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Regulatory element in fibrin triggers tension-activated transition from catch to slip bonds
21.08.2018 |
Litvinov R.
Kononova O.
Zhmurov A.
Marx K.
Barsegov V.
Thirumalai D.
Weisel J.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
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© 2018 National Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved. Fibrin formation and mechanical stability are essential in thrombosis and hemostasis. To reveal how mechanical load impacts fibrin, we carried out optical trap-based single-molecule forced unbinding experiments. The strength of noncovalent A:a knob-hole bond stabilizing fibrin polymers first increases with tensile force (catch bonds) and then decreases with force when the force exceeds a critical value (slip bonds). To provide the structural basis of catch–slip-bond behavior, we analyzed crystal structures and performed molecular modeling of A:a knob-hole complex. The movable flap (residues γ295 to γ305) containing the weak calcium-binding site γ2 serves as a tension sensor. Flap dissociation from the B domain in the γ-nodule and translocation to knob ‘A’ triggers hole ‘a’ closure, resulting in the increase of binding affinity and prolonged bond lifetimes. The discovery of biphasic kinetics of knob-hole bond rupture is quantitatively explained by using a theory, formulated in terms of structural transitions in the binding pocket between the low-affinity (slip) and high-affinity (catch) states. We provide a general framework to understand the mechanical response of protein pairs capable of tension-induced remodeling of their association interface. Strengthening of the A:a knob-hole bonds at 30- to 40-pN forces might favor formation of nascent fibrin clots subject to hydrodynamic shear in vivo.
Atomic Structural Models of Fibrin Oligomers
05.06.2018 |
Zhmurov A.
Protopopova A.
Litvinov R.
Zhukov P.
Weisel J.
Barsegov V.
Structure |
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© 2018 Elsevier Ltd The space-filling fibrin network is a major part of clots and thrombi formed in blood. Fibrin polymerization starts when fibrinogen, a plasma protein, is proteolytically converted to fibrin, which self-assembles to form double-stranded protofibrils. When reaching a critical length, these intermediate species aggregate laterally to transform into fibers arranged into branched fibrin network. We combined multiscale modeling in silico with atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging to reconstruct complete atomic models of double-stranded fibrin protofibrils with γ-γ crosslinking, A:a and B:b knob-hole bonds, and αC regions—all important structural determinants not resolved crystallographically. Structures of fibrin oligomers and protofibrils containing up to 19 monomers were successfully validated by quantitative comparison with high-resolution AFM images. We characterized the protofibril twisting, bending, kinking, and reversibility of A:a knob-hole bonds, and calculated hydrodynamic parameters of fibrin oligomers. Atomic structures of protofibrils provide a basis to understand mechanisms of early stages of fibrin polymerization. Zhmurov et al. used 27 relevant crystal structures to computationally reconstruct the full-atomic models of fibrin oligomers and protofibrils, which correlate with high-resolution atomic force microscopy images. The structures contain much valuable information for understanding the early stages of fibrin polymerization.