Chronic cerebral ischemia in obstructive pulmonary diseases
01.01.2018 |
Pilipovich A.
Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the main causes of disease and death incidences worldwide. Different organs and systems are involved in COPD activating tissue hypoxia. It affects especially tissue functioning with the high level of intensity of metabolic processes, and the nervous system suffers first. Neuroimaging studies show white and grey matter damage and cerebral atrophy, which may clinically manifest themselves in different neurological symptoms depended on vascular system lesions, and cognitive and affective impairments. Despite of its potential importance, encephalopathy in COPD remains a little-studied concomitant pathology. Application of cytoprotective drugs is pathogenetically justified in this case and must be included in COPD complex therapy. In particular, the inclusion of mexicor in the treatment of patients with chronic pulmonary heart increases the efficacy of treatment of the main and associated diseases (chronic cerebral ischemia, cardiac insufficiency and arrhythmia).
Cavinton Comforte in the correction of vascular cognitive disorders
01.01.2018 |
Shavlovskaya O.
Lokshina A.
Grishina D.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psihiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova |
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© 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Objective. To study the effect of сavinton comforte (CC) on the severity of cognitive impairment and motor awkwardness in patients with chronic brain ischemia (HIGM). Material and methods. There were 30 patients (8 men, 22 women) aged 50—65 years (61.6±4.9 years on average) with AHU with cognitive impairment. We used tests of MINI-Cog, Munsterberg, TMT), ADL). QC appointed 10 mg 3 times a day for 3 months. Results. Against the background of therapy, the improvement of constructive praxis and short-term memory, an increase in the speed of visual search and visual-motor function, an increase in the level of selectivity of attention, an improvement in the reproduction of visual images and perception, an increase in the speed of the motor task (drawing strokes). Conclusion. The obtained data can testify about the improvement of indicators of function of a small motility of brushes on the background of improvement of cognitive functions.
Early and long-term cognitive disorders after carotid endarterectomy
01.01.2018 |
Belov Y.
Medvedeva L.
Zagorulko O.
Charchyan E.
Drakina O.
Khirurgiia |
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AIM: To identify correlation of carotid endarterectomy with neurocognitive function and psycho-emotional state changes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: There were 120 patients with internal carotid arteries (ICA) stenoses for the period from September 2013 to December 2016. The main group consisted of 100 patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy for internal carotid artery stenosis, control group - 20 patients who refused surgery in 2014-2016. Cognitive function and psycho-emotional state were assessed preoperatively, after 24 hours, 7 days and 3, 6 months postoperatively using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Frontal assessment battery (FAB), Information-Memory-Concentration Test, Clock Drawing Test and Schulte`s test, Luria Memory Words Test, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and Covi Anxiety Scale. RESULTS: Moderate preoperative cognitive impairment was observed in 39 (39%) patients of the main group. De novo postoperative cognitive dysfunction occurred in 65 patients on the 1st day after surgery (65%). Disturbances were noted after 1 week in 26%, after 3 months - in 15%, after 6 months - in 10% of patients. Improved status was noted in 31 (31%) patients of the main group within 1 day after surgery. Improved results were observed after 7 days in 52 (52%) patients, after 3 months - in 67 (67%), after 6 months - in 78 (78%) patients. Mean values of psycho-emotional testing in the main group were high before surgery and significantly decreased on the 1st day after operation. However, advanced anxiety and aggravation of depression occurred in 14% of patients (n=14) that affected cognitive sphere (p<0.01). Progressive cognitive impairment was noted in the control group. CONCLUSION: Carotid endarterectomy has a positive long-term effect on initially impaired neurocognitive functions (3 and 6 months) (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in cognitive testing data in subgroups of eversion and classical procedures (p>0.05). Early postoperative depressive disorders significantly increase the risk of postoperative cognitive dysfunction.
Statin therapy and cognitive impairment: Benefit or harm?
01.01.2018 |
Ostroumova O.
Chikh E.
Rebrova E.
Ryazanova A.
Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology |
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© 2018 Stolichnaya Izdatelskaya Kompaniya. Статины в настоящее время являются наиболее широко применяемыми препаратами для лечения дислипидемии и наиболее эффективными лекарствами для снижения уровня холестерина липопротеинов низкой плотности и снижения риска сердечно-сосудистых и цереброваску- лярных событий. Считается, как правило, что статины хорошо переносятся, но предполагают потенциальную связь между статинами и ког- нитивными нарушениями у некоторых людей. Эта обзорная работа была проведена с учетом поиска информации о конкретной проблеме потенциального неблагоприятного влияния статинов на когнитивную сферу, целью которой было выявить рекомендации для медицинских работников по мониторингу и снижению риска потенциальных когнитивных нарушений при терапии статинами. Розувастатин, по-видимому, является более безопасным среди статинов с точки зрения влияния на когнитивную функцию. Перед началом терапии статинами нет не- обходимости в выявлении когнитивной дисфункции у пациентов, терапия статинами не сопровождается риском развития когнитивной дисфункции по данным когортных и рандомизированных исследований. При развитии когнитивной дисфункции на фоне терапии статинами необходимо доказать ее наличие и исключить другие возможные факторы ее возникновения, и оценить соотношение пользы/риска отмены терапии статинами. На основании индивидуальных особенностей пациента возможно уменьшить дозу принимаемого статина или прекратить прием препарата для оценки обратимости симптомов. В случае прекращения приема статина следует подумать об альтернативной замене на другой ингибитор ГМК-КоАредуктазы, предпочтительнее - препарат, меньше всего проникающий через гематоэнцефалический барьер, такой как розувастатин.
Cognitive disorders and dementia in old patients with arterial hypertension
01.01.2018 |
Ostroumova O.
Starodubova A.
Ostroumova T.
Chernyaeva M.
Kardiologiya |
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© 2018 Limited Liability Company KlinMed Consulting. All Rights Reserved. The article describes the definition of dementia, its diagnostic criteria, classification. Differences in the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of different types of dementia are considered. The issues of interrelation of arterial hypertension and the risk of development of cognitive disorders and dementia in old and very old people are discussed in detail. Data on the effect of antihypertensive drugs of different groups on the risk of dementia and the state of cognitive functions are presented. The evidence base of dihydropyridine calcium antagonist amlodipine and thiazide-like diuretic indapamide-retard is discussed with respect to the prevention of dementia and cognitive decline and their beneficial effect on cognitive function in patients with arterial hypertension.