Role of a receptor-like kinase K1 in pea Rhizobium symbiosis development
01.11.2018 |
Kirienko A.
Porozov Y.
Malkov N.
Akhtemova G.
Le Signor C.
Thompson R.
Saffray C.
Dalmais M.
Bendahmane A.
Tikhonovich I.
Dolgikh E.
Planta |
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© 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Main conclusion: The LysM receptor-like kinase K1 is involved in regulation of pea-rhizobial symbiosis development. The ability of the crop legume Pisum sativum L. to perceive the Nod factor rhizobial signals may depend on several receptors that differ in ligand structure specificity. Identification of pea mutants defective in two types of LysM receptor-like kinases (LysM-RLKs), SYM10 and SYM37, featuring different phenotypic manifestations and impaired at various stages of symbiosis development, corresponds well to this assumption. There is evidence that one of the receptor proteins involved in symbiosis initiation, SYM10, has an inactive kinase domain. This implies the presence of an additional component in the receptor complex, together with SYM10, that remains unknown. Here, we describe a new LysM-RLK, K1, which may serve as an additional component of the receptor complex in pea. To verify the function of K1 in symbiosis, several P. sativum non-nodulating mutants in the k1 gene were identified using the TILLING approach. Phenotyping revealed the blocking of symbiosis development at an appropriately early stage, strongly suggesting the importance of LysM-RLK K1 for symbiosis initiation. Moreover, the analysis of pea mutants with weaker phenotypes provides evidence for the additional role of K1 in infection thread distribution in the cortex and rhizobia penetration. The interaction between K1 and SYM10 was detected using transient leaf expression in Nicotiana benthamiana and in the yeast two-hybrid system. Since the possibility of SYM10/SYM37 complex formation was also shown, we tested whether the SYM37 and K1 receptors are functionally interchangeable using a complementation test. The interaction between K1 and other receptors is discussed.
Structural insight into the role of mutual polymorphism and conservatism in the contact zone of the NFR5–K1 heterodimer with the nod factor
11.04.2018 |
Igolkina A.
Porozov Y.
Chizhevskaya E.
Andronov E.
Frontiers in Plant Science |
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© 2018 Igolkina, Porozov, Chizhevskaya and Andronov. Sandwich-like docking configurations of the heterodimeric complex of NFR5 and K1 Vicia sativa receptor-like kinases together with the putative ligand, Nod factor (NF) of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae, were modeled and two of the most probable configurations were assessed through the analysis of the mutual polymorphisms and conservatism. We carried out this analysis based on the hypothesis that in a contact zone of two docked components (proteins or ligands) the population polymorphism or conservatism is mutual, i.e., the variation in one component has a reflected variation in the other component. The population material of 30 wild-growing V. sativa (leaf pieces) was collected from a large field (uncultivated for the past 25-years) and pooled; form this pool, 100 randomly selected cloned fragments of NFR5 gene and 100 of K1 gene were sequenced by the Sanger method. Congruence between population trees of NFR5 and K1 haplotypes allowed us to select two respective haplotypes, build their 3D structures, and perform protein–protein docking. In a separate simulation, the protein-ligand docking between NFR5 and NF was carried out. We merged the results of the two docking experiments and extracted NFR5–NF–K1 complexes, in which NF was located within the cavity between two receptors. Molecular dynamics simulations indicated two out of six complexes as stable. Regions of mutual polymorphism in the contact zone of one complex overlapped with known NF structural variations produced by R. leguminosarum bv. viciae. A total of 74% of the contact zone of another complex contained mutually polymorphic and conservative areas. Common traits of the obtained two stable structures allowed us to hypothesize the functional role of three-domain structure of plant LysM-RLKs in their heteromers.