Lung-on-a-chip: the future of respiratory disease models and pharmacological studies
01.03.2020 |
Shrestha J.
Razavi Bazaz S.
Aboulkheyr Es H.
Yaghobian Azari D.
Thierry B.
Ebrahimi Warkiani M.
Ghadiri M.
Critical reviews in biotechnology |
10.1080/07388551.2019.1710458 |
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Recently, organ-on-a-chip models, which are microfluidic devices that mimic the cellular architecture and physiological environment of an organ, have been developed and extensively investigated. The chips can be tailored to accommodate the disease conditions pertaining to many organs; and in the case of this review, the lung. Lung-on-a-chip models result in a more accurate reflection compared to conventional in vitro models. Pharmaceutical drug testing methods traditionally use animal models in order to evaluate pharmacological and toxicological responses to a new agent. However, these responses do not directly reflect human physiological responses. In this review, current and future applications of the lung-on-a-chip in the respiratory system will be discussed. Furthermore, the limitations of current conventional in vitro models used for respiratory disease modeling and drug development will be addressed. Highlights of additional translational aspects of the lung-on-a-chip will be discussed in order to demonstrate the importance of this subject for medical research.
Interaction of health and religion in the modern world ways of rapprochement
01.10.2019 |
Osadchuk M.
Osadchuk A.
Korzhenkov N.
Trushin M.
European Journal of Science and Theology |
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© 2019, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved. Spirituality is the fourth aspect of health, along with the physical, mental and social ones. At the same time, religiosity is a private manifestation of spirituality. The purpose of the study is to find out the relationship between health care on the one hand, and spirituality, religious life, a subjective feeling of happiness and good health indicators, on the other. A review of literary sources shows that positive values, beliefs, and the power of faith contribute to health and happiness. Religious participation and spiritual practices have a positive effect on the survival of the sick, low disease incidence, prolonged remissions of chronic diseases, lower anxiety and depression level, healthy lifestyle and compliance. At the same time, better results in treating patients are achieved when doctors and patients have common spiritual and/or religious attitudes.
First identification of a fatal fungal infection of the marine sponge Chondrosia reniformis by Aspergillus tubingensis
19.09.2019 |
Greco G.
Di Piazza S.
Gallus L.
Amaroli A.
Pozzolini M.
Ferrando S.
Bertolino M.
Scarfì S.
Zotti M.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms |
10.3354/dao03397 |
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© 2019 Inter-Research. Sponges are considered promising sources of biomolecules for both pharmaceutical and cosmetic interests as well as for the production of biomaterials suitable for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Accordingly, the ability to grow sponges in captivity and in healthy conditions to increase their biomass is a required goal for the development of sponge aquaculture systems. To date, little information is available about the pathogenicity of fungi associated with sponges. In our study, we identified an infection in freshly collected specimens of Chondrosia reniformis (Porifera, Demospongiae) and determined that the fungus Aspergillus tubingensis was the pathogen responsible. This is the first description of a natural infection of C. reniformis by A. tubingensis. Despite raising an inflammatory response by means of an increase in tumour necrosis factor (TNF) mRNA, the infected C. reniformis specimens were not able to control the fungal infection, leading to rotting in 15 d. Characterization of this infection shows that a widely distributed fungus can represent a potential hazard to sponge aquaculture industries and how, especially in stressed or compromised marine environments, this fungus could represent a fatal opportunistic pathogen.
2D/3D buccal epithelial cell self-assembling as a tool for cell phenotype maintenance and fabrication of multilayered epithelial linings in vitro
18.07.2018 |
Zurina I.
Shpichka A.
Saburina I.
Kosheleva N.
Gorkun A.
Grebenik E.
Kuznetsova D.
Zhang D.
Rochev Y.
Butnaru D.
Zharikova T.
Istranova E.
Zhang Y.
Istranov L.
Timashev P.
Biomedical Materials (Bristol) |
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© 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd. Maintaining the epithelial status of cells in vitro and fabrication of a multilayered epithelial lining is one of the key problems in the therapy using cell technologies. When cultured in a monolayer, epithelial cells change their phenotype from epithelial to epithelial-mesenchymal or mesenchymal that makes it difficult to obtain a sufficient number of cells in a 2D culture and to use them in tissue engineering. Here, using buccal epithelial cells from the oral mucosa, we developed a novel approach to recover and maintain the stable cell phenotype and form a multilayered epithelial lining in vitro via the 2D/3D cell self-assembling. Transitioning the cells from the monolayer to non-adhesive 3D culture conditions led to formation of self-assembling spheroids, with restoration of their epithelial characteristics after epithelial-mesenchymal transition. In 7 days, the cells within spheroids restored the apical-basal polarity, and the formation of both tight (ZO1) and adherent (E-cadherin) intercellular junctions was shown. Thus, culturing buccal epithelial cells in a 3D system allowed us to recover and durably maintain the morphological and functional characteristics of epithelial cells. The multilayered epithelial lining formation was achieved after placing spheroids for 7 days onto a hybrid matrix, which consisted of collagen layers and reinforcing poly (lactide-co-glycolide) fibers and was proven promising for replacement of the urothelium. Thus, we offer an effective technique of forming multilayered epithelial linings on carrier-matrices using cell spheroids that was not previously described elsewhere and can find a wide range of applications in tissue engineering, replacement surgery, and regenerative medicine.
Peculiarities of Osteogenesis by Periosteal Cells after Experimental Ectopic Transplantation
01.07.2018 |
Ivanov A.
Danilova T.
Popova O.
Erohin A.
Semenihina E.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. We carried out a comparative study of the features of osteogenesis from the progenitor osteogenic periosteal cells in rabbit and human. At the initial stages, high osteogenic potential of both human and rabbit periosteal cells was observed. However, at the later stages, the cell response favors resorption of the new bone tissue formed from periosteal cells in rabbits, but does not affect the bone tissue formed from human progenitor osteogenic periosteal cells. These functional characteristics of rabbit periosteal cells should be considered when planning the experiment.
Which cytochrome P450 metabolizes phenazepam? Step by step in silico, in vitro, and in vivo studies
27.06.2018 |
Ivashchenko D.
Rudik A.
Poloznikov A.
Nikulin S.
Smirnov V.
Tonevitsky A.
Bryun E.
Sychev D.
Drug Metabolism and Personalized Therapy |
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© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. Phenazepam (bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine) is the original Russian benzodiazepine tranquilizer belonging to 1,4-benzodiazepines. There is still limited knowledge about phenazepam's metabolic liver pathways and other pharmacokinetic features. To determine phenazepam's metabolic pathways, the study was divided into three stages: In silico modeling, in vitro experiment (cell culture study), and in vivo confirmation. In silico modeling was performed on the specialized software PASS and GUSAR to evaluate phenazepam molecule affinity to different cytochromes. The in vitro study was performed using a hepatocytes' cell culture, cultivated in a microbioreactor to produce cytochrome P450 isoenzymes. The culture medium contained specific cytochrome P450 isoforms inhibitors and substrates (for CYP2C9, CYP3A4, CYP2C19, and CYP2B6) to determine the cytochrome that was responsible for phenazepam's metabolism. We also measured CYP3A activity using the 6-betahydroxycortisol/cortisol ratio in patients. According to in silico and in vitro analysis results, the most probable metabolizer of phenazepam is CYP3A4. By the in vivo study results, CYP3A activity decreased sufficiently (from 3.8 [95% CI: 2.94-4.65] to 2.79 [95% CI: 2.02-3.55], p=0.017) between the start and finish of treatment in patients who were prescribed just phenazepam. Experimental in silico and in vivo studies confirmed that the original Russian benzodiazepine phenazepam was the substrate of CYP3A4 isoenzyme.
L-Lysine-α-Oxidase: Acidovorax citrulli Bacterium Inhibitor
01.03.2018 |
Smirnova I.
Karimova E.
Shneider Y.
Volina E.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Studies of the effects of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai F-180 culture fluid concentrate containing L-lysine-α-oxidase antitumor enzyme produced by the fungus and the homogenous enzyme, on ultrahazardous bacterium Acidovorax citrulli demonstrated the antibacterial activity of the concentrate. Trichoderma harzianum Rifai F-180 producing L-lysine-α-oxidase was cultured in a technological device at G. K. Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and. Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences. Activity of L-lysine-α-oxidase in the resulted culture fluid concentrate was 0.54 U/ml, activity of the homogenous enzyme was 50 U/mg.
Arzhaans as part of the cultural and religious landscape of the republic of tuva
01.01.2018 |
Kopeliovich G.
New Research of Tuva |
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© 2018 New Reaearch of Tuva. All rights reserved. Tuvinian healing springs, Arzhaans, are examined in this article as an important part of the cultural and religious landscape of the republic. Their importance and the interest in them, displayed by both the local population, primarily Tuvans, and visitors to the region, have been reinforced in the process of contemporary cultural revival. Our study is based on the theoretical and methodological approach of anthropology, which studies the cultural landscape as a space which includes natural objects endowed by man with a certain cultural meaning, changing due to the anthropogenic impact. Methodologically, we rely on the works on the role and place of water sources in cultures, and specifically of arzhaans in Tuva culture. Other sources include the results of the author's field studies in Tuva in 2017-2018 (most importantly, ofs interview with Tuvans). Arzhaans represent a part of the cultural and religious landscape of Tuva, which has its own center, a special shrine - a healing spring. Around this center rise a number of traditional rituals, connecting man with nature, generations of the present with the past, focusing on healing of the body and soul. The cult of arzhaans also performs an identification function, allowing Tuvans to realize their tribal, ethnocultural identity. Scientific studies made by chemists and hydrologists prove the healing properties of arzhaans. This reinforces the faith of the population and visitors in the usefulness of arzhaan tours, which helps advance a suggestion that arzhaans can act as centers of tourist interest.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Lytic Mycobacteriophage D29 on the Model of M. tuberculosis-Infected Macrophage RAW 264 Cell Line
01.01.2018 |
Lapenkova M.
Smirnova N.
Rutkevich P.
Vladimirsky M.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
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© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Culture of mouse macrophages (RAW 264.7 ATCC strain) in wells of a 6-well plate was infected with M. tuberculosis in proportion of 15 mycobacteria per one macrophage and then treated with a lytic strain of mycobacteriophage D29. Antibacterial efficacy of mycobacteriophages was studied using D29 phage (activity 108 plaque-forming units/ml) previously purified by ion exchange chromatography. After single and double 24-h treatment, the lysed cultures of macrophages were inoculated onto Middlebrook 7H10 agar medium. The number of mycobacterial colonies in control and test wells (at least 3 wells in each group) was 300.178±12.500 and 36.0±5.4, respectively (p<0.01).
Philosophical anthropology in postmodernism
01.01.2018 |
Omarova L.
Kalimullin A.
Grudtsina L.
Korzhuev A.
Zhukova M.
XLinguae |
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© 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved. The approach to studying society in the postmodernist framework is relevant to understand postmodernist paradigm in contemporary philosophy. The rapid development of computerization and mass media in postmodern culture has been destroying the quality of human interaction with the surrounding environment and social reality, causes a feeling of losing touch with reality. This is due to the emergence of many virtual realities. The purpose of the article is to analyze the anthropological ideas in the philosophy of postmodernism. Postmodern anthropology is realized not only in the context of scientific revolution and internal form of culture but also as self-consciousness of modern civilization. Postmodernists prefer to discuss human beings as not whole self-contained individuals, units that may be broken down (divided), and call them ‘dividuals,’ beings or persons significantly distinct from their modern descendants, this being the best characteristic of the modern social state and contrasting to a Cartesian tradition. Methodologically the article is based on a systematic approach combining structural-functional, dialectical and hermeneutical methods. This approach allows us to reveal essential aspects of postmodern philosophy in their dialectical interrelation, to overcome constraints inherent in the heuristic potential of certain methodologies. The survey covers issues related both directly to the field of general theoretical postmodern philosophy and social sciences and makes a review on the researches on the human identity in the postmodern era. The analysis conducted made it possible to distinguish the main characteristics of postmodernism. The main intention of postmodernism considered is the crushing criticism of traditional values: humanism, rationalism, radicalism towards social structure and development, its rejection, denial of individuals' ability to be responsible for their actions, their inability to resist the power of supranational structures.
Features of primary hippocampal cultures formation on scaffolds based on hyaluronic acid glycidyl methacrylate
01.01.2018 |
Mishchenko T.
Mitroshina E.
Kuznetsova A.
Shirokova O.
Khaydukov E.
Savelyev A.
Popov V.
Zvyagin A.
Vedunova M.
Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine |
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© 2018, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. All rights reserved. The aim of the study was to investigate the morphological and metabolic features of primary hippocampal cultures formation on hydrogel films and scaffolds based on hyaluronic acid glycidyl methacrylate. Materials and Methods. Hydrogel films and scaffolds with certain architectonics were developed by micromolding technique on the basis of hyaluronic acid glycidyl methacrylate. Primary hippocampal cells obtained from C57BL/6 mouse embryos (E18) were cultured on the created constructs more than 14 days. Testing cell viability, morphometric assessment, and analysis of spontaneous calcium activity of primary hippocampal cultures were performed on day 14 of cultures development in vitro. Results. This study revealed that the material for the development of scaffolds with given architectonics is non-toxic for the nervous system cells. Dissociated hippocampal cells were actively attached to the scaffold surface and were assembled into cell conglomerates, which exhibited spontaneous calcium activity. Conclusion. Scaffolds designed on the basis of hyaluronic acid glycidyl methacrylate have a high biocompatibility with the nervous system cells. Architectonics and adhesive properties of scaffold contribute to the formation of functionally active cell conglomerates.