Efficiency and expedience of antibiotic treatment for colonic diverticulitis
01.01.2018 |
Voynov M.
Magnaev B.
Zotova A.
Novosti Khirurgii |
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© 2018 Vitebsk State Medical University. All rights reserved. Objective: To study the efficacy and to establish expedience of antibiotic treatment for diverticulitis. Methods: The retrospective analysis of 141 medical histories was made of patients with acute uncomplicated diverticulitis, who were treated during the period from 2013 to 2016 years. Antibiotics were prescribed to treat 85 (60.3%) patients (the main group), 56 (39.7%) patients (the control group) were not given antibacterial drugs. To assess the treatment effectiveness, a dynamic assessment of the clinical picture and laboratory indicators was performed. In the long-term period patients were questioned to determine the nature of the course and the occurrence of relapses of diverticulitis. Results: The duration of hospitalization of the main group patients was 10.8+3.2 days (M+o), control -11.2+2.6 days (M+o), p>0.05. During the treatment, disease progression was registered in none of the patients. In the main group the body temperature was normalized after 1.6 + 0.4 days, in the control group after 1.7+0.3 days, p>0.05. The level of leukocytes came back to normal in the main group at 2.7+0.8 days, in the control group at 2.9+0.7 days (p>0.05). Long-term results were evaluated in 82 (96.5%) of patients and 55 (98.2%) in the control group. Use of antibiotic treatment in diverticulitis had no effect in the remote period for redevelopment of complications (OR 1.19; CI 0.58-2.44), the need to seek medical care (OR 1.11; CI 0.52-2.34), need for hospitalization (OR 0.95, CI 0.3-2.96) and surgical treatment (OR 1.36, CI 0.34-7.69). Conclusions: The use of antibiotic treatment for diverticulitis does not affect the outcome of treatment and does not determine the further course of the disease. Taking into account the increasing resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics and the need to optimize costs with limited funding for health care, it is advisable to exclude the use of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of uncomplicated diverticulitis.
Treatment of hematogenous osteomyelitis of the femur complicated by pathological fracture
01.01.2018 |
Lipatov K.
Komarova E.
Kiryupina M.
Khirurgiia |
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Pharmacotherapy of resistant arterial hypertension
01.01.2018 |
Shepeleva N.
Rodionov V.
Fomin V.
Terapevticheskii Arkhiv |
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© 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Pharmacotherapy of resistant arterial hypertension represents a serious problem, because today there are no clear algorithms of action in this clinical situation. The review discusses the key works in which the authors propose a solution to this problem. The variants of a differentiated approach to treatment based on hemodynamic type, plasma renin activity, as well as a number of empirical strategies, including the predominant use of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, are discussed.
Scleroderma “en coup de sabre” With Epilepsy and Uveitis Successfully Treated With Tocilizumab
01.01.2018 |
Osminina M.
Geppe N.
Afonina E.
Reumatologia Clinica |
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© 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología Case history of a small girl outlet with epilepsy, followed by scleroderma skin damage and uveitis, neurovasculitis with white matter foci in brain on the side of skin lesion in two months, immunologic disease activity. Resistance to conventional immunosuppressive therapy forced us to initiate the treatment with tocilizumab. It was well tolerated and led to significant improvement of brain, ocular and skin manifestations.
Rare forms of ectopic pregnancy: A systemic approach to diagnosis and treatment
01.01.2018 |
Rubina E.
Davydov A.
Strizhakov A.
Shakhlamova M.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
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© 2018 Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. Objective: Development and justification of a differentiated approach to diagnosis and treatment of ectopic extratubal pregnancies. Patients and methods: 37 patients with histologically verified diagnosis «Ectopic pregnancy» were examined, in whom the ovum was located outside the uterine tubes. In 26 cases it was cervical pregnancy, in 8 - ovarian pregnancy, and 3 pregnancies within a caesarean scar. Diagnostic and treatment methods: 2D- and 3D-transvaginal echography, including power Doppler sonography; hCG testing in blood and urine, laparoscopy, hysteroresectoscopy. Results: A system of examining and treating patients with rare ectopic pregnancies has been developed, in which step-by-step measures for optimization of diagnostic and therapeutic processes are presented. The main attention is paid to organ-sparing technologies, including metroplasty and intrauterine surgery in caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy, and also intrauterine surgery in cervical pregnancy. Conclusion: The presented system permits to optimize diagnosis and treatment of patients with ectopic extratubal pregnancies with preservation of the reproductive function.
Migraine «masks»: Differential diagnosis of acute headache
01.01.2018 |
Sergeev A.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Differential diagnosis of migraine, can be difficult, especially of migraine with aura. On the one hand, some diseases can produce symptoms similar to migraine (cerebral aneurysm before rupture, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome). On the other hand, migraine with aura and some other disorders are conditions that have common pathophysiological mechanisms (e.g., CADASIL and MELAS syndrome, antiphospholipid syndrome). Thirdly, clinical presentations of migraine are often difficult to distinguish from features of other headache conditions (migraine with aura - transient ischemic attack, migraine with visual aura - occipital epilepsy). The author discusses the differential diagnosis of acute headache, especially thunderclap headache, and main strategies of effective treatment of migraine attacks.
Common sense of diosmin administration in combined treatment of hemorrhoids
01.01.2018 |
Bashankaev B.
Wexner S.
Arkharov A.
Khirurgiia |
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Flavonoids are herbal medicines and widely used for chronic venous diseases and hemorrhoids. Flavonoid diosmin in both micronized and non-micronized form is a part of various drugs. According to literature data, flavonoids are able to reduce venous stasis, suppress local inflammation, improve venous tone and lymphatic outflow. It should be noted that biological models of in vivo trials have certain limitations while available data of different researches are contradictory. However, flavonoids were recommended for hemorrhoids in view of meta-analysis of 14 trials comparing flavonoids (diosmin, micronized purified flavonoid fraction and rutosides) with placebo in 1514 patients with hemorrhoids and Cochrane review of 24 randomized controlled trials (2,334 participants). These drugs should be administered as a part of complex therapy. At the same time, there is no conclusive evidence to prefer only one of these medicines. There are also no data confirming the benefits of daily dosage of 3000 mg per day of micronized fraction of flavonoids compared with 1800 mg of purified diosmin per day for treatment of acute hemorrhoids.
Cognitive and motor training for patients with moderate cognitive impairment and mild dementia
01.01.2018 |
Naumenko A.
Preobrazhenskaya I.
Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika |
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© 2018 Ima-Press Publishing House. All Rights Reserved. Objective: to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive and motor training as an additional method to basic therapy in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). Patients and methods: The investigation enrolled 41 patients (15 women and 26 men; mean age. 73.59±6.3 years), including 32 patients with AD (mean age 74.94±5.15 years) and 9 patients with VCI (mean age, 72.31±4.98 years). Cognitive impairment (CI) corresponded to mild dementia in 15 patients (5 women and 10 men; mean age 74.6±2.8 years) and to moderate dementia in 29 (10 women and 19 men; mean age 72.1±3.2 years). The patients were randomly assigned to individual, group, and mixed (individual and then group) cognitive training groups. Quantitative scales were used to assess changes in CI and emotional and behavioral disorders after 1.5, 3, and 6 months of therapy. Results and discussion: During cognitive and motor training, all the groups showed a significant decrease in the severity of CI (p < 0.05), depression, anxiety, and apathy. The effectiveness of the training was further influenced by the severity of concomitant cardiovascular disease, the degree of apathy, adherence to the training, and the early initiation of basic symptomatic therapy. The greatest positive changes in anxiety and depressive disorders were noted in the patients receiving group cognitive and motor training. Conclusion: The results of the investigation allow group cognitive and motor training to be recommended as a mainstay in the therapy of patients with CI concurrent with emotional disorders.
Uterine leiomyoma: An everlasting problem. treatment perspectives
01.01.2018 |
Davydov A.
Belotserkovtseva L.
Shakhlamova M.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
1 |
© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights resvered. The work specifies the indications and conditions for surgical treatment of patients with uterine leiomyoma. The role and clinical significance of ulipristal acetate (UPA, Esmya) in a complex treatment of patients with uterine leiomyoma of varied localisation of nodules according to the FIGO classification have been determined. Special attention is paid to the problem of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) against the background of intake of Esmya. As has been shown, there no reasons to associate UPA with DILI, since (1) UPA does not pertain to the group of drugs associated with a risk for DILI; (2) no cases of DILI have been recorded in patients receiving UPA in a therapeutic dose (5 mg). Treatment with UPA should be administered with control of transaminases. If ALT or AST activity exceeds 2×upper limit of normal (ULN) either isolatedly or in combination with bilirubin >2 × ULN, the intake of Esmya is contraindicated.
Hepatitis C and its outcomes in Russia: Analysis of incidence, prevalence and mortality rates before the start of the programme of infection elimination
01.01.2018 |
Pimenov N.
Komarova S.
Karandashova I.
Tsapkova N.
Volchkova E.
Chulanov V.
Infektsionnye Bolezni |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective. To evaluate the incidence and prevalence of hepatitis C in Russia and estimate the impact of hepatitis C virus on liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver-related mortality before the implementation of the national program for the elimination of viral hepatitis. Materials and methods. We analyzed statistical data on the incidence of hepatitis C in Russia in 2001–2017, the incidence, prevalence and mortality rates from liver cirrhosis and malignant liver tumors in 2011–2015. An analysis of the incidence and prevalence of HCV was carried out in various age-sex groups. The structure of genotypes of the hepatitis C virus was determined in patients at different stages of liver fibrosis and with different levels of viral load. Results. In 2017, 50 798 cases of HCV were registered in Russia (34.6 per 100 thousand of the population). As of January 1, 2017, the total number of patients with chronic hepatitis C under medical observation was 591 830 (405 per 100 thousand population). The incidence rate of fibrosis and cirrhosis in Russia in 2015 was 12.7 per 100000 population (18640 cases), the total number of registered patients – 75.9 per 100 thousand population (110951 people). The incidence rate of malignant liver tumors in 2015 was 5.5 per 100 thousand population (8083 cases), the total number of patients on dispensary observation was 5.0 per 100 thousand population (7360 people). In 2015, the estimated number of deaths from liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in the outcome of chronic hepatitis C was 14 792 and 1635, respectively. Conclusion. Hepatitis C is the main cause of liver cirrhosis (excluding alcoholic etiology), hepatocellular carcinoma and liver-related mortality in Russia. To reduce the prevalence of HCV and mortality from liver cirrhosis and primary liver cancer, it is necessary to provide all patients with HCV with antiviral drugs.
Glutamate nmda receptor modulators: New promising class of antidepressants
01.01.2018 |
Kudryashov N.
Ustinova M.
Kalinina T.
Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya |
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© 2018 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved. NMDA receptor modulators are a new class of antidepressants with rapid onset of action and lasting antidepressant effect. These drugs increase BDNF level in CNS and adult hippocampal neurogenesis, which events are in common for both NMDA receptor modulators and classical antidepressants. However, unlike classical antidepressants, drugs of this new group produce no direct influence on the monoaminergic system, but regulate the neuroplasticity in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus via modulation of the glutamatergic neurotransmission. Clinical tests of ketamine and rapastinel confirmed the rapid onset of action and the continuation of stable antidepressant effect (upon single administration per 7 days) for both usual and treatment-resistant forms of depression.
Surgical treatment of a female patient with tracheomalacia and expiratory tracheal stenosis
01.01.2018 |
Parshin V.
Avdeev S.
Rusakov M.
Titov V.
Parshin A.
Pulmonologiya |
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© 2019 American Psychiatric Association. All rights reserved. Abnormal mobility of the posterior membranous wall of the trachea and large bronchi is seen in many bronchopulmonary chronic inflammatory diseases. Currently, clear explanation of a mechanism of the expiratory tracheal stenosis (ETS) is absent. The advanced ETS is associated with severe ventilation abnormalities including asphyxia and syncope. The latter conditions are considered as indications for surgical treatment. Results of the surgical treatment are controversial and are not fully acceptable. For this reason, the surgical treatment for ETS is not routinely used and any successive case of such treatment is of great interest. Strict indications, such as life-threatening conditions or failure of optimal medical treatment, are required for surgical treatment of patients with tracheomalacia and ETS. Surgical treatment for tracheomalacia and ETS is contraindicated in the case of lobar bronchial lesion impeding stabilization the membranous part of the tracheobronchial tree.
Psychogenic pain
01.01.2018 |
Danilov A.
Isagilyan E.
Mackaschova E.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Psychogenic pain is one of the urgent problems of medicine. To date, pathogenetic mechanisms of development of pain syndrome are unclear, there is no uniform classification. Pain, developing in patients with a mental disorder without an organic damage to the nervous system, and pain, which is a complication of an already existing pain syndrome of neuropathic or nociceptive nature, should be considered separately. Treatment of psychogenic pain syndromes should be integrated with the mandatory use of methods aimed at modifying the patient’s lifestyle and attitude towards the illness.
Problems of the diagnosis and treatment of compression neuropathy of the median nerve: An analysis of typical medical practice
01.01.2018 |
Gilveg A.
Parfenov V.
Evzikov G.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Objective. An analysis of typical medical errors in the diagnosis and treatment of compression neuropathy of the median nerve at the level of the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome - CTS). Material and methods. Previous diagnoses and treatment of 85 patients with CTS (14 men and 71 women), aged from 36 to 84 years (middle age 62±10.6 years), who underwent surgery in our clinics were evaluated. Results. The wrong diagnosis was made in most of patients (60%). The osteochondrosi s of cervical spine (45.8%) and diabetic polyneuropathy (5.8%) were the most common mistaken diagnoses. Proper neurophysiological measurements using the Phalen’s test and Tinel’s sign were not performed in the majority of patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine was often unreasonably made, the electroneuromyography was not used. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), vitamin B group were improperly prescribed to the patients diagnosed with CTS. Local corticosteroids injections were not prescribed to most of patients, immobilization of the wrist was not recommended at the early stage of disease and decompressive surgery at the advanced stage of disease. Clinical observation of the patient with long period of misdiagnosing is presented. Despite the long-standing history of CTS, surgical decompression led to regression of symptoms and complete professional rehabilitation. Conclusion. It is necessary to inform physicians about manifestations, diagnostic criteria and effective methods of treatment of CTS.
Predictors of outcomes in surgery for hilar cholangiocarcinoma
01.01.2018 |
Kovalenko Y.
Zharikov Y.
Kukeev I.
Vishnevsky V.
Chzhao A.
Khirurgiia |
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AIM: To determine significant predictors of long-term outcomes of surgery for portal cholangiocarcinoma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis included 49 out of 84 patients who were operated at the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery in 2003-2016. Morphological examination (2011-2016) revealed great percentage of following positive variables: micro- (42.9%) and lymphovascular invasion (11.8%), positive resection margin (59.2%), perineural invasion (83.3%), depth of invasion - (83.3%), cells in surrounding fatty tissue (92.3%), invasion of entire thickness of bile ducts' walls (57.1%). Hemihepatectomy was carried out in 50 (59.5%) cases, advanced hemihepatectomy - in 16 (19%) patients. Left-sided hemihepatectomy (34.6%) was more common compared with right-sided hemihepatectomy (8.6%) for biliary confluence lesion (Bismuth-Corlette type IV). RESULTS: TNM stage (p=0.29), tumor localization Bismuth-Corlette type (p=0.10), regional lymph nodes metastases (p=0.77) do not significantly affect survival in univariate analysis. At the same time, TNM stage was significant factor if patients dividing into groups was considered (p=0.05). In regression analysis tumor cells differentiation (p=0.00028), positive resection margin (p=0.0034), perineural invasion and depth of invasion (p=0,00086) were significant predictors of survival. Multivariate analysis confirmed prognostic role of lymphovascular invasion alone (p=0.05). There was no correlation between survival and TNM stage (η=0.057), depth of invasion (η= -0.229) and lymphovascular invasion (η= -0.143645). There was significant reverse moderate correlation between survival and perineural invasion (η= - 0.468750), resection margin (η= -0.558) and tumor differentiation grade (η= -0.481). CONCLUSION: Significant predictors of long-term outcomes of surgery for portal cholangiocarcinoma are TNM stage, lymphovascular invasion, tumor cells differentiation, perineural invasion.
Opportunities of early treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in children
01.01.2018 |
Gеppe N.
Krylova N.
Eliseeva T.
Tyurina E.
Yablokova E.
Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii |
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© The authors team, 2018.All Rights Reserved. Purpose: to evaluate effectiveness of Oscillococcinum in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children of different age groups. We observed 140 children from 1 to 14 years with mild to moderate-severe acute respiratory viral infection. 80 children (Group 1) were treated with Oscillococcinum, 60 children (Group 2) were treated symptomatically. Group 1 was divided into Subgroup 1А (40 children of 1-5 years old) and Subgroup 1B (40 children >5-14 years old). Group 2 was divided into Subgroup 2А (30 children of 1-5 years old) and Subgroup 2B (30 children >5-14 years old). The follow-up period was 7-10 days. Clinical efficacy was assessed by the severity of ARVI symptoms in scores from 0 to 2. All adverse events of the therapy were recorded. Also we evaluated disappearance of ARVI symptoms within 48 hours after the beginning of the therapy. Results: Oscillococcinum reduced the duration of ARVI in children of different age groups. During the first two days the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection disappeared in 13 (16.3%) children of Group 1 receiving oscilococcinum and in 4 (6.7%) patients from Group 2 (OR = 2.7, 95 % CI 0.8-8.8, p <0.001). Conclusion: Oscillococcinum is an effective and safe drug to treat ARVI in children of different age groups.
Modern conception of treatment of patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with papillomavirus infection
01.01.2018 |
Belotserkovtseva L.
Davydov A.
Shakhlamova M.
Pankratov V.
Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii |
1 |
© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective. To study the effectiveness of two-step treatment of female patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) associated with papillomavirus infection (PVI). Patients and methods. 126 female patients of reproductive age were examined (mean age – 31.4 ± 2.1 years), in whom CIN was associated with papillomavirus infection (PVI). In all cases, cervical pathologies – low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (L-SIL) have been found. In all patients treatment included a surgical step (laser and plasma energy) and medication, which was employed in 101 (80.1%) patients (treatment group). 25 (19.9%) women comprised the control group, since they did not receive post-operative pathogenetic therapy. In the treatment group, patients received an immunostimulating and antiviral drug inosine pranobex (IP) – Isoprinosine. Results. The effectiveness of treatment was assessed after 60 and 120 days from the termination of complex therapy (treatment group), or surgical intervention (control group). After a 60-day period, complete elimination of virus was noted 97 (96%) patients of the treatment group and in 18 (72%) of the control group. After 120 days, PVI relapse was recorded in 3 women of the treatment group (3%) and in 4 (22%) – of the control group among patients with complete elimination of virus. Conclusion. The use of IP as monotherapy is an optimal solution ensuring minimal risks of relapses of pathological PVI. Preparations of pure IFN and their inductors do not always promote complete elimination of PVI owing to interferon resistance of HPV-infected patients.
Cognitive impairment in patients with migraine: Causes, principles of effective prevention and treatment
01.01.2018 |
Golovacheva V.
Pozhidaev K.
Golovacheva A.
Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika |
1 |
© Ima-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved. Cognitive impairment (CI) is common in patients with migraine; its causes and pathogenesis continue to be discussed. Some authors consider that migraine proper does not lead to decreased cognitive functions, neuroimaging changes in the brain white matter are asymptomatic in migraine; and CI in patients with this condition is caused by comorbidities (depression, anxiety disorder) and/or concurrent cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Other authors report the pathogenetic role of migraine in the development of CI and the importance of the frequency of headache attacks and neuroimaging changes in the brain matter in migraine. The paper reviews clinical trials dealing with the prevalence, causes, and pathogenesis of CI in patients with migraine. It sets forth the current principles of prevention and treatment of CI in patients with this condition.
Evaluation of efficacy and safety of interferon-free “3d” regimen among patients with non-compensated cirrhosis caused by hcv genotype 1b infection
01.01.2018 |
Bogomolov P.
Macievich M.
Bueverov A.
Beznosenko V.
Petrachenkova M.
Koblov S.
Kokina K.
Voronkova N.
Electronic Journal of General Medicine |
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© 2018 by the authors; licensee Modestum Ltd., UK. Objective: The first interferon-free regimen became available in Russia in 2015. It brought hope to HCV Gt1 patients with cirrhosis for whom interferon-based schemes found to be non-effective or contraindicated. 3D therapy was the only available etiotropic option for them. New safety data published after the start of our study significantly limited usage of this regimen among patients with non-compensated cirrhosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate efficacy and safety of the 3D interferon-free regimen among HCV Gt1b patients with non-compensated cirrhosis. Method: 66 patients (26 males and 40 females) with HCV Gt1b and non-compensated cirrhosis were enrolled. All of them were treated with ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir, dasabuvir and ribavirin for 12 weeks. Ribavirin was discontinued after 4 weeks of therapy due to onset of new data on the efficacy of 3D regimen without ribavirin in Turquoise III study published in September 2015 before the change of package insert. Child-Pugh score was assessed before the start of antiviral therapy as follows: 21 patients (31,8%) – 9 points, 11 patients (16,7%) – 8 points, 34 patients (51,5%) – 7 points. The key method used to evaluate study results was modified intent-to-treat (mITT) analysis because number of analyzed patients within treatment period changed after withdrawal caused by safety reasons but followed by assessment of efficacy among patients who discontinued treatment. Per protocol (PP) method was also used in addition to mITT. Results: Aviremia after 14 days of treatment was reached among 35 out of 65 patients (53,8%), rapid virologic response – among 79,7% patients (51/64). Each patient who received full 12-week course of treatment (n=60) including those who discontinued due to safety reasons (n=3) between 14th and 30th days of therapy reached SVR12 and SVR24. Assessment of Child-Pugh score in 6 months after EOT demonstrated decrease by 3-4 points among 21 patients (33,9%) and by 1-2 points among 35 patients. 66,1% patients reached clinical improvement in MELD score. Treatment discontinuation was caused by progression of hepatic encephalopathy and/or jaundice (4 cases). Those adverse events regressed among majority of patients after discontinuation of therapy. 3 deaths were reported (bacterial endocarditis, progression of hepatic encephalopathy and bleeding from gastric ulcers) during treatment period and 1 death in follow-up period due to progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. Conclusion: 3D therapy was effective in 100% patients (mITT) with HCV GT1b and non-compensated cirrhosis both among those who completed full therapy course and those who discontinued the therapy due to safety reasons. Safety analysis demonstrated that the rate of severe adverse events was comparable with natural course of HCV-infection in patients on non-compensated cirrhotic stage without antiviral treatment.
New criteria of radical surgery and long-term outcomes of hilar cholangiocarcinoma management
01.01.2018 |
Kovalenko Y.
Vishnevsky V.
Chzhao A.
Zharikov Y.
Khirurgiia |
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AIM: To develop new criteria of radical surgery for hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HCC). MATERIAL AND METHODS: There were 165 HCC patients who underwent surgery in 1986-2016 at the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery. TNM stage distribution: stage I - 4 (2.4%), II - 45 (27.3%) (29 of them are referred to the 1st period of work), IIIA - 23 (13.9%), IIIB - 41 (24.8%), IVA - 35 (21.2%), IVB - 17 (10.3%). 80 (48%) patients underwent hemihepatectomy, 17 (10%) - advanced hemihepatectomy, 16 (10%) - minor liver resection with common bile duct repair, 52 (32%) - common bile duct repair resection. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was performed. Cox proportional hazard model was applied to access relationship between survival and prognostic factors. Log-rank test was used to compare both survival curves. RESULTS: R0-resection as followed by 5-year survival rate near 32%. Microvascular invasion was observed in 42.9%, lymphovascular invasion - in 88.2%, positive resection margin - in 59.2%, perineural invasion - in 83.3%, cells in surrounding fatty tissue were revealed in 92.3%. Resection may be considered radical (R0) if all variables are absent, 5-7 negative factors are followed by conditionally radical procedure (R+number of positive factors). Long-term outcomes and significance of new criteria were accessed (p=0.004). CONCLUSION: New criteria of radical procedure are presented. The last reflects the concept of dependence of 'pure' surgical edge from not only presence or absence of tumor cells in cut-off plane but also from important morphological features of tumor.