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Sympathetic nervous system activation in pathogenesis of development of essential hypertension and its role in target-organs damage in young and middle aged adults: The cardioprotective capabilities of bisoprolol
01.01.2018 |
Ostroumova O.
Kochetkov A.
Guseva T.
Zykova A.
Kardiologiya |
1 |
© 2018 Limited Liability Company KlinMed Consulting. All Rights Reserved. The article discusses various mechanisms of developmentt and progression of arterial hypertension in young and middle aged adults. It emphasizes the predominant role of hypersympathicotonia in the development of the disease in this category of patients. Various mechanisms are considered, by means of which the increase of activity of the sympathetic nervous system leads to elevation of arterial pressure and potentiates early damage of target organs, first of all, damage of the heart. The data of numerous studies demonstrating pronounced cardioprotective effects of a highly selective representative of the class of β-blockers bisoprolol in young and middle aged hypertensive patients are presented.