Standardization of snowdrop (Galanthus l.) herbal pharmaceutical substances by ultraviolet-spectrophotometry
01.10.2018 |
Bokov D.
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research |
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© 2018, Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. Objective: The objective of the present study is to evaluate the electronic ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectra of herbal pharmaceutical substances (70% ethanol extracts) prepared from medicinal plant material of two snowdrop species – Galanthus woronowii Losinsk and Galanthus nivalis L. Methods: The groups of biologically active substances were investigated by UV-spectrophotometry including special sample preparation for flavonoids and alkaloids. Results: In the present study, data were obtained characterizing the composition of the main biologically active compounds of the genus Galanthus L., received its “spectrophotometric profiles.” On the basis of spectral characteristics of G. woronowii and G. nivalis flavonoids and alkaloids, we confirm feasibility for using galantamine, lycorine, quercetin, and its glycosides (hyperoside et al.) state standard samples in standardization analysis. Conclusion: It is shown that this method can be used to assess the quality of herbal pharmaceutical substances, serve to prove their identity in pharmacopoeial monograph.
Comparative study of the biologically active substances composition and content in meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim) crude herbal drugs (herb, leafs, flowers) of russian origin
01.07.2018 |
Kovaleva T.
Ermakova V.
Trashchenkova D.
Dorovskih E.
Bokov D.
Shilova I.
Samylina I.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance |
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© 2018, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance. All rights reserved. Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. (Meadowsweet) is known in traditional medicine as anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, astringent and antibacterial remedy. However recent studies show that it also has neurotropic activity. In Russia meadowsweet flowers are used as crude herbal drugs (temporary pharmacopoeial monograph 42-1777-87), also leafs and herb are used in the traditional medicine. Objective of the study was to carry out comparative investigation of composition and content of major biologically active compounds (BAC) in Filipendula ulmaria herb, flowers and leafs by thin-layer chromatography, differential spectrophotometry with aluminum chloride reagent (total flavonoids in terms of rutoside), gravimetry (total extractives, extracted by water), permanganatometric titration (total tannins in terms of tannin). Rutoside, tannin, gallic acid and salicylic acid were identified in Filipendula ulmaria herb, flowers and leafs by TLC. Also we analyzed content of substances extracted by water, flavonoids and tannins. Total extractives, extracted by water in F. ulmaria herb is 13.12±0.10%, in leafs - 13.98±0.37%, in flowers - 18.09±0.17%. Total tannins in F. ulmaria herb is 11.87±0.47%, in leafs - 12.06±0.18%, in flowers - 12.26±0.29%. Total flavonoids in F. ulmaria herb 4.34±0.17%, in leafs - 6.98±0.23%, in flowers - 11.75±0.57%. The obtained data will be used for development of a pharmacopoeial monograph project “Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim., herba” for inclusion in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation.
Approaches to Pharmaceutical Analysis of an Innovative Liposomal Preparation for Treating Hepatitis C
01.06.2018 |
Smirnov V.
Krasnykh L.
Shilovskii I.
Ryzhenkova A.
Khaitov M.
Drozdov V.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The composite Y14/siUTR, a complex consisting of cationic lipopeptide Y14 as an excipient and pharmaceutical substance of small interfering RNAtargeted against the UTR region of hepatitis C virus (siUTR), was investigated. The composite was intended to inhibit the hepatitis C virus replication cycle. The present work was aimed at developing pharmaceutical analytical methods for the components of this composite using HPLC-UV and UV spectroscopy.
A Novel Method for the Rapid Determination of Isonicotinic Hydrazide in Aqueous Solutions Using Reflectance Spectrophotometry and Colorimetry
01.03.2018 |
Zrelova L.
Belyaeva E.
Marchenko D.
Ivanova E.
Sandzhieva D.
Dedov A.
Journal of Analytical Chemistry |
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© 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. A rapid method is developed for the quantitative determination of 5–35 g/L of isonicotinic hydrazide (INH, isoniazide) in aqueous media. The method is based on the formation of copper(I) oxide in the reaction of isonicotinic hydrazide with copper ions on the surface of indicator tablets and the subsequent recording of the analytical signal by reflectance spectrophotometry and colorimetry. Aluminum oxide is proposed as a solid-phase substrate for the production of indicator tablets. Isonicotinic hydrazide can be determined in the tablet form of the Isoniazid preparation.
Validation of a Quantitative Determination Method for Ormustine in a Lyophilized Dosage Form
01.02.2018 |
Bunyatyan N.
Nikolaeva L.
Olefir Y.
Sanarova E.
Oborotova N.
Prokof’ev A.
Ignat’eva E.
Yartseva I.
Gulyakin I.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Validation results for a spectrophotometric quantitative determination method for ormustine in a lyophilized dosage form are presented. The method is shown to be suitable for quantitative determination of ormustine with respect to parameters such as specificity, linearity, accuracy, repeatability, and intermediate precision.