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Set-up of the electronic database of pediatric cancer patients in pilot medical facilities: A prospective cohort study
01.01.2018 |
Rykov M.
Turabov I.
Zheludkova O.
Onkopediatria |
7 |
© 2018 Paediatrician Publishers, LLC. All rights reserved. At present, there is no reliable statistical data (morbidity, mortality, one-year mortality, etc.) that characterize the state of medical care for children with cancers in the Russian Federation seen in due to the lack of an universal electronic database of patients. Objective. Improve the reliability of statistical data. Methods. In the clinical practice of two pilot medical facilities, an electronic database of pediatric cancer patients was introduced which allows: keep patient records with a diagnosis, key dates, follow-up data; analyze the treatment received earlier and assess its quality; make a treatment plan; obtain information on the availability of beds and the number of patients in various medical facilities; perform medical consultations involving the of specialists of the third level medical institutions. Patient (or legal representatives of the patient), has access to the «private cabinet » which provides information on the treatment plan including a schedule for taking medicines, as well as routing possibilities. Results. In the period of 6 months (09.17-02.18), information on 75 patients who received treatment from 2017 to the present was put into the electronic database. Conclusion. The electronic database provides reliable statistical data, helps monitoring the quality of medical care and routing patients. This results in reducing the budget costs and improving the survival of patients.