Interim results of the international multicenter prospective observational study to evaluate the epidemiology, humanistic and economic outcomes of treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) (MOSAIC)
01.01.2018 |
Chulanov V.
Isakov V.
Zhdanov K.
Bakulin I.
Burnevich E.
Latarska-Smuga D.
Infektsionnye Bolezni |
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© 2018, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective. To study clinico-epidemiological characteristics of patients with CHC and to evaluate clinical, economic and other parameters related to their treatment. Patients and methods. The study is conducted in 10 countries in Central and Eastern Europe involving 1.500-2000 patients with chronic HCV infection, aged 18 years and older not current receiving treatment for hepatitis and seeking for care in a routine clinical visit to physician. After enrollment, patients are observed until the end of HCV treatment. The study includes three consecutive phases. At the phase 1 epidemiological data for the patients seeking for care is being collected at the single visit. Patients for whom antiviral IFN-containing treatment is planned to be started within 12 weeks from the first visit were included into the second phase. During phase 2 patients are being assessed on-treatment for HRQoL changes over time, the impact of HCV and treatment on work productivity, activities of daily living and resource utilization. Interim results presented in this paper reflect epidemiologic characteristics of HCV patients collected during the first phase of MOSAIC study on the territory of Russia. Results. Data from 492 patients were collected in 15 study centers in Russia. 441 patients (377 treatment naïve, 64 experienced) entered the study, 51 patients were considered non-participants. 161 patients did not start treatment within 12 weeks after enrollment. Patients were of white race, 57% males and 43% females, aged between 19 and 74 years, with median age 37.0 (IQR 31-47 years). Median time since HCV diagnosis was 2.0 years. 30 (6.8%) patients had clinically compensated liver cirrhosis, 40% of patients had unknown cirrhosis status. The most common viral genotypes were Gt1 and Gt3 – 55.6% and 37.6% of patients, respectively. Among patients with known viral load HCV RNA level at enrollment was ≤ 800.000 IU/ml in 53% of patients and > 800.000 IU/ml in 47% of patients. Twelve (4.3%) treated patients had extra-hepatic symptoms of liver disease, no association was found between liver cirrhosis and presence of extra-hepatic manifestations (p = 0.3534). 14.5% of patients were treatment experienced, 88.9% of them had only one course of antiviral therapy in the past. Relapse was the most common reason of therapy failure observed in 50% (32/64) patients.17.5% of HCV patients have concomitant diseases; the most common are cardiovascular diseases (5,7%), other liver diseases (5%) and diabetes mellitus (2,9%), the latter is associated with the presence of liver cirrhosis (p = 0.0125). Among studied parameters (gender, age, HCV genotype and pre-treatment status) age was an only significant predictor of liver cirrhosis development, odds increase with every 10 years of increment (OR 2.005 [95% CI 1.407; 2.858], ROC 0.732, p = 0.0001). Conclusion. Epidemiology of patients with HCV infection was investigated in the first phase of MOSAIC international observational study on the territory of Russia and described in the present article. Сlinical, humanistic and economic burden of anti-HCV treatment based on MOSAIC data will be presented in future publications.