electromyography of mm. temporalis and mm. maseter in rest and at maximal jaws pressure. Postural balance was evaluated by stabilometry platform and body's regions relationship was assessed by computer optical topography. Orthodontic interventions included using occlusal splint, dental straps or 'TwinForce' device. There were two diagnostic sessions: before and after one month of orthodontic treatment. The majority of patients after anterior dislocation of mandible demonstrated significant increase in unilateral masticatory muscles activity (р<0.05) which correlated with iliac crest position. According to computerized topography data superior iliac crest position was registered in opposite side with regard to muscle hypertonia. According to stabilometry data forward translation of the mandible resulted in retroversion of total pressure point projection (р<0.05). Asymmetric muscle working in the process of occlusal adjustment may provoke postural imbalance in distal body regions. It dictates postural system condition monitoring during orthodontic treatment.