Added value of diffusion-weighted MRI for nodal radiotherapy planning in pelvic malignancies
01.10.2019 |
Sushentsev N.
Martin H.
Rimmer Y.
Barrett T.
Clinical and Translational Oncology |
10.1007/s12094-019-02068-0 |
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© 2019, Federación de Sociedades Españolas de Oncología (FESEO). Purpose: To evaluate the added value of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) to T2-weighted imaging (T2WI) for improved identification of pelvic lymph nodes (LN) by radiation oncologists. Methods/patients: This retrospective study included 20 patients with histopathologically proven node-negative prostate cancer. All patients underwent 3T-MRI of the prostate; matched axial T2WI and DWI sequences were assessed by an experienced uro-radiologist as the reference standard. Consultant and specialist registrar radiation oncologists were asked to identify all LN first on T2WI alone (read 1) and then on T2WI and DWI combined (read 2); LN were measured in size and divided into true positives (TP), false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN). Sensitivity, positive predictive value (PPV) and false negative rate (FNR) were then calculated and compared using Pearson’s Chi square test. Results: A total of 177 LN comprised the reference standard. 16 TP, 16 FP and 161 FN LN (sensitivity 9.0%, PPV 50.0%, FNR 91.0%) and 124, 15 and 53 LN (70.1%, 89.2%, 30%) were identified by reader 1 on reads 1 and 2, respectively; χ2 (2, N = 385) = 137.8, p < 0.0001. 27, 21 and 150 LN (15.3%, 56.3%, 84.8%) and 120, 13 and 57 LN (67.8%, 90.2%, 32.2%) were identified by reader 2 on the two reads; χ2 (2, N = 388) = 102.4, p < 0.0001. Conclusions: Adding DWI to T2WI significantly improved identification of pelvic LN by radiation oncologists and can therefore be regarded as a useful LN contouring technique for RT planning in pelvic malignancies.
Scintigraphy and SPECT/CT of sentinel lymph nodes for planning of operative intervention in breast cancer
01.01.2018 |
Ryzhkov A.
Bilik M.
Krylov A.
Afanaseva K.
Goncharov M.
Shiryaev S.
Petrovsky A.
Litvinov R.
Khakurinova N.
Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety |
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© 2018 State Research Center, Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency. All rights reserved. Purpose: To increase the effectiveness and quality of surgery treatment for patients with early stages of breast cancer. Material and methods: Since 2016, 25 patients with breast cancer were examined and went through surgery. A lymphotropic colloidal radiopharmaceutical labeled with 99mTc was used; it was administered (150 MBq) the day before the operation. 20 patients received this injection intradermally into periareolar zone, 4 patients received it peritumourally (under control of ultrasound), 1 - paratumorally. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed 3 hours after injection, the images were acquired using dualhead gamma camera Symbia E (Siemens, Germany). A static multiplanar imaging (scintigraphy) (anterior, posterior, lateral projections) was performed for the sentinel nodes (SN) mapping. 25 planar examinations were performed. In 3 cases additional SPECT/CT study was performed using a hybrid SPECT/CT Symbia T2 (Siemens, Germany). Surgical intervention was done on the next day after scintigraphy. During the surgery the handheld gamma probe NEO 2000 (Johnson & Johnson, USA) was used to localize radioactivity. The lymph nodes with the highest count (hot lymph nodes) were removed and sent for immediate histological examination. The results of immediate histological examination were evaluated again during next studies of gross specimen and slides. Results: During scintigraphy studies planar and SPECT/CT, 26 SN were detected in 20 women (80 %). In 15 patients only one SN lymph node was found, in 4 patients - 2, and in one case 3 SN were found. Intraoperative search of SN and immediate histological examination was conducted in 22 cases, 33 SN were found, while during planar scintigraphy only 26. In three cases, after histological examination (after obtaining examination results), patient surveillance was changed, these patients did not undergo through intraoperative radiometry and a decision was to conduct a onestage mastectomy with regional lymphadenectomy. 10 out of 22 patients which underwent intraoperative radiometry and sentinel node biopsy, with immediate histological examination had metastases in the removed nodes, therefore lymphadenectomy had been performed. In the rest 12 patients after immediate histological examination of SN no evidence of tumor growth was found, thus lymphadenectomy was not performed. In case of three patients which did not undergo through intraoperative radiometry, lymphadenectomy was performed and after histological examination only two patients had tumorinvolved SN, and one patient was clear. All intraoperative results were confirmed with next followup histological examinations. In 5 out of 25 patients (20 %) sentinel nodes were not founded. In these 5 cases during follow up period metastases were found in regional lymph nodes, and one patient had tumor emboli in lymphatic vessels, this considered being the cause of negative scintigraphy result. In 12 cases out of 25 (48 %) it was possible to minimize surgical management, and 13 (52 %) undergo lymphadenectomy. Conclusion: 1) The integration of SPECT/CT method of sentinel nodes search allows to plan an optimal surgical management, and can positively affect the longterm followup result of treatment of patients with breast cancer, and improve the quality of life. 2) The sensitivity and positive prognostic value (PPV) of planar scintigraphy and intraoperative radiometry of searching for SN are 80, 100 and 73.3, 100 %, respectively. 3) Thanks to the method of lymphoscintigraphy, 12 (48 %) of 25 women it was possible to minimize surgical management without lymphadenectomy.
Clinico-radiological and morphological parallels of intrathoracic lymph nodes within tuberculosis in the calcination phase
01.01.2018 |
Giller D.
Frolova O.
Lazareva J.
Shekhter A.
Enilenis I.
Severova L.
Ots O.
Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology |
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© 2018 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved. The purpose of this clinical observation was to demonstrate an interesting and obvi-ous case of discrepancies in the clinical and radiological and morphological pat-terns of intrathoracic lymph nodes tuberculosis. Correct diagnosis is the key to a correct choice of further treatment of this patient, therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind possible variations and difficulties in establishing the stage of intrathoracic lymph nodes tuberculosis.