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Electrical conductivity of the nanocomposite layers for use in biomedical systems
01.01.2018 |
Ichkitidze L.
Gerasimenko A.
Podgaetsky V.
Selishchev S.
Dudin A.
Pavlov A.
Materials Physics and Mechanics |
4 |
© 2018, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Nanocomposite layers consisting of an acrylic paint and single-walled carbon nanotubes (∼1.5 wt.%) have been investigated. The investigated samples had a disk shape with a diameter of 20-30 mm and a thickness of 2-50 μm. After exposure in water for 350 h, the layer mass remained almost invariable (a mass loss of ≤ 1.5%) and the layer samples exhibited high adhesion to glass substrates and a conductivity of ∼ 40 S/m. The layers consisting of the nanotubes and acrylic paint exfoliated from the substrates for ∼1 h. After heat treatment at a temperature of 140 °C, all the layers exhibited a semiconductor-type temperature dependence of the resistance. The prospects of using these layers in various medical products, e.g. implants for wireless energy transmission, have been discussed.