Structural organization of bacterial cellulose: The origin of anisotropy and layered structures
01.06.2020 |
Gromovykh T.I.
Pigaleva M.A.
Gallyamov M.O.
Ivanenko I.P.
Ozerova K.E.
Kharitonova E.P.
Bahman M.
Feldman N.B.
Lutsenko S.V.
Kiselyova O.I.
Carbohydrate Polymers |
10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116140 |
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© 2020 Elsevier Ltd In this paper, we perform a systematic analysis of the structural organization of bacterial cellulose (BC). We report four types of organization of the BC mass, produced by Gluconacetobacter hansenii that occur depending on cultivation conditions. Two of those, particularly, plywood type one and layers of micro-sized tubes were observed and described for the first time. In spherical BC particles (pellets), we found the layered structure that had previously been reported for planar geometry only. We suggest a model explaining why layers form in BC films and attempt to reveal the impact of different factors on the BC microscale morphology. We assume that the main factor that has direct impact on the type of structure formed is the rate of BC mass accumulation.
Structural organization of bacterial cellulose: The origin of anisotropy and layered structures
01.06.2020 |
Gromovykh T.I.
Pigaleva M.A.
Gallyamov M.O.
Ivanenko I.P.
Ozerova K.E.
Kharitonova E.P.
Bahman M.
Feldman N.B.
Lutsenko S.V.
Kiselyova O.I.
Carbohydrate Polymers |
10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116140 |
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© 2020 Elsevier Ltd In this paper, we perform a systematic analysis of the structural organization of bacterial cellulose (BC). We report four types of organization of the BC mass, produced by Gluconacetobacter hansenii that occur depending on cultivation conditions. Two of those, particularly, plywood type one and layers of micro-sized tubes were observed and described for the first time. In spherical BC particles (pellets), we found the layered structure that had previously been reported for planar geometry only. We suggest a model explaining why layers form in BC films and attempt to reveal the impact of different factors on the BC microscale morphology. We assume that the main factor that has direct impact on the type of structure formed is the rate of BC mass accumulation.
Structural organization of bacterial cellulose: The origin of anisotropy and layered structures
01.06.2020 |
Gromovykh T.I.
Pigaleva M.A.
Gallyamov M.O.
Ivanenko I.P.
Ozerova K.E.
Kharitonova E.P.
Bahman M.
Feldman N.B.
Lutsenko S.V.
Kiselyova O.I.
Carbohydrate Polymers |
10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116140 |
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© 2020 Elsevier Ltd In this paper, we perform a systematic analysis of the structural organization of bacterial cellulose (BC). We report four types of organization of the BC mass, produced by Gluconacetobacter hansenii that occur depending on cultivation conditions. Two of those, particularly, plywood type one and layers of micro-sized tubes were observed and described for the first time. In spherical BC particles (pellets), we found the layered structure that had previously been reported for planar geometry only. We suggest a model explaining why layers form in BC films and attempt to reveal the impact of different factors on the BC microscale morphology. We assume that the main factor that has direct impact on the type of structure formed is the rate of BC mass accumulation.
Optical and Electron Microscopic Study of the Morphology and Ultrastructure of Biofilms Formed by Streptococcus pyogenes
01.05.2018 |
Danilova T.
Smirnova T.
Danilina G.
Adzhieva A.
Andreevskaya S.
Shevlyagina N.
Zhukhovitsky V.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Our study confirmed the capacity of S. pyogenes strains to form biofilms on abiotic surfaces. Chains of streptococci surrounded by bluish film were seen under a microscope after alcian blue staining of the preparations grown on slides. On ultrathin sections in transmission electron microscope, the extracellular matrix (indicator of biofilm maturity) became visible after staining with alcian blue. Microscopy of the sections shows structures characteristic of a biofilm in spaces between the cells. Scanning electron microscopy also demonstrates the presence of a biomembrane. Importantly that type 1M strain forming in fact no membranes when cultured on plastic plates (Costar) formed biofilms on the glass. It seems that the conditions for the biofilm formation on the plastic and on the glass differ, due to which the exopolymeric matrices formed on different surfaces vary by biochemical composition.
Bioinorganic chemical composition of the lens and methods of its investigation
01.01.2018 |
Avetisov S.
Novikov I.
Pakhomova N.
Motalov V.
Vestnik Oftalmologii |
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© 2018 Media Sfera. All rights reserved. Bioinorganic chemical composition of the lens of human and experimental animals (cows, dogs, rats, rabbits) have been analyzed in various studies. In most cases, the studies employed different methods to determine the gross (total) composition of chemical elements and their concentrations in the examined samples. Less frequently, they included an assessment of the distribution of chemical elements in the lens and correlation of their concentration with its morphological changes. Chemical elements from all groups (series) of the periodic classification system were discovered in the lens substance. Despite similar investigation methods, different authors obtained contradicting results on the chemical composition of the lens. This article presents data suggesting possible correlation between inorganic chemical elements in the lens substance with the development and formation of lenticular opacities. All currently employed methods are known to only analyze limited number of select chemical elements in the tissues and do not consider the whole range of elements that can be analyzed with existing technology; furthermore, the majority of studies are conducted on the animal model lens. Therefore, it is feasible to continue the development of the chemical microanalysis method by increasing the sensitivity of Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) with the purpose of assessing the gross chemical composition and distribution of the elements in the lens substance, as well as revealing possible correlation between element concentration and morphological changes in the lens.
Regenerative potential of biodegradable collagen matrix for healing full-thickness defect of conjunctiva in rabbits
01.01.2018 |
Demura T.
Fisenko N.
Mamikonyan V.
Kogan E.
Avetisov S.
Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya |
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© 2018 American Leather Chemists Association. All rights reserved. The regenerative potential of biodegradable collagen matrix (hemostatic sponge) for healing full-thickness rabbit conjunctival injury was studied. Results of histological investigation and scanning electron microscopy showed evidence of the progressive degradation of collagen matrix followed by granulation tissue formation from periphery to the center of the conjunctival wound. The ungrafted conjunctival defect was substituted with granulation tissue from the intact edges of wound to the center. Both matrix-grafted and ungrafted full-thickness conjunctival defects were covered completely with loose stroma and stratified squamous epithelium within 30 days. Thus, high regenerative potential of biodegradable collagen matrix (hemostatic sponge) implanted into the zone of injury for healing full-thickness defect of rabbit conjunctiva was established.