Does selenium fortification of kale and kohlrabi sprouts change significantly their biochemical and cytotoxic properties?
01.05.2020 |
Zagrodzki P.
Paśko P.
Galanty A.
Tyszka-Czochara M.
Wietecha-Posłuszny R.
Rubió P.
Bartoń H.
Prochownik E.
Muszyńska B.
Sułkowska-Ziaja K.
Bierła K.
Łobiński R.
Szpunar J.
Gorinstein S.
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology |
10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126466 |
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© 2020 Background: The sprouts of Brassica vegetables are known from their nutritional and chemopreventive values. Moreover, sprouts fortification with some trace elements, like selenium, may increase their importance in human diet. Thus, the aim of our study was to examine if selenium enrichment of kale and kohlrabi sprouts may influence their biochemical properties (phenolic acids and L-tryptophan content, antioxidant potential) or cytotoxic activity. Additional aim of the study was to evaluate the profile of selenium compounds and to describe the multidimensional interactions between the mentioned parameters. Methods: Selenium content in the sprouts was evaluated by double-channel atomic fluorescence spectrometer AFS-230 with the flow hydride-generation system. Separation of selenium species in water soluble fraction was performed by size-exclusion LC-ICP-MS. The identification and quantification of phenolic acids and L-tryptophan was performed by HPLC. For antioxidant activity DPPH and FRAP methods were used. Cytotoxic activity of the sprouts extracts on a panel of human metastatic carcinoma cells was evaluated by MTT test. Results: Selenium content in the fortified sprouts was several orders of magnitude higher than in the unfortified ones. Only small percentage of supplemented selenium (ca. 10 %) was incorporated into the sprouts as seleno-L-methionine, while the other detected selenium species remained unidentified. Selenium fortification differently stimulated the production of phenolic acids (sinapic, chlorogenic, isochlorogenic and caffeic acid) in the tested sprouts, depending on the particular species, selenium dose and the investigated compound. PCA analysis revealed strong correlation between antioxidant parameters and phenolic acids and L-tryptophan, while Se correlated only with caffeic acid. The sprouts extracts (≥1 mg/mL) showed cytotoxic potency to all the studied cancer cell lines (SW480, SW620, HepG2, SiHa), regardless the selenium supplementation. Conclusion: Se-fortified kale and kohlrabi sprouts are good candidates for functional food ingredients. Moreover, these results indicate that the sprouts enriched with sodium selenite show higher nutritional value, without significant changes in their cytotoxic activity.
Preparation of liposomes containing benzophenanthridine alkaloid sanguinarine and evaluation of its cytotoxic activity
01.01.2018 |
Feldman N.
Kuryakov V.
Sedyakina N.
Gromovykh T.
Lutsenko S.
International Journal of Nanotechnology |
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© Copyright 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Sanguinarine is a plant alkaloid with relatively low toxicity and high antiangiogenic, antitumour and antiviral potential. In order to increase its bioavailability and effectiveness, sanguinarine liposomes were prepared by a reverse phase evaporation method and characterised. Dynamic light scattering showed mean liposome size of 65 ± 11 nm, zeta-potential equal to -54 ± 1.2 mV, and polydispersity index equal to 0.26. The encapsulation efficiency was 78.6 ± 5.1%. The study on experimental models showed a prolonged sanguinarine release from liposome preparations. Liposomal sanguinarine showed dose-dependent cytotoxic activity in vitro on B16 (murine melanoma) and HeLa (human cervical carcinoma) cell lines. The highest cytotoxicity was observed on B16 cell line (IC50 6.5 μM). HeLa cell line cytotoxicity was relatively lower, equal to 8.03 μM. Compared with free sanguinarine, liposomal sanguinarine may have advantages for in vivo anticancer therapy, due to its lower toxicity and 'passive targeting' as a result of enhanced permeability of tumour vessels.