An algorithm of choosing personalised rehabilitation programmes in children with atopic bronchial asthma
01.01.2018 |
Kuzina E.
Spivak E.
Geppe N.
Mozzhukhina L.
Achkasov E.
Voprosy Prakticheskoi Pediatrii |
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© 2018 Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved. The objective. To offer a characteristic of phenotypes of atopic bronchial asthma (BA) in children according to the level physical health (LPH). Patients and methods. Our observation included 359 children aged 4 - 14 years with atopic BA. We performed a questionnaire survey among parents, studied medical histories and took anthropometric parameters. The parameters of respiratory, muscular and cardiovascular systems, and LPH according to the method by G.L.Apanasenko (1992) were determined. Results. Using multiple factor analysis with the principal component method we selected parameters that characterize the level of physical health in BA: values of external respiratory function - ERF (VC, FEV1), hand muscle strength (HMS), body mass index (BMI), vital index (VI), Robinson index (IRob), muscular endurance (ME). In BA with low LPH no patient has full control over disease. Overweight is recorded in 37.9% of them, lower ERF parameters in 33.3%, lower HMS in 87.9%, deviations on the part of the cardiovascular system in 80.3%. In BA with higher LPH, full control over diseases is observed in almost half of children (48.7%), harmonious physical development - in 87.1% of cases. Parameters of ERF, muscular and cardiovascular system corresponded to the norm in 92.3; 61.5 and 100% of patients, respectively. Children with BA with average LPH take the intermediate position between these two groups. Conclusion. Physical health should be regarded as a factor of retaining control over BA. Phenotype determination according to the level of physical health and degree of disease control permits to personify rehabilitation programmes for children with atopic bronchial asthma.