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Isolation of Rat Olfactory Ensheathing Cells and Their Use in the Therapy of Posttraumatic Cysts of the Spinal Cord
01.05.2018 |
Stepanova O.
Voronova D.
Chadin A.
Valikhov M.
Abakumov M.
Reshetov I.
Chekhonin V.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
2 |
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. We evaluated the efficacy of rat olfactory ensheathing cells in the therapy of experimental cysts of the spinal cord. Improvement of the motor function of the hind limbs after transplantation of the olfactory ensheathing cells into the posttraumatic spinal cord cysts rats was found. We also determined the required number of cells for transplantation and demonstrated a neuroprotective effect of this dosage. For further clinical studies, autologous tissue-specific cell preparation of olfactory ensheathing cells has to be created. Cell therapy in combination surgical and pharmacological treatment will substantially improve the quality of life of patients with posttraumatic spinal cord cysts.
Preparation of Human Olfactory Ensheathing Cells for the Therapy of Spinal Cord Injuries
01.03.2018 |
Voronova D.
Stepanova O.
Valikhov M.
Chadin A.
Dvornikov S.
Reshetov I.
Chekhonin V.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine |
2 |
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. We developed an optimal protocol for preparing and culturing of olfactory ensheathing cells from human olfactory mucosa. Using this protocol, we obtained a culture enriched with human olfactory ensheathing cells. Immunofluorescence analysis by simultaneous expression of GFAP and p75NTR markers showed that the content of ensheathing cells was maximum in passage 3 and 4 cultures (94 and 89.5%, respectively). The developed protocol can be recommended for obtaining autologous preparations of human ensheathing cells for cell therapy of spinal cord injuries.