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Safety of laser and terahertz femtosecond pulses effect on living bioobjects
13.08.2018 |
Sitnikov D.
Ilina I.
Pronkin A.
Zurina I.
Gorkun A.
Khramova Y.
Kosheleva N.
Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2018, ICLO 2018 |
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© 2018 IEEE. Modern laser technologies have a wide range of scientific, commercial, medical and other applications. In medicine, lasers are used both for diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical purposes. Safety of laser radiation in assisted reproductive technologies is discussed in the paper. Efficiency of using femtosecond (fs) laser pulses to perform noncontact embryo biopsy as well as laser-assisted hatching is shown. First results on femtosecond laser marking on the surface of embryo outer shell for individual embryo tagging are also presented. Question of safety of THz radiation for living objects (starting at the cellular level and ending with the organism in whole) is still a matter of controversy and requires further study. Experimental study of high-power THz pulses effect on living 2D cell culture is presented. MSC cells are exposed to multiple (from 80 to 100) THz pulses with intensities up to 1 MV/cm. No short-term damage effects are observed during first hours post cell irradiation.
Laser microsurgery of cell spheroids: An effective tool for regeneration studying and novel test system in aesthetic medicine
13.08.2018 |
Kosheleva N.
Ilina I.
Zurina I.
Gorkun A.
Sitnikov D.
Saburina I.
Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2018, ICLO 2018 |
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© 2018 IEEE. Technique of laser microsurgery of cell spheroids with nanosecond laser pulses was used to develop a new simple reproducible model for studying regeneration in vitro. Wound restoration accompanying the reparative processes occurred gradually over seven days due to rearrangement of surviving non-proliferating cells. Skin anti-ageing drugs can be tested on the developed model of cell spheroid's regeneration.