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Standardization of Thrombaptanib Drug Substance for Residual Organic Solvents
01.07.2018 |
Petukhov A.
Petrykina E.
Tereshkina O.
Ramenskaya G.
Antipova O.
Turashev A.
Zav’yalova E.
Golovin A.
Pavlova G.
Kopylov A.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal |
0 |
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Results from experiments conducted for the parameter Residual Organic Solvents during the course of developing a draft regulation for the drug substance of the innovative pharmacological agent thrombaptanib are reported. The structure of the compound is given. Its pharmacological action is described. A list of potential residual organic solvents was compiled by analyzing the synthetic scheme and manufacturing technology. A separate part of the work describes in detail a developed GC-MS procedure for determining residual organic solvents. Validation results of the procedure for Specificity, Linearity, Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility are presented. The validation protocol for the procedure at the time of the studies followed domestic guides for validation that were written based on existing international documents because there was no existing GPM for validation in the current edition of the SP RF. A test sample of thrombaptanib was analyzed using the developed procedure for Residual Organic Solvents. The developed procedure was included in the Residual Organic Solvents section of the draft regulation.