Staged approach for hybrid thoracoabdominal aortic replacement
01.01.2018 |
Komarov R.
Vinokurov I.
Karavaykin P.
Abdulmutalibov I.
Belov Y.
Khirurgiia |
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RESULTS: There were no any complications after proximal debranching and aortic stenting. Abdominal debranching was followed by lethal outcome in 3 (13.0%) patients and early postoperative occlusion of the prosthesis brunch in 3 out of 87 cases.CONCLUSION: Staged approach for hybrid surgical treatment is optimal solution, especially in high risk patients. In our opinion no necessity for cardiopulmonary bypass is the main advantage of this technique.AIM: To generalize our experience of step-by-step hybrid thoracoabdominal aortic replacement.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-three patients were enrolled who underwent staged hybrid treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. There were 5 (21.7%) women and 18 (78.3%) men aged 61.4±8.3 years (37-74 years). The first stage was proximal debranching, the second - distal (abdominal) procedure and the third - stenting of the thoracoabdominal aorta.
Simultaneous percutaneous coronary intervention and endovascular closure of atrial septal defect in adults
01.01.2018 |
Ioseliani D.
Rafaeli T.
Rogatova A.
Stepanov A.
Zakharova O.
Pekarskaya M.
Kovalchuk Ilya A.
Kardiologiya |
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© 2018 Limited Liability Company KlinMed Consulting. All Rights Reserved. Aim: to assess clinical efficacy and expediency (appropriateness) of simultaneous single stage combined coronary stenting and closure of atrial septal defect. Materials and methods. Of total number of patients who underwent endovascular correction of atrial septal defect (ASD) (n=91), in 6 (6.6%) the procedure of endovascular repair of secondary ASD was combined with performed at same session coronary stenting. Mean age of these patients was 63±6.4 years. Mean diameter of ASD according to transesophageal echocardiography was 13.7±3.1 мм (from 10 to 17 mm). Two patients had dysplasia of atrial septum with pronounced aneurysmal protrusion in the right atrial cavity. Estimate of coronary arteries (CA) involvement SYNTAX score was 14.5±4.9. Results. At initial stage we performed coronary stenting, then ASD closure with occluder. Technical success of combined endovascular procedures was 100%. Six ASD occluders were implanted in 6 patients. Mean occluder diameter was 21±7,3 mm. Immediately after occluder implantation complete defect closure was achieved in 5 cases, in one case small residual shunt was observed. CA stenting procedure, in one patient after successful recanalization of chronic CA occlusion, in all cases was fulfilled without complications. At control examination after 13.5±1.5 months complete closure of defects was preserved. In all cases significant reduction of right heart chambers occurred. According to echocardiography right atrial volume decreased from 48.6±5.6 to 32.6±3.3 cm 3 , right ventricular volume - from 45.2±5.1 to 33.4±3.8 cm 3 , systolic pulmonary pressure fell from 49.7±8.6 to 32.6±6.9 mm Hg. According to control coronary angiog-raphy good effect of endovascular procedures was preserved. Tolerance to exercise rose from 68.5±11.8 до 85.3±12.4 W. Conclusion. Same time CA stenting and endovascular ASD closure appears to be safe and effective procedure. The strategy used was not associated with additive risk for a patient and shortened duration of hospital stay.
Interventional treatment methods, fluorescent diagnostic and photodynamic therapy of nonresectable cholangiocarcinoma complicated by jaundice
01.01.2018 |
Shiryaev A.
Musaev G.
Levkin V.
Reshetov I.
Loshenov M.
Borodkin A.
Volkov V.
Linkov K.
Makarov V.
Jemerikin G.
Schekoturov I.
Ruban M.
Loshenov V.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology.All Rights Reserved. Purpose. To improve diagnostics and effectiveness of treatment in patients with unresectable cholangiocarcinoma complicated by obstructive jaundice. Materials and methods. A total of 28 patients (100%) with unresectable or functionally inoperable cholangiocarcinomas complicated by obstructive jaundice were diagnosed and treated. All patients underwent percutaneous drainage of the ducts under the ultrasound control and fluoroscopy. After reduction of jaundice video fluorescent diagnostic was performed. There was used a special module for that, by means of which a video fluorescent image of the bile ducts tumor was obtained and the degree of photosensitizer accumulation in the tissues was determined. Following photosensitizers were used: Photosens, Radachlorin (Russia) and Photolon (Belorussia). After the videofluorescence diagnostics photodynamic therapy of tumor stricture was conducted. Photodynamic therapy was performed using a fiber-optic system, if necessary, a controllable balloon catheter on the distal segment was used allowing to conduct therapy throughout the stricture more evenly. For the restoration of biliary evacuation nitinol stents were used. Results. In all patients a videofluorescent image of the bile duct tumor was obtained and a high degree of photosensitizer accumulation was determined. At the same time 23 patients (82%) had a malignant lesion confirmed morphologically. The effectiveness of combined treatment in unresectable cholangiocarcinoma was evaluated by life expectancy, the highest was 29 months (mean 14±5 months), but some of patients were under dynamic control for a period of 6 to 17 months. Conclusions. Usage of interventional treatment methods for patients with cholangiocarcinoma complicated by obstructive jaundice improves liver function and decreases jaundice. The combined use of minimally invasive technologies with fluorescent diagnostics and photodynamic therapy allows to increase the median life expectancy and improve the quality of patient’s life.
Transtumoral decompression in acute left-sided colonic obstruction
01.01.2018 |
Bagdasarov V.
Bagdasarova E.
Pavlov P.
Karchevskiy E.
Khirurgiia |
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MATERIAL AND METHODS: 154 patients with acute left-side colonic obstruction were enrolled. Patients were divided into 4 groups. In groups 1-3 (n=120) patients underwent surgery at the moment of colonic obstruction, in 34 patients obstruction was managed with transtumoral decompression followed by radical surgery. Self-expanding metallic stents (SEMS) were used in these patients. Radical and palliative procedures at the moment of colonic obstruction are associated with high rate of postoperative complications and mortality.RESULTS: Transtumoral decompression in malignant colonic obstruction resolves the main objectives of complicated colonic cancer management: absence of surgical trauma, endotracheal narcosis, reduced risk of abdominal infection, possible multidisciplinary assessment of patient's status and preparation for radical surgery.AIM: To prove an effectiveness of transtumoral decompression in patients with acute malignant left-sided colonic obstruction.
Effectiveness of various approaches for acute malignant colonic obstruction
01.01.2018 |
Bokarev M.
Vodoleev A.
Mamykin A.
Muntyanu E.
Duvansky V.
Demyanov A.
Belov Y.
Khirurgiia |
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AIM: To determine optimal treatment strategy for acute malignant colonic obstruction. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 349 patients with acute malignant colonic obstruction were retrospectively analyzed for the period 2005-2017. All patients were divided into two groups depending on surgical approach. Surgical group comprised 259 patients, endoscopic group - 90 patients. Both groups were comparable by gender, age, level of intestinal obstruction and duration of the disease. However, morbidity and mortality rate were significantly different. RESULTS: In surgical group incidence of complications was 63.3%, mortality - 19.7%. In group of endoscopic stenting the same values were 8.9% and 6.7%, respectively. Significant differences of morbidity and mortality were observed between groups (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Endoscopic stenting should be preferred over surgery to eliminate colonic obstruction in patients with acute malignant ileus.